Final Words

7th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 3-2

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:30:15 pm

You were really amazing and especially as a last minute sub, you owned. Definitely one of the stars of the season from what I saw.

What all did you learn about yourself, the game, what you would do differently, if you would return if asked, regrets, personal achievements, enemies, friends, highs, lows, EVERYTHING!

Thanks for playing! Now good luck with the jury! <3
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:50:59 pm

i had a proto jury speech I made when I was looking for the idol which I will copy and paste here

Hey guys,

I’d like to start my speech by going through a recap of my game and hopefully justify everything I’ve done in this game. For those who don’t know, the original Nate was replaced by me about 5 days after the start of the game – hours before the planned Svinoy Tribal Council with nine pre-votes already lined up to eliminate me. From that point, my game off the ground wasn’t about trying to win the game, it was about trying to Survive. From that point, every alliance that I joined I would be on the bottom of. Every deal I made I would have to accept the short stick of it. It was a shitty situation to start with.
Granted, immediately after I managed to get lucky to be shuffled into Mykines twice, where I only ended up going to one tribal council, where Papa Smurf was voted out, pretty much due to tribal lines and him being “less useful” in challenges than Stacy and Jessica. It was also on Mykines where I developed alliances with Jessica and Cecilia, where I figured that I could use their deals and their alliances from the earlier game to sort of weasel or rat myself into the majority. That sort of saved me at the second swap because Cecilia and Candice had a deal from very early on which led to the four man alliance of Cecilia, Candice, Penner and myself and the four man alliance of Jessica, Stacey, Cecilia and Myself.
Going into the merge, these alliances (and Cass – who I don’t know for sure but almost certainly had deals with both of those sides as well), later formed the majority alliance where we took out threats one-by-one. I feel like at the first Stephannie tribal council she said something that produced the zeitgeist of the season “If you cut down all the tall trees, you’ll be the obvious target when you are the only one left”. That became kind of my strategy of the season, let Cecilia get rid of all the tall trees so when only the small trees remain I could emerge as the tallest bonsai tree in the Japanese restaurant. This was where Flicka and Stephannie was eliminated.

After that, Cecilia was voted off. I was told about one hour before tribal council and kind of pushed me into a shitty position. It was at this point I realized that I was the bottom of every alliance I was in – I was the third if not fourth person of the Mykines group, I was the third if not fourth person out of Candice/Penner group. It’s at this point I go to Rocky and tell him that we should get out Cassandra. Granted, I think Jessica and Candice probably teamed up around here and came up with the idea of voting out Cass which is why she was voted out, but I proposed the vote split with the idea of flipping on Cassandra and making a big move – but I didn’t have a chance to make that happen. It was also in the Cass tribal council where I noticed that the hosts never say anything without a meaning and imply things with the subtlety of a 747 and I started to read more into those tribal council question.

Upon Cassandra’s boot, I realized I kind of stumbled ass backwards into an amazing position, caught in the middle of Rocky, Jessica and Candice. It was at this point where I planned to sort of pit them against each other so I could complete the “tallest bonsai” plan – but then I noticed in Tribal Council, Jeff asked me if I thought the threats would team up. This is where I got really suspicious so I tried to talk Jessica and Candice into voting out the other, when Jessica repeated to me verbatim the plan to vote off Candice, I realized that they were aligned, and my “tallest bonsai” was never going to work. It was at this point where I straight up flipped on the alliance – I noticed that Penner really wanted to differentiate his own game from Candice’s – so I told him about the plan. Penner talked to Rebecca who I didn’t have a close relationship to at the time, I spoke to Rocky who I wanted to work with the entire time and then the GOATs was formed. My biggest regret about the Jessica boot is the way I handled the tribal council, which may or may not have costed a couple jury votes but that may be part of the reason why I’m here tonight.


So guys, in the end, I do hope that I get your jury votes, I’m not going to beg on my knees and tell you what you want to hear. I don’t feel sorry about the people who I’ve “betrayed” throughout this game, the fact that I did that is part of the reason why I’m here and you’re there.
I do have a couple regrets about how I handled some things socially, specifically the non-comment at the second tribal council and fighting with Stacey at the Jessica boot, in addition to not really getting to know the first couple of boots outside of a “hey, you like xy, I like xy” style basis, but there were probably other moments that I just can’t remember.
I think I could have made a bigger presence on the season, but I guess I’m here so I at least made some sort of presence. I made it to every tribal council and every immunity challenge with the exception of the one that took place before I was even cast on the season. I tried to be funny and silly at the beginning because if you had to choose between two people it’s a lot harder to go with the guy who made you laugh that one time versus the person who didn’t make you laugh at all.

I think I played a pretty strong low key game, I’m not saying that prior to the Jessica boot I was a big threat, but I feel like I played to the best of my ability in the way I know how - and regardless of whether or not I win, I’m proud of the game I played and I hope you guys can look back and we could be internet friends or whatever.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:01:25 pm

I would definitely return when asked (if its not like during exam period or anything - and if I could ensure I'm not Rebecca with the time zones)

Hell, somebody get Ralph from the AusStranded forum to restart EuroStranded so I could win on my third time. Just from a storyline perspective, from a strategic goat to a more likable social threat, I just need to go on EuroStranded and Mike Holloway that shit up.

Also I got 6th on the 25th season right? So I'm Abi? No wait I'm Carter. Fuck.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:54:48 pm

Anyway, I'll try to do the thing where I'm actually thoughtful and crap in a proper final words where I can reference AusSumatra and shit and how i've evolved as a person at the end.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:47:22 am

So, the ultimate last words by Nate Gonzalez of Stranded in the Faroe Islands fame otherwise known as Chris Daugherty of Australians Stranded Sumatra fame, divided into much more sections and subsections than I typically do so:

How I Lost
Let’s start with the completely strategic perspective on how I lost. I feel like what happened is Candice influenced Penner into flipping, it made the vote 3-3, Rebecca didn’t vote and I got eliminated. From a narrative perspective, this isn’t really that exciting – it wasn’t a massive flaw in my game that I couldn’t cover or a massive personal flaw that led to me losing it was Rebecca forgetting to vote. Like I can look back at my AusStranded loss, dramatically simplify it and blame that on me being shy, while for me I don’t know how to look at it. It’s a combination of a few things like my need to try to bring the biggest goats to the jury – which carrying Rebecca hurt me, general hubris in the way I talked to Stacy and Candice, my tendency to give up with the idol, there are a lot of things that could be pointed to. There isn’t like a single hamartia that makes for easy story telling. Maybe I stay up later and get Rebecca to vote Stacey earlier.

What I Should Have Done Instead
The more I look back at the game, I feel like I should have went harder on Candice instead of Jessica in the past tribal council. I probably could have picked up Stacy instead of Penner, she might have been willing. I still have my goats and the shield of Jessica who I could have gotten out at 6 with Penner, Rocky and Rebecca. Scratch that, Stacy wouldn’t have been willing. The Jessica move was probably the best at the time.
It’s probably something I can’t think about talking Rebecca into voting Stacy earlier as opposed to trying to swap it to Candice. If I didn’t do that she could have voted Stacy tying it, which eliminates me after a revote but that’s less depressing. I told Rocky that I was concerned about Penner/Candice so maybe that’s a possible storyline go with your gut?

I also could have found that damn idol and played it. I also could have taken Stacy’s offer in blindsiding Penner which would have been interesting and would have kept me in the game longer.

I was considering at the last tribal council to fake show the idol so people could make a move, which probably could have scared Penner and/or Candice. It might have led Stacy to revealing the plan in the Tribal Council. People would have believed that I had it.
At the very least this time I’d had a chance of winning, which I guess is an improvement. In Aus Stranded I was fifth on the popularity poll, so I’m hoping to beat that.

Here’s hoping that I get into either all-stars or Ralph continues EuroStranded so I could apply and dominate.

Who I May Vote For
If Candice makes the end I vote for her regardless.
If Stacey makes the end, I’ll vote for her if she turned on Candice and Penner
If Rocky makes the end, I’ll vote for him in the condition that he’s there because he won out in immunity challenges or through crazy strategy machinations
If Penner is there, and is without Candice, I’d vote for him if neither Stacey nor Rocky meet their condition
If Rebecca is there, I won’t vote for her.

The Overarching Storyline.
The lack of a clear reason I lost makes it harder to think from a storyline perspective. Saying that I went from going to the end for not being social to eliminated due to being a threat due to being too likable could be used, but Penner and Candice would have probably beat me in a FTC.
Maybe the continuation of the storyline from Sumatra was that initially I was reserved and kept my cards too close to my table, while this time it’s probably about going with my gut. I completely thought like seven or eight moves ahead with what I thought was the best move in Sumatra while here I thought less ahead, but my inability to go with my gut led to my ouster?
Uhh fuck it I tried.

The Immunity Idol and DPs

Please tell me what that password was. Or at the very least give me access to the forum so I can keep on trying. And remind me of the second clue.
I’m also trying to combine both my Sumatra picture and my Faroes picture for a new DP, but I lost access to the Sumatra board. I even dug up the old password and that’s not working. I think Christenate? Some pun with that exists somewhere.

N8 R8s
I watched the full season of Bachelor in Paradise. Jade and Tanner was absolutely boring to tears in the final few episodes, though Tanner is not nearly attractive enough to be dating Jade though. A big problem with this show is that it really favors the people who show up at the end. Maybe if they Are You The One’d it where they remove the couples once they get together, that might be better.
I also have no idea about how Faroe Islands is being received. I feel like there are a lot bigger characters in this season, but as a viewer I think watching this season would be a lot more frustrating than watching my Australian season, so I R8, 6/8.

The Genius Walk-Away Music
When somebody is eliminated on the Genius (especially in the later games) they play sad music as that person or their narrator talks about the fatal flaw that cost them the game.


[/url]“Hong Nateyeung played a game that assumed he was the only one playing it, looking at other players as numbers as opposed to players in their own right, what N8 has to learn is that everybody is a threat in Stranded…The Faroe Islands”

Serious Final Final Words
But overall, thanks for letting me replace the old Nate and I really enjoyed playing in the game and having a chance to sort of redeem myself after a shit showing in Sumatra. It was a good time filler during the time between high school and university. As I begin the new chapter in life in the UK, where’d I have to socialize with groups of people who I don’t know, most of them already know each other and I have to try to make as many friends that I can and be social which has always been a problem as a shy kid.

I was N8 the Gr8 who came l8 on a different d8 but was here to domin8, m8
I r8 8 out of 8 m8, don’t N8 H8 M8
The g8s are b8s m8s, a8?

He also chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo chopped it up like poo. 100.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:38:05 am

Spoiler, no one in university has friends, they all move away. Especially after freshmen year. Everyone makes new friends and you most likely will not stay in touch with your high school friends but will have lifelong college friends. /themoreyouknow
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:45:14 am

Jeff Probst wrote:Spoiler, no one in university has friends, they all move away. Especially after freshmen year. Everyone makes new friends and you most likely will not stay in touch with your high school friends but will have lifelong college friends. /themoreyouknow

Ah it's london though. Even after people moved away, they kind of had the summer to get to know/meet each other.
SOURCE: I've mercilessly facebook stalked every girl on my hall and course groups, and quite a few on the main UCL Fresher Party groups
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:26:58 pm

also idk if Rebecca is doing confessionals or not, she's either doing 3000+ word ones or 50 word ones, she comes across like I probably did in Sumatra where I'm never there but I spend the majority of my time in the confessionals (which is still probably true here), but just in case she never said she was voting me off.

"She totes planned on not voting me off, she's just trying to save face"
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:31:20 pm

Also @ alol at Rebecca acting like she was a strategic mastermind. Granted, I do act like that despite being fairly mediocre-low average, but still better than non existent.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Nate » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:50:33 pm

oh also fun fact. when i was looking for the idol, i made a program that did the AusStranded F4 challenge from 1-1000. I didn't bring it up here because I thought it might have lead to you guys changing the challenge because that's what EuroTerry did to get to 1000+, while me who came second place got 21.

Boy, was I a cocky shit.
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