Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:25:51 pm

Thank you Candice, and thank you to all of our jury members.

It's been a long season, an exhausting season, but ultimately an incredibly rewarding season and I want to thank each and every one of you for adding something to it.

I spend a lot of time doing this but ultimately it's your time and effort that makes or breaks a season and I wanted to thank you all for devoting your time and energy into this, I hope that I delivered a good experience for you all.

I'd also like to take this time to thank my co hosts who devoted hours to helping me make this season a success.

With that said, Final Tribal Council will remain open until votes are due.


Final 3, if you have any unanswered questions you need to answer, you can answer those, however, we are only leaving council open for those that have not had the opportunity to answer, so please do not flood the thread with points you forgot to make.

I'll see you all tomorrow for our big Finale! I'll post the schedule for that in treemail.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Penner » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:29:26 pm

Just a quick note to say cheers to you Jeff and everyone else that helps out in organising this. It must be a huge effort to keep everything running so smoothly.

Also cheers to the jury for not roasting us all too horribly. I had lots of fun doing this with everyone. Can't wait to find out what kinda crazy stuff was going on behind the scenes.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:00:48 pm

My sincerest apologies guys. My phone died and I'm stuck downtown waiting for train, charging it in the bathroom at the station. I will answer all your questions tonight as soon as I get home. I am so sorry that I couldn't be home for this.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rocky » Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:11:17 pm

3. Rank the following Kanye West songs by emotional resonance and how much they relate to your life with explanations. There is a correct answer. “Through the Wire”, “Hey Mama”, “Black Skinhead”, “Champion”, “Slow Jamz”, “Stronger”, “We Don’t Care”, “Mercy”, “Runaway”, “N****s in Paris” and “Stronger”.

We Dont Care
I relate alot to "We Dont Care". Yeezy describes his life by not caring what people are telling him, and he does what he wants based on his own opinion rather than anyone elses. "We never had nothin' handed, took nothin' for granted - Took nothin' from no man, man, I'm my own man" is ME bud! I worked hard on nights when I wasn't immune, on nights when I was, and I always hustled to find the vote being achieved and moved beyond it. That was me EVERY tribal, and tribal seemed to happen everynight, SO THAT HAPPENED EVERY NIGHT! Only issue is I do care a lot about what people say haha, but I'll nod along still and try to live life more independent of others opinions.

Through The Wire
I feel that Through The Wire relates to my game a solid amount. In this song, Kanye is mearily talking about being a lowly boy from Chicago becoming a big deal. In the song, he literally said "I turn tragedy into triumph", and I'm thinking that this can relate to me. As he was a little boy from south chicago, I was a little boy from Svinoy 2.0. Not a lot of people where I'm from make it big, similar to the what Kanye is trying to portray in this song.

REAL GOOD SONG. 10 minutes tho. It's about toasting to the dicks of the world, and praising people who stand up for themselves, and then get away with it. I feel like this is me pretty well, kanye blames everything he does wrong on the public highlighting the issues rather than actually doing something wrong, something I can see within myself sometimes. I find a lot of myself in the song, but just a bit dramafied haha.

Black Skinhead
"You niggas ain't breathin', you gaspin'", DAMN STRAIGHT! this songs about how great Yeezy is, and while I'm not nearily as great as Yeezus, I like to think I'm up there 8D in terms of the game, I AINT FINISHED, I'M DEVOTED! AND YOU KNOW IT!!! Main difference is that I'm not fucking 300 ladies :( although this merge, I almost got to double digits ;)

Champion - This song by Kanye is rough, entirely cause his song is slightly conflicting. Half of the song is Kanye talking about how wild the crowd screams and how everyone thinks he's a champion, but the other half is about how he's trying to get rich and about his life before his success. Overall, I dunno, I dont relate to it very much aside from the line "They used to feel invisible - Now they know they invincible", I guess I'm gonna have to rank this one mid table, since I can relate to the half about struggling to succeed.

2. Hey Mama
I dunno! Hey Mama is a song about how Yeezy relates to his mother and all she did for him as Kanye accomplished goals that his mother didn't exactly what him to pursue. All in all, yeah I love my mother, so it relates pretty well to me in real life, but I know it relates to a lot of other people as wel... SO DOES IT REALLY RELATE TO ME? That inner conflict and asking the real questions.

IDK, The idea revolving around Yeezy's song kinda doesn't always hold true. If cancer doesn't kill you, you absolutely aren't stronger for it. In my own personal life and game, I can't site a time when this would relate. Sometimes, occasions in this game only hurt you. Losing Stephannie and Flicka, absolutely didn't make me stronger, it made me suck some DICK. I understand the point, and in some ways I can relate to it, but not many. In terms of real life, I'm some white kid from the valley, I have it easy and haven't struggled much lol. PS you put Stronger twice, HOMBRE!

Slow Jamz
haha, I dont have a lot to relate to this song. Lots of issues a lowly college student like me doesn't ever experience, like the woman of my dreamz wanting it to be faster. Yeezy has me beat on this one, zero relation really.

Ni**as In Paris
Yeah haha, I balled hard in some ways, but I think this song doesn't entirely relate to me because when Yeezy balled hard, people wanted to find him. Not many people wanted to find me ;), that's the main difference. Aside from that, this game was pretty fucking cray.

Yeezy missed me here, I dont really understand the message. He's so rich, yet he's moving out of his apartment? He's got a lot in life, and I can't relate to that. If he's lost a lot in life, that's not me, cause I've gained a lot haha. Mercy is referencing a car apparently, one that I definitely dont have.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:16:55 am

Flicka wrote:Stacy, we didn't even meet until the merge, so I only had so much time to talk to you and get to know you before being voted out. I understand that time was very limited and there was only so much you could do with 11 people in the game, but moments before the tribal council I was voted out at, I made a deal with you that if there was any way that you could save me from being voted out that night, you would 100% have my jury vote in the final 3 even if I was voted out the next night. I ended up being voted out not more than one hour later unanimously.

Stacy, who would you vote for in a final 2 between Penner & Rocky and why?

Hey Flicka, as I said in my opening statement, you were one of the people I wish I had had more time to get to know once we started talking. As you said, I told you that I would do everything I could to try and save you and I did try that day before tribal council. I raised several alternatives with Jessica and Cass, saying that I didn't think you were a sure bet for being on CiCi's side in the coming weeks and that you could help us down the road, but they seemed convinced that you had voted for me instead of Steph in the previous tribal council and, therefore, that you couldn't be trusted. All that is to say that I agreed with the strategy of trying to get rid of someone that CiCi might align with in lieu of getting rid of CiCi that week, but I wasn't fully convinced you were that person. However, as you said, it was a decision that got me to this point, so I can't regret it too much. I also learned in the process that Cass was difficult to convince and seemed to have plans of her own and I think that was what tipped me off to the fact that she may, eventually, turn on Jessica and I.

Now to your question. In a Final 2 of Rocky and Penner, I would vote for Penner, with all due respect to Rocky. Earlier, Penner called my grasp of what was going on in this game "ludicrously poor", but I respectfully disagree. I respect the game that Penner played. He did what Natalie in BvW2 did and sat back and let others make big moves until it was time to make one himself. But the key difference between him and Natalie is that once Natalie took the reigns, she didn't let go. Every decision after she blindsided Jon was her own doing to get herself to the Final 3 with the 2 people she wanted to get there with and win. I don't think Rocky and I are Penner's ideal Final 3. In fact, I know we aren't because he told me he'd rather be here with Rebecca than Rocky. But, that being said, I recognize that Penner is smart, he's social and he played a good game once he started playing. He overcame bigger personalities than himself to get here.

In contrast, Rocky is a great guy to talk to and won some immunities along the way but I have a hard time pinpointing his strategy. I'm intrigued to read some of his answers tonight and see what he says, but I often felt like he was strung along by bigger personalities without ever making a big move himself. His desperation to realign with me after Nate was voted out was one example of him putting his trust in the wrong person rather than making moves himself. Still, he made it to the Final 3 and I absolutely respect him for that. If I was a juror though, I would ask for a clarification of his strategy before making my decision.

I hope that answers your question, honey. Good luck with the decision and I appreciate you coming in with an open mind and thoughtful questions.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:43:11 am

Nate wrote:Stacy
Hey Stacy, If you are reading this just keep in mind that I am considering voting for you and any argument between us is water under the bridge. The problem I have is I have absolutely no idea how active you were or were planning on being in the game. I don’t know if you were willing to lose with me to Jessica or at the Final whatever to step up as a major threat and start blindsiding people here and there and me voting off Jessica stomped on that plan. Now, that leads to my question which is:

1. Who was the main cause behind my eviction? Rebecca says you and Candice says Penner. Break the tie.

2. As the only “female” (well it is Stranded, the only actual girls are Anthony and CiCi) in the final three, who’s hotter, me, Ryan Gosling or Aladdin?

3. The Spanish Civil War of 1935-1939 was caused by two factors – long term social divide and short term economic problems. In 300 words or less, to what extent do you believe in this statement?

It's water under the bridge for me too man. As I said before to you, it happened in the heat of the game and neither of us meant what was said. I still consider you a friend, whether you vote for me tonight or note.

So, to respond to your concerns, first of all: When Jessica first proposed to alliance between us 3, I definitely saw it as a possibility. In my mind, I could trust you two the most in this game. Then that trust started to erode. When we talked about votes, I got the feeling that you didn't really want to vote the way the group was planning to vote and I heard that from others. I tried to keep the lines of communication open but telling you that I was willing to discuss other options privately between just you and I, but I still got the sense that you might eventually jump ship. And in retrospect, I was right about that part. We saw Jessica's elimination coming from a mile away and, even after that, I tried to reconnect with you and told you that there were jurors who would see Penner as the mastermind behind the Jessica elimination. I was hoping you and I could still make something of it, but when I got the vibe that Penner was more willing to vote for you and others seemed to be on board with that, I focused my efforts on him in hopes of keeping myself and Candice in the game.

So to answer Question 1: I believe I had a hand in your elimination. Truthfully, I couldn't have done it without Penner and Candice, but I worked hard to find cracks and holes in the alliance that, I believed, was coming for Candice and I. I encouraged Penner's fear that he might share the credit for Jessica's elimination with you and insisted that you were the better option over Candice that week, despite the fact that Candice was a big threat herself. I also knew I would be the backup to Candice once she won immunity, so I knew I had to push extra hard to keep myself in the game for another week and maybe get a little revenge for Jessica's elimination in the procession. I tipped Candice off to the fact that Penner might be willing to sway and then she started helping to convince him to vote for you. So maybe, in the end, it was Penner's decision but I like to believe I planted the seed and tended the garden that made that idea grow into a full blown blindside.

To answer Question 2: Ryan Gosling is not my type. I don't know why, he's too much of a caricature to me. Funny guy, I love him in interviews, but not my type. So it's down to you and Aladdin, man. Aladdin has a magic carpet and is a bit of a bad boy. You have those dreads. Aladdin has a pet monkey. You're a professional poop chopper. Sorry man, I gotta go with Aladdin on this one. He can show me the world anytime he wants. icon_wink

To answer Question 3: Oh man. This is a crazy question. But I'd say I agree. In terms of short-term economic problems, the Great Depression was going on at the time and hit Spain especially hard because it was a working class nation that relied heavily on the agricultural industry. However, it was the long-term social problems that led the working class to then withdraw support for the republican party which led them to revoke privileges and led the left wing parties to band together and strike back. So, in short. Yes, I agree with that statement.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:06:58 am

Cecilia wrote:Congratulations guys, you're the final three.

I love the fact that none of your games were perfect. They don't have to be perfect for you to win, you earned it somehow. So, guys, I'm not bitter at all, my vote is kind of up for grabs. I want to compare your perceptions and I want you to be completely honest here.

We had a 7 Sins challenge this season, and one of the sins was PRIDE.
Well... I want you to leave your pride behind tonight if you wanna earn my vote.

Now, I want you to point out the reasons you think you should LOSE this FTC.

What are you disappointed about, why should you have lost, Is there something that should've costed your F3 spot? Think about whatever thing. I wanna hear it.

(I hope you're honest here guys, don't worry, you're not hurting yourself, the more honest the more you could get my vote).

Hey CiCi, like I said to Flicka, I appreciate the open mind and I agree, it's interesting how neither of us played a "perfect" survivor game, but here we are.

As for you question, the reasons I might lose this game are numerous and in worrying about who to take to the Final 3, I've thought long and hard about them.

First of all, as Steph mentioned in her questions, I wasn't as active as I wish I could have been prior to the merge. I talked strategy with Jess, Cass, Anthony and you and I also played in several of the challenges before I travelled for a week and missed a few challenges in the process. Still, I was around responding to messages and playing, but if people hold that against me I could lose.

I could also lose because I didn't get the chance to strategize with every single person in this game and I claim that my strategy is to talk to everyone, but as I said to Steph, sometimes it's impossible to talk to certain people. Sometimes you know that two groups are so far apart that you just have to let things play out and hope they play out in your favour. And the reality is that someone has to go home, so it's not likely that you're going to try to make big plans with someone who's likely going home that night. Often I avoided talking to people if I felt like I would have to lie to them. I don't like blatantly lying to someone's face in this game, so maybe my refusal to respond to messages if it meant lying or strategizing with someone who I knew I couldn't feasibly work with might lose me this game.

I could also lose if people think I didn't play that great of a strategical game because all of my closest allies went home and most of them was because of me. You, Cass, Candice and Jessica were the people I talked with most about strategy and yet I had a hand in voting out 3 of the 4 of you. If my goal was to get to the Final 3 with any of you, I failed on that front. But, as I said, I knew you guys were threats for you own reasons. Some people are more inclined to vote with you if it seems like you had control every step of the way in this game and I didn't always have control, but when it came time to vote, I always knew what was going to happen. I was never blindsided by the vote. Sure, there were times when I scrambled to try and make things happen in the 11th hour, but I played a bit of a Sandra Diaz-Twine "anyone but me" type of game. I did what I could to avoid being the target that week and targeted other, bigger threats in the process. Given that Sandra is also one of the most polarizing winners the show has had, I recognize that that kind of gameplay isn't always respected. I played in a different gear than some of the bigger voices in this game, but I think that's why I standing here so, as I said, that could be another reason I might lose this game.

I hope that answers your question. I think, in the process, I talked about what disappointed me in this game and what could have led to me going home sooner. People could have voted me off early for not being as active as I wanted to be. People almost did do that after we merged, but I managed to convince them otherwise. People could have voted me out because I was not open for strategizing with them, but clearly I strategized with the right people to get me to this point. And people could have voted me out by association with some of the biggest threats in this game, but I made sure to position myself in such a way that I was never the biggest threat, while also still having so big players on my side to help me execute big decisions. So this game does entail a bit of luck and hoping you've convinced people that you aren't the one that night.

Hopefully that answer satisfies your quota of honesty, my dear. I tried to give you basically what I've said in my confessionals over the past few weeks re: worrying about how this game will play out. It was a joy to play with you and, as I said earlier, I consider you a friend whether you vote for me or not tonight. Hopefully we can catch up after this is all over. Good luck with your decision!
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:21:15 am

Cassandra wrote:and stacy if you say a dreamworks character by mistake so help me god

I promise you, I will choose a real honest to goodness Disney character.

Cassandra wrote:Stacy - If you were to compare yourself to a Disney character, who would it be and why?

I appreciate the laziness and also an easier question. icon_laughing Although it really isn't that easy for me because I'm a Disney junkie. I think the character I relate to most is Simba. The Lion King was always one of my favourite movies as a kid which is kind of funny because I grew up to love Shakespeare and especially Hamlet without ever realizing that The Lion King is basically Hamlet with cats. icon_laughing But as for Simba, the reason I relate to him is because he's so eager to grow up and be King, but he's also a bit foolhardy. He makes silly decisions that get him in trouble. I'm a bit like that too, I look forward to things forever and sometimes ignore the stuff that's right in front of me and then I look back on it like it was the best time in the world. I'm also terrible at handling criticism despite the fact that often others know best and I could probably learn from them. But I also think that, in the end, Simba has a good heart and cares for those around them. The most important things to me are my family and friends and I always put them first. As I said in this game a number of times, real life takes precedence for me and I think the same is true for Simba. So hopefully that answers your question. Rawr icon_yucky Good luck with your decision!
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:29:36 am

Jeff Probst wrote:Up next, it's Liliana:

Liliana wrote:Let me start this speech with some good news, and some bad news.

Good news first: you 3 weren't the 3 people at the very bottom of my ranking when I first arrived at Ponderosa.

Bad news: only Jessica was beneath you.

Honestly, this is exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen. How fucking boring is a final tribal council with A) A person who was always getting drunk instead of attending challenges, B) A person who refused to do any sort of game talk with me and when I tried to force them to, would blatantly and obviously lie and was Jessicas cultist follower or C) A person who knows so little about the game they've only watched 3 seasons and wanted to tell a person I was planning to blindside (sorry flicka) that i was going to blindside them. This is a worst case scenario, and right about now i am wishing I hadn't voted out Anthony and instead volunteered to be voted out so I wouldn't have to vote for one of you 3 to win an imaginary million dollars.

I'll make this simpler for myself. One person who is not getting my vote? Rocky. Sorry but you're a goat, plain and simple. What I've deduced from my discussions with you are you are probably the worst player in this game and have no business stealing that seat from someone who deserved to sit there. Candice, Cass, hell even Jess! At least they all played the game.

So Penner, or Stacy? Penner was a person who missed tribal councils and challenges, and only talked to me in lies. Stacy wouldn't lie to me, because she never talked to me in the first place. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. Vote for the backstabber who doesn't deserve that seat (but deserves it a little more than rocky)? Or the girl that has been a pawn of Jessicas, Nates, and Cass, and refused to talk anything with me? None of you made any big moves, none of you attempted to venture outside of your comfort zone, and in the end, you both got here. Survivor is truly a flawed game.

Give me a detailed answer on why you decided to vote me out. If you didn't vote for me, then why didn't you vote for me?

If you read my answer to CiCi, you'll understand a bit of why I didn't talk to you as much as I could have or should have. I had a hard time straight up lying to people. I think it's better not to talk strategy at all, but often you and I were at a point where we had to talk strategy and I didn't know what to tell you. I didn't want to tell you someone else was going home when I knew it was most likely you or someone you were aligned with. Perhaps that wasn't the best strategy and maybe you would have felt less ignored if I just messaged you back something vague, but I respected everyone in this game too much to lie to them. That's not how I strategize or play the game.

So as for why we decided to vote you out and when: After the Cass vote, we were down to an alliance of five – Penner, Candice, myself, Jessica and Nate. Penner and I had spoken about a fear that our alliance would implode and we'd all get sent home leaving three people who weren't in the alliance to begin with in the Top 3. So we needed to make a decision as a group again and the one person we all could agree on was you. You were, perhaps, right that you had no more ties in the game or on the jury, so you weren't much of a threat, but you were capable of winning alliances and strategizing with people because you were an active player. I think we all also felt that your time in the game had run it's course. Given that you had been on the wrong side of the vote for so long, it seemed a foregone conclusion that eventually we'd have to get rid of you and it made sense at the Top 5 during a week where we, as an alliance of five, wanted to reassert ourselves as a group. It's clear that other players like Candice, Jess, Rocky and even Nate were more "threatening" by nature, but I think after several big votes in a row, we wanted a vote that felt "easy", given that we didn't need to orchestrate a massive blindside in a day. That's not to say that it was easy to vote you out because, as I've said, I like you as a person, but I think it was the right decision at that time in the game.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:30:30 am

Also thank you for the thought out questions, Lil! And thanks for coming in with an open mind! Good luck with your decision! icon_smile
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:43:26 am

Jessica wrote:Y'all are the perfect jury because absolutely nothing is set in stone. Everything comes down to how you answer the questions and how we jury members decide to judge the fuck out of you. Don't think I'm just going to give my vote to Stacy just because we were allies, because I'm not here to do this petty shit. I want the best player to win, so I want the best answers.

Stacy: You have been an incredible girl in this game and you have been my #2 in every move I've made. I'm proud to see you here at the end. You better have some amazing answers for me.

If you could start this game over, all players constant, would you employ a different strategy? What would it be and why?.

I agree that I'm loving the fact that this is really a jury that's willing to ask real questions and get answers. It makes the conclusion of this game so exciting. And I don't expect you to give me your vote or feel like you owe it to me at all, I expect you to make a decision based on everything you hear tonight. And either way, I love you and I hope we can keep chatting after all this. And I appreciate you saying your proud of me. That was my goal. icon_wink

As for your question: if I could start this game over and employ a different strategy, I don't know that I would. There's no guarantee that whatever strategy I tried would be as effective as the one I employed. There is a bit of luck involved in every game of survivor so to roll the dice and take my chances again is risky. But I will explain my answer.

One possible change that you might think I would make would be to take a more active role in the early part of this game. I don't know if that would have helped though. As we saw, the most active players at the beginning of this game got sunk because they were seen as vocal threats, so if I had positioned myself at the head of the tribe, I might have been a target much sooner.

One might say that I should have found a way to keep my allies with me until the Final 3 and, as much as I'd love to be in this Final 3 with you and Candice from a personal standpoint, I know I'd lose. You two were smart, strong players and it would be an uphill battle to try and convince the jury to vote for me over either of you two. Sure, the jury seemed against you by the time you were eliminated, but that often means that the might end up respecting you in the end. Same with Candice. She was likeable and it would be difficult to beat her.

It would be interesting, I guess, to see how the game would have played out if BP had been able to stay together and no one quit, so the tribes were never real shuffled. Would we have dominate come the merge, or would other groups of people team up to take us out. I think we came into the merge with just enough people to make our plans work. I had just enough people to keep me safe that first week after things went wrong and the numbers stayed in our favour right up until you were voted out.

To summarize then, I wouldn't do anything differently about the way I played the game. I cannot curse the strategy that got me here. It wasn't perfect, for sure. Would I have liked to be more after while I was travelling? Sure. Would I have liked to get further with those I was personal close with? Absolutely. But would either of those things had made me a threat and sent me home before this point? Possibly. So I own up to my strategy and say that I would keep it the same. Hopefully that answers your question and, like I said, thank you for keeping an open mind, honey. I love you either way and look forward to our post-game chats. Good luck with your decision!
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:54:32 am

Candice wrote:Hey you 3! It's a pleasure to see you all again and I wish you the best of luck tonight. Nothing but good thoughts for all 3 of you. I did not want to be booted, but I think you all should have booted me so no hard feelings at all toward any of you going into tonight.

I'm not really interested in a generic answer on a generic question, so I've tailored each question how I think it best suits your personality. Hey, at least you don't have to worry that you might not answer the question better than your opponent. So, let's get on with it, shall we?


Girl, first I just want to say I'm so glad we connected late game. I really appreciated our talks and that you never slapped me for being too gamebotty icon_laughing . Now on to your question.

You have made it a career to go into health law. Just the thought of it gives me a headache BTW (so don't do anthing where easy access to aspirins might be at risk icon_razz .) And in doing so, you are going to be exposed to many issues related to the ethical and social aspects shaping your field of study. So what I want you to do for me during the FTC is tell me one ethical issue that you thought you might have strayed into the gray, whether it be something like forwarding a PM, possibly doctoring a forwarded PM, outright lying to someone about your intentions, etc. One ethical issue where you were on the wrong side of what is ethically acceptable. And then tell me one effective social issue where you were really strong. It can be from S1.0, M2.0, M3.0 or the merge. I don't care. But one really strong social bond that you are proud of and that was "real" and not fake to get you further in this game.

I have nothing but love for you too, my dear. But I'm glad you feel the same. I was general heartbroken and worried that you would be mad for making the decision that I did but I'm glad you understand why I did it. I am also super happy we made a connection in this game and you know I'd never be made at you for our gamebotty talks. They were some of our best plans!

As for you question, it's a good one. Ethically, as I said, I only outright lied once, which was when I replied to the group PM to everyone, including Cass, that we were voting Lil so Cass wouldn't get suspicious. As for doctoring PMs, I never did that, but I did forward some quotes from PMs just to reassure people that someone had said something (usually that they were on our side). I'd actually say that my most ethically questionable decision in this game was conspiring against Nate because, at the time, I was still talking to him and getting a feel for what his plans were. I hadn't set anything in stone either way yet, because Penner needed to be convinced, but I felt dirty talking to Penner about getting rid of Nate and then talking to Nate about what could be done in this game could try and work together again. That was my way of exploring all my options that week when I was sure I might be going home.

As for social bonds, I genuinely felt like I had a real connection with you and Jessica. I was as candid as possible with both of you, even when Penner came to me and said he wanted to get rid of you instead of Rocky, I told you when you asked that he and Rocky were likely going to vote for you and that I hadn't decided what to do. I told you that because I respect you and wanted you to know exactly where I stood. Prior to that, every thing I said, whether game related or not, was real. I really enjoyed talking to you and strategizing with you.

Also, to avoid seeming like I'm sucking up to you, I had a very similar relationship with Jessica. Her and I could talk privately about doing the craziest things, like getting rid of Cass, and not worry that the other would go blabbing to Cass about it. That, to me, was real and genuine trust and it was built upon the fact that her and I, like you and I, had gotten to know each other on a personal level beforehand and not just for the sake of the game. Having those bonds with you two kept me sane in this game and made it easier to talk strategy at all hours of the day and night.

Anyway, I hope that answers your question. I know this is going to be a tough decision and I respect whatever choice you make and hope you and I can talk some more after this because I really have enjoyed our conversations. Thanks again for your tough questions and good luck making that decision!
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:56:28 am

I believe that is it. Thanks for your patience with my answers, guys! Hopefully I answered everything satisfactorily. Good luck with your tough decision tomorrow you guys! I'm excited to see how this plays out.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rebecca » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:59:48 am

Noooo I completely forgot to put actual questions in my confessional and in true Rebecca fashion I wasn't bothered to make the tribal lmfao

Lots of the question I had in mind have already been asked.

Stacy: do you agree with who was last voted off in Big Brother the current season? Also, Stacy, you were very afraid of the India situation. In what ways do you consider me to be a goat over you?
Rocky: Since being a rockstar has been a thing for you mainly because of your name; Linkin' Park or Green Day?
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rebecca » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:31:38 am

Also, this is a universal question that can be answered by all three of you and will grant you my vote if answered correctly (not rly tho)

Guess my favorite k-pop star and post a gif of them
I've posted several gifs of her during this game, and to make it easier for you, she's one of these nine:
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Penner » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:27:19 am

Rebecca wrote:Penner:

I'm one of the few who picked Bulbasaur as my starter Pokemon, so I couldn't possibly get that one wrong. This one is my favourite:

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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:16:09 am

Rebecca wrote:Stacy: do you agree with who was last voted off in Big Brother the current season? Also, Stacy, you were very afraid of the India situation. In what ways do you consider me to be a goat over you?

Hi Rebecca! For your first question, I actually don't watch Big Brother. But I did, for the sake of answering this question, read up on what had happened. A lot of my friends watch the show so I constantly see their tweets about it. I assume by the last vote you mean Julia, in which case, I'm actually really impressed by her and Liz's ability to stay in the game so long even after the twin twist was revealed. I'm also impressed that they managed to keep Liz in over her, given that Liz seems to be the strong player. It's not easy to convince people to keep the better strategical player, but I think that's a mark of a good social game if you can pull it off.

As for the "India" situation, you and I have spoken and I told you that I personally don't think you are a goat. Given that you and Penner are in essentially the same situation time zone wise, I'm actually surprised Penner showed up to any of the challenges and tribal councils, so I can't fault you for not doing so. Like I've said before, real life (especially sleep) is more important. But, that being said, that wasn't your question. Your question was in what ways do I consider you a goat. I think the reason that label was attached to you was because, as I said, you were unable to show up to challenges and tribal councils. You also played a very under-the-radar strategic game. It's clear you made alliances to get as far as you did, but you weren't as vocal or as obvious about them as the rest of us and so, I think people thought you were just coasting by and the only reason you hadn't gone home was because everyone else hadn't decided to vote you off yet. I definitely think there was more to it than that. I think you, like me, were playing a game where you were trying to avoid being the target that week and being seen as a threat and that was a smart way to play in it's own way. So, to answer your question. I think the goat label that was attached to you came from your absence at challenges and tribal councils and your low-key strategy that few people even knew about.

Hopefully that answers your question. I enjoyed the few conversations we had and hopefully, once this is all over, we can get to know each other a little more! icon_smile Good luck with your decision.
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:22:18 am

Rebecca wrote:Also, this is a universal question that can be answered by all three of you and will grant you my vote if answered correctly (not rly tho)

Guess my favorite k-pop star and post a gif of them
I've posted several gifs of her during this game, and to make it easier for you, she's one of these nine:

Is it Tiffany? icon_confused
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rocky » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:34:39 am

I believe she is your favorite!

And I'm more a fan of Linkin Park, at least right now. I like their music a lot more, and Mark Shinoda is BOMB!
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Re: Day 31 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Rebecca » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:49:24 pm

Stacy wrote:
Rebecca wrote:Stacy: do you agree with who was last voted off in Big Brother the current season? Also, Stacy, you were very afraid of the India situation. In what ways do you consider me to be a goat over you?

Hi Rebecca! For your first question, I actually don't watch Big Brother. But I did, for the sake of answering this question, read up on what had happened. A lot of my friends watch the show so I constantly see their tweets about it. I assume by the last vote you mean Julia, in which case, I'm actually really impressed by her and Liz's ability to stay in the game so long even after the twin twist was revealed. I'm also impressed that they managed to keep Liz in over her, given that Liz seems to be the strong player. It's not easy to convince people to keep the better strategical player, but I think that's a mark of a good social game if you can pull it off.

As for the "India" situation, you and I have spoken and I told you that I personally don't think you are a goat. Given that you and Penner are in essentially the same situation time zone wise, I'm actually surprised Penner showed up to any of the challenges and tribal councils, so I can't fault you for not doing so. Like I've said before, real life (especially sleep) is more important. But, that being said, that wasn't your question. Your question was in what ways do I consider you a goat. I think the reason that label was attached to you was because, as I said, you were unable to show up to challenges and tribal councils. You also played a very under-the-radar strategic game. It's clear you made alliances to get as far as you did, but you weren't as vocal or as obvious about them as the rest of us and so, I think people thought you were just coasting by and the only reason you hadn't gone home was because everyone else hadn't decided to vote you off yet. I definitely think there was more to it than that. I think you, like me, were playing a game where you were trying to avoid being the target that week and being seen as a threat and that was a smart way to play in it's own way. So, to answer your question. I think the goat label that was attached to you came from your absence at challenges and tribal councils and your low-key strategy that few people even knew about.

Hopefully that answers your question. I enjoyed the few conversations we had and hopefully, once this is all over, we can get to know each other a little more! icon_smile Good luck with your decision.

I really like the way you answered that question, both of them icon_yes Slay!

And yes, that would be great <3
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