FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon_wub

1st Member of the Jury / Voted Out 5-4-2

Re: FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon

Postby Stephannie » Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:42:39 pm

Rocky... I feel like I have a lot less to say to you.

I guess I do appreciate you sticking by me at the merge and 2nd swap. So we had been together on 3 tribes... but other than that I really don't know what to say.

You were someone I really liked talking to on a personal level, and I'm happy to say I think we'll be good friends after this experience. But as far as allies go you were not the most reliable in terms of getting into contact with, strategizing with, pre-voting ( icon_lol ), etc.

So it's just conflicting to me because you were nice all along, and perpetually "^_^" and someone who disliked the same people I disliked ( icon_wub )... but what else is there for me to go on?

I feel like you were viewed as a non-threat at the merge, and from what I've seen you have just been able to slip through the cracks when all the big talkers took each other out.

Am I wrong there? Anyway... I wouldn't spend too long on that because I'm sure you'll address it in your opening statement.

You can touch on the above if you want and you have the time, but I have a couple shorter questions for you.

(1) Who would you have voted for on Svinoy 2.0 if we lost one of our 3 tribal immunity challenges? Don't feel pressured to lie to me just to make me feel happy. I'll appreciate the truth here.

(2) There has been a lot of talk about "goats" in this game. Out of the 11 merge contestants ( 11 because you can't answer yourself): which player was the biggest goat and why? Which goat was the biggest player and why?
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Re: FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon

Postby Stephannie » Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:00:49 pm

The obvious contrast in this final 3 is that Rocky&Stacy were ranked #8/#9 on Mykines before the first swap, and you were ranked #1. So I think the fact that nobody really ever tried to get rid of you in spite of that is a huge accomplishment.

Because I mean seriously... and this is no offense to any of my fellow jurors but look at the final 6:

Stacy - 9th
Nate - 9th
Rocky - 8th
Rebecca - 8th
Candice -5th
Penner - 1st

So far and away... you were the ONLY player in this game who was able to overcome that early threat status. Looking at the top 3 on each tribe: Jessica, Cassandra, Liliana, you, me, Cecilia... Jessica, Cecilia, Cassandra, Liliana, and I were ALL pretty much voted off unanimously, mostly for being threats.

So I definitely give you credit in being able to play through such a bold target painted on your back from the very beginning. Have you received a single vote thus far?

Anyway... I appreciate that the two of us were able to have REAL and GENUINE conversations in half our PM, and then the other half was talking about game.
I feel like a lot of people didn't realize that it takes both strategy and socializing to make it far... so that's another thing I appreciate that you did: you took the time to really get to know me, AND I learned a lot about you as well.

My qualm with you, however, is your bout of inactivity when the merge hit.
How much of that was strategy, and how much of that was food poisoning?

So my questions to you...

(1) How much of your early-merge inactivity was strategy to lower your public threat status, and how much of it was just you not being able to come online?

(2) Please tell everyone in attendance tonight what I'm studying at post-secondary school, how many years I have left, and what country I incorrectly thought the British Open was held in. icon_wub
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Re: FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon

Postby Stephannie » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:30:01 pm

What a game!
I'd like to start by congratulating the final 3. I may not respect all three of you, but you beat me. I can't stand up here and be bitter or sanctimonious about it, because you're sitting there and I'm up here. The game you played allowed you to get to the end, and here you are.

I didn't last very long past the merge, so the impression of you all I have right now is the impression I had when I was voted out combined with what I have heard from other jurors and what I have observed at tribal.
This means that if we didn't talk much, the responsibility is ON YOU to prove to me why you deserve my vote.

This is how my questioning period will work: For each of the three of you I've prepared a little "blurb" with questions intertwined. At the bottom of that "blurb" will be the questions re-stated in a concise form so that you can ensure you're answering everything.
Please attempt to answer all of my questions directed to you. If you fail to do so, you will not get my vote tonight.

So without further adieu, here we go!

I look at you in the final 3 and the only reaction I can muster right now is this:
Personally I just found it a slap in the face that you didn't even bother to message me more than 1 or 2 times at the merge.

And don't pull the old "I was out traveling" BS because in the MORNING you read my PM, and I saw your name online MULTIPLE times throughout the rest of the day... actually I feel like it wasn't even that same day I feel like you ignored it for multiple days.
So you made the conscious decision to ignore my PM.

And from the sounds of it, there were multiple people on the jury that you didn't even bother to message because they were on the bottom. Liliana's name comes to mind, and she told us that when she got to Ponderosa.

How could I in good conscience give you my vote tonight? You can talk all you want about how you "were secretly a strategic mastermind" (newsflash: everyone thinks they were, so try something else) and how you "Played a good strategic game" but like... everyone in the final 3 played a good game due to where they're sitting right now.

I want you to give me a valid reason that will make ME will want to give YOU my vote. The answer needs to be something unique to me, because there are plenty of things Rocky and Penner have done throughout the game to impact me on a one-on-one level.

I'm struggling to find that with you. Can you give me a good reason why my vote should go to you?

I mean... there's one question for you to answer.

Next on the list... you were ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0 when we did the first tribe swap.
Do you know who was ranked #9 on Svinoy 1.0? Nate BEFORE the rep replacement... i.e. someone who didn't PM a single person for 3 days.

Can you give me a rationale behind why you were ranked that low? We never worked together pre-merge. Did you improve that #9 ranking on Mykines 2.0 and Mykines 3.0?
Because the first round of the merge I had you ranked as the person LEAST playing the game because you hadn't bothered to message anyone.

So to me I just find it hard to view you as someone who was dedicated here.... like.... you were a pawn for Jessica and Cecilia and then what?

Another thing to gauge how I view you in this game... What three things did your rep do in Survivor Fiji that you enjoyed the most? You don't have to give reasoning because the question is getting long, but if you have time feel free.

summary of questions:
(1) What reason do I have to give you MY vote? Not just getting a vote out of "respect for the game" or that BS... but why do you deserve my vote?
(2) Do you think it was fair to be ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0, and when do you think you stopped being that rank?
(3) Give me your 3 favorite Stacy moment from Survivor Fiji.

Rocky... I feel like I have a lot less to say to you.

I guess I do appreciate you sticking by me at the merge and 2nd swap. So we had been together on 3 tribes... but other than that I really don't know what to say.

You were someone I really liked talking to on a personal level, and I'm happy to say I think we'll be good friends after this experience. But as far as allies go you were not the most reliable in terms of getting into contact with, strategizing with, pre-voting ( icon_lol ), etc.

So it's just conflicting to me because you were nice all along, and perpetually "^_^" and someone who disliked the same people I disliked ( icon_wub )... but what else is there for me to go on?

I feel like you were viewed as a non-threat at the merge, and from what I've seen you have just been able to slip through the cracks when all the big talkers took each other out.

Am I wrong there? Anyway... I wouldn't spend too long on that because I'm sure you'll address it in your opening statement.

You can touch on the above if you want and you have the time, but I have a couple shorter questions for you.

(1) Who would you have voted for on Svinoy 2.0 if we lost one of our 3 tribal immunity challenges? Don't feel pressured to lie to me just to make me feel happy. I'll appreciate the truth here.

(2) There has been a lot of talk about "goats" in this game. Out of the 11 merge contestants ( 11 because you can't answer yourself): which player was the biggest goat and why? Which goat was the biggest player and why?

The obvious contrast in this final 3 is that Rocky&Stacy were ranked #8/#9 on Mykines before the first swap, and you were ranked #1. So I think the fact that nobody really ever tried to get rid of you in spite of that is a huge accomplishment.

Because I mean seriously... and this is no offense to any of my fellow jurors but look at the final 6:

Stacy - 9th
Nate - 9th
Rocky - 8th
Rebecca - 8th
Candice -5th
Penner - 1st

So far and away... you were the ONLY player in this game who was able to overcome that early threat status. Looking at the top 3 on each tribe: Jessica, Cassandra, Liliana, you, me, Cecilia... Jessica, Cecilia, Cassandra, Liliana, and I were ALL pretty much voted off unanimously, mostly for being threats.

So I definitely give you credit in being able to play through such a bold target painted on your back from the very beginning. Have you received a single vote thus far?

Anyway... I appreciate that the two of us were able to have REAL and GENUINE conversations in half our PM, and then the other half was talking about game.
I feel like a lot of people didn't realize that it takes both strategy and socializing to make it far... so that's another thing I appreciate that you did: you took the time to really get to know me, AND I learned a lot about you as well.

My qualm with you, however, is your bout of inactivity when the merge hit.
How much of that was strategy, and how much of that was food poisoning?

So my questions to you...

(1) How much of your early-merge inactivity was strategy to lower your public threat status, and how much of it was just you not being able to come online?

(2) Please tell everyone in attendance tonight what I'm studying at post-secondary school, how many years I have left, and what country I incorrectly thought the British Open was held in. icon_wub

In Closing
Thank you for your time tonight. I wish you all the best of luck.
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Re: FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon

Postby Stephannie » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:44:05 pm

What a game!
I'd like to start by congratulating the final 3. I may not respect all three of you, but you beat me. I can't stand up here and be bitter or sanctimonious about it, because you're sitting there and I'm up here. The game you played allowed you to get to the end, and here you are.

I didn't last very long past the merge, so the impression of you all I have right now is the impression I had when I was voted out combined with what I have heard from other jurors and what I have observed at tribal.
This means that if we didn't talk much, the responsibility is ON YOU to prove to me why you deserve my vote.

This is how my questioning period will work: For each of the three of you I've prepared a little "blurb" with questions intertwined. At the bottom of that "blurb" will be the questions re-stated in a concise form so that you can ensure you're answering everything.
Please attempt to answer all of my questions directed to you. If you fail to do so, you will not get my vote tonight.

So without further adieu, here we go!

I look at you in the final 3 and the only reaction I can muster right now is this:

Personally I just found it a slap in the face that you didn't even bother to message me more than 1 or 2 times at the merge.
And don't pull the old "I was out traveling" BS because in the MORNING you read my PM, and I saw your name online MULTIPLE times throughout the rest of the day... actually I feel like it wasn't even that same day I feel like you ignored it for multiple days.
So you made the conscious decision to ignore my PM.
And from the sounds of it, there were multiple people on the jury that you didn't even bother to message because they were on the bottom. Liliana's name comes to mind, and she told us that when she got to Ponderosa.
How could I in good conscience give you my vote tonight? You can talk all you want about how you "were secretly a strategic mastermind" (newsflash: everyone thinks they were, so try something else) and how you "Played a good strategic game" but like... everyone in the final 3 played a good game due to where they're sitting right now.

I want you to give me a valid reason that will make ME will want to give YOU my vote. The answer needs to be something unique to me, because there are plenty of things Rocky and Penner have done throughout the game to impact me on a one-on-one level.

I'm struggling to find that with you. Can you give me a good reason why my vote should go to you?

I mean... there's one question for you to answer.

Next on the list... you were ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0 when we did the first tribe swap.
Do you know who was ranked #9 on Svinoy 1.0? Nate BEFORE the rep replacement... i.e. someone who didn't PM a single person for 3 days.
Can you give me a rationale behind why you were ranked that low? We never worked together pre-merge. Did you improve that #9 ranking on Mykines 2.0 and Mykines 3.0?

As an early-merge boot maybe I'm biased towards playing a strong pre-merge game, because that's where most of my game was played. I worked my ass off every single day to make it to the merge... and the impression I'm getting is that you hardly even bothered to log in for the first half of this thing.
So you can tout all the bells and whistles of whatever it was you did post-merge... but how can I give you my vote if I feel you didn't make much of an effort for over half of this game?
I'm giving you the floor to prove me wrong with those statements. Tell me what I'm missing.

Last question.
What three things did your rep do in Survivor Fiji that you enjoyed the most? You don't have to give reasoning because the question is getting long, but if you have time feel free.

summary of questions:
(1) What reason do I have to give you MY vote? Not just getting a vote out of "respect for the game" or that BS... but why do you deserve my vote?

(2) Do you think it was fair to be ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0? Also I've gotten the impression that you put in little-to-no effort in the pre-merge and early merge. Can you prove that statement wrong?

(3) Give me your 3 favorite Stacy moment from Survivor Fiji.

Rocky... I feel like I have a lot less to say to you.

I guess I do appreciate you sticking by me at the merge and 2nd swap. So we had been together on 3 tribes... but other than that I really don't know what to say.
You were someone I really liked talking to on a personal level, and I'm happy to say I think we'll be good friends after this experience. But as far as allies go you were not the most reliable in terms of getting into contact with, strategizing with, pre-voting ( icon_lol ), etc.

So it's just conflicting to me because you were nice all along, and perpetually "^_^" and someone who disliked the same people I disliked ( icon_wub )... but what else is there for me to go on?
I feel like you were viewed as a non-threat at the merge, and from what I've seen you have just been able to slip through the cracks when all the big talkers took each other out.
Am I wrong there? Anyway... I wouldn't spend too long on that because I'm sure you'll address it in your opening statement.

You can touch on the above if you want and you have the time, but I have a couple shorter questions for you.

(1) Who would you have voted for on Svinoy 2.0 if we lost one of our 3 tribal immunity challenges? Don't feel pressured to lie to me just to make me feel happy. I'll appreciate the truth here.

(2) There has been a lot of talk about "goats" in this game. Out of the 11 merge contestants ( 11 because you can't answer yourself): which player was the biggest goat and why? Which goat was the biggest player and why?

The obvious contrast in this final 3 is that Rocky&Stacy were ranked #8/#9 on Mykines before the first swap, and you were ranked #1. So I think the fact that nobody really ever tried to get rid of you in spite of that is a huge accomplishment.
Because I mean seriously... and this is no offense to any of my fellow jurors but look at the final 6:
Stacy - 9th
Nate - 9th
Rocky - 8th
Rebecca - 8th
Candice -5th
Penner - 1st
So far and away... you were the ONLY player in this game who was able to overcome that early threat status. Looking at the top 3 on each tribe: Jessica, Cassandra, Liliana, you, me, Cecilia... Jessica, Cecilia, Cassandra, Liliana, and I were ALL pretty much voted off unanimously, mostly for being threats.
So I definitely give you credit in being able to play through such a bold target painted on your back from the very beginning. Have you received a single vote thus far?

But at the same time you were so quiet during those early merge rounds. Was that 100% due to the food poisoning, or was it part of your strategy? I'm wondering whether you had made a conscious decision to lower your activity for the sake of the game, or if it was just a coincidence?

Anyway... I appreciate that the two of us were able to have REAL and GENUINE conversations in half our PM, and then the other half was talking about game.
I feel like a lot of people didn't realize that it takes both strategy and socializing to make it far... so that's another thing I appreciate that you did: you took the time to really get to know me, AND I learned a lot about you as well.

Questions summarized:

(1) How much of your early-merge inactivity was strategy to lower your public threat status, and how much of it was just you not being able to come online?

(2) Please tell everyone in attendance tonight what I'm studying at post-secondary school, how many years I have left, and what country I incorrectly thought the British Open was held in. icon_wub

In Closing
Thank you for your time tonight. I wish you all the best of luck.
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Re: FTC preparation and questions about my FTC question icon

Postby Stephannie » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:43:10 pm

What a game!
I'd like to start by congratulating the final 3. I may not respect all three of you, but you beat me. I can't stand up here and be bitter or sanctimonious about it, because you're sitting there and I'm up here. The game you played allowed you to get to the end, and here you are.

I didn't last very long past the merge, so the impression of you all I have right now is the impression I had when I was voted out combined with what I have heard from other jurors and what I have observed at tribal.
This means that if we didn't talk much, the responsibility is ON YOU to prove to me why you deserve my vote.

This is how my questioning period will work: For each of the three of you I've prepared a little "blurb" with questions intertwined. At the bottom of that "blurb" will be the questions re-stated in a concise form so that you can ensure you're answering everything.
Please attempt to answer all of my questions directed to you. If you fail to do so, you will not get my vote tonight.

So without further adieu, here we go!

I look at you in the final 3 and the only reaction I can muster right now is this:

Personally I just found it a slap in the face that you didn't even bother to message me more than 1 or 2 times at the merge.
And don't pull the old "I was out traveling" BS because in the MORNING you read my PM, and I saw your name online MULTIPLE times throughout the rest of the day... actually I feel like it wasn't even that same day I feel like you ignored it for multiple days.
So you made the conscious decision to ignore my PM.
And from the sounds of it, there were multiple people on the jury that you didn't even bother to message because they were on the bottom. Liliana's name comes to mind, and she told us that when she got to Ponderosa.
How could I in good conscience give you my vote tonight? You can talk all you want about how you "were secretly a strategic mastermind" (newsflash: everyone thinks they were, so try something else) and how you "Played a good strategic game" but like... everyone in the final 3 played a good game due to where they're sitting right now.

I want you to give me a valid reason that will make ME will want to give YOU my vote. The answer needs to be something unique to me, because there are plenty of things Rocky and Penner have done throughout the game to impact me on a one-on-one level.

I'm struggling to find that with you. Can you give me a good reason why my vote should go to you?

I mean... there's one question for you to answer.

Next on the list... you were ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0 when we did the first tribe swap.
Do you know who was ranked #9 on Svinoy 1.0? Nate BEFORE the rep replacement... i.e. someone who didn't PM a single person for 3 days.
Can you give me a rationale behind why you were ranked that low? We never worked together pre-merge. Did you improve that #9 ranking on Mykines 2.0 and Mykines 3.0?

As an early-merge boot maybe I'm biased towards playing a strong pre-merge game, because that's where most of my game was played. I worked my ass off every single day to make it to the merge... and the impression I'm getting is that you hardly even bothered to log in for the first half of this thing.
So you can tout all the bells and whistles of whatever it was you did post-merge... but how can I give you my vote if I feel you didn't make much of an effort for over half of this game?
I'm giving you the floor to prove me wrong with those statements. Tell me what I'm missing.

Last question.
What three things did your rep do in Survivor Fiji that you enjoyed the most? You don't have to give reasoning because the question is getting long, but if you have time feel free.

summary of questions:
(1) What reason do I have to give you MY vote? Not just getting a vote out of "respect for the game" or that BS... but why do you deserve my vote?

(2) Do you think it was fair to be ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0? Also I've gotten the impression that you put in little-to-no effort in the pre-merge and early merge. Can you prove that statement wrong?

(3) Give me your 3 favorite Stacy moment from Survivor Fiji.

Rocky... I feel like I have a lot less to say to you.

I guess I do appreciate you sticking by me at the merge and 2nd swap. So we had been together on 3 tribes... but other than that I really don't know what to say.
You were someone I really liked talking to on a personal level, and I'm happy to say I think we'll be good friends after this experience. But as far as allies go you were not the most reliable in terms of getting into contact with, strategizing with, pre-voting ( icon_lol ), etc.

So it's just conflicting to me because you were nice all along, and perpetually "^_^" and someone who disliked the same people I disliked ( icon_wub )... but what else is there for me to go on?
I feel like you were viewed as a non-threat at the merge, and from what I've seen you have just been able to slip through the cracks when all the big talkers took each other out.
Am I wrong there? Anyway... I wouldn't spend too long on that because I'm sure you'll address it in your opening statement.

You can touch on the above if you want and you have the time, but I have a couple shorter questions for you.

(1) Who would you have voted for on Svinoy 2.0 if we lost one of our 3 tribal immunity challenges? Don't feel pressured to lie to me just to make me feel happy. I'll appreciate the truth here.

(2) There has been a lot of talk about "goats" in this game. Out of the 11 merge contestants ( 11 because you can't answer yourself): which player was the biggest goat and why? Which goat was the biggest player and why?

The obvious contrast in this final 3 is that Rocky&Stacy were ranked #8/#9 on Mykines before the first swap, and you were ranked #1 on Svinoy. So I think the fact that nobody really ever tried to get rid of you in spite of that is a huge accomplishment.
Because I mean seriously... and this is no offense to any of my fellow jurors but look at the final 6:
Stacy - 9th
Nate - 9th
Rocky - 8th
Rebecca - 8th
Candice -5th
Penner - 1st
So far and away... you were the ONLY player in this game who was able to overcome that early threat status. Looking at the top 3 on each tribe: Jessica, Cassandra, Liliana, you, me, Cecilia... Jessica, Cecilia, Cassandra, Liliana, and I were ALL voted off, and all viewed as "Giant Threats" after the merge.
To the point where it was pretty much stated by everyone in the game that none of us could make it to the end... and you were the only person who managed to completely eliminate that target.

But at the same time you were so quiet during those early merge rounds. Was that 100% due to the food poisoning, or was it part of your strategy? I'm wondering whether you had made a conscious decision to lower your activity for the sake of the game, or if it was just a coincidence? Because from what I hear it wasn't just my elimination round during which you were inactive. What's that about?

Anyway... I appreciate that the two of us were able to have REAL and GENUINE conversations in half our PM, and then the other half was talking about game. I felt that I really got to know you on a personal level during this game, and I feel like you got to know me as well.

So I just have a couple questions here for you to answer:
(1) How much of your early-merge inactivity was strategy to lower your public threat status, and how much of it was just you not being able to come online?

(2) Please tell everyone in attendance tonight what I'm studying at post-secondary school, how many years I have left, and what country I incorrectly thought the British Open was held in. icon_wub

In Closing
Thank you for your time tonight. I wish you all the best of luck.
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