In snivoy 1 despite not making it to the challenge and being an obvious target, I still had several people I bonded extremely well with and almost had an allaince had it not been for the switch up
In snivoy 2, Flicka, Steph and I created a power threesome while I was reeling Rocky in on the side. Rocky is now still willing to work with me because of that.
in snivoy 3, I was revisiting old bonds and made sure they were still tight while analyzing what had happened in the other tribes + I made a new bond and alliance
After the merge I had
Cass, Fli, Steph, Cand, Penn, Rock and Ceci who all thought I was working with them.
My numbers put me in the dominant alliance and I never had to work for any challenges. I never was to get evicted (like Steph, Flicka and Lili) because I was always the core of it.