Episode 11

5th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 6-2

Episode 11

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:41:28 pm

Second Unanimous vote in a row. Second huge blindside in a row. Second giant player in a row to leave.

Are you concerned with your status in the game. Are you taking out the only other targets in the game aside from yourself? How is your résumé going into the final 8? WIth one more week of the game, are you prepared to play it all out? Time is running out to impress the jury.

Explain how you view your game and how you think the jury will have seen your game. How can you win and who are your biggest threats standing in your way?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Liliana » Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:50:26 am

Second Unanimous vote in a row. Second huge blindside in a row. Second giant player in a row to leave.

Jesus Christ, I know. I'm surprised that Jess, Nate, and Stacy voted for Cass. We have someone in the five guys telling them out plans apparently. I am so relieved that Cassandra didn't use her idol, because I would be gone with 1 vote, which would probably be the most embarrassing thing thats ever happened to me. I really should've voted for Stacy, but it all worked out in the end.

Are you concerned with your status in the game. Are you taking out the only other targets in the game aside from yourself? How is your résumé going into the final 8? WIth one more week of the game, are you prepared to play it all out? Time is running out to impress the jury.

I'm very happy with my position. You saw from the last two tribals we're taking out big threats, and pretty much no one sees me as a threat. I'm definitely going to try to take out more targets (Jessica first, then Candice later) because honestly...i would not stand a snowball's chance in hell against them at final tribal council. I already have lost a vote from Cecilia, because there's no way she'll vote for me after our fights, and Jessica too. The bad thing is... I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that I'm playing a bad game, and not doing anything. I'm going to need a godly FTC performance if I can manage to get that far. I just wish everyone could read my confessionals and see how much of a smart evil mastermind I am, and how I'm manipulating all of them to do my bidding (oh my god i wish i was :( ) going offtopic for a sec how the fuck do you end a parenthetical statement with an emoticon? It looks so weird ew

Explain how you view your game and how you think the jury will have seen your game. How can you win and who are your biggest threats standing in your way?

I view my game as under the radar, being a non threat and when people are gunning for me, shoving others into the limelight and trying to make them vote for that person. I'm going to try and get to the end with Penner and Rocky, who haven't really done great games. I know it's not "respectable" or whatever to take goats to the end, but do i look like a give a fuck? I just want to win. About f6 or so, when it SHOULD be five guys + nate I'm going to try to get Penner, Rocky, Nate, and I to vote for Candice, then vote Nate, then Rebecca as the final juror q.ueen.

Btw Stacy sent me something like "ooh i wanna keep you and rocky in the game :D" i really wanted to say "we've been in the game a while girl" but I'm trying to keep under the radar and all that shit. She's going to be so surprised when she's blindsided tonight hehehehehe
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Kimmi Kappenberg » Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:13:15 pm

Liliana wrote:going offtopic for a sec how the fuck do you end a parenthetical statement with an emoticon?

(Like this icon_cool )
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:32:22 pm

[ It's hip to be square :) ]
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