Episode 09

Episode 09

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:53:06 pm

With the game ramping up and councils coming faster and more often, are you prepared for the endgame?

Have you been exploring all of your options in this game, or do you have only one clear direction to follow?

Do you believe any of your allies are planning to betray you?
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Stacy » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:10:23 am

Jeff Probst wrote:With the game ramping up and councils coming faster and more often, are you prepared for the endgame?

Have you been exploring all of your options in this game, or do you have only one clear direction to follow?

Do you believe any of your allies are planning to betray you?

I think the fast pace to the game could work to my advantage. I've noticed that with the shorter time period between votes, people are more likely to choose a name and stick with it. It takes a lot of thought to shake things up and cause drama so I think, at least for tonight, people are going to avoid that drama. If Lil doesn't win immunity, she might be the one to go. If she does, we'll take out CiCi. Those names might switch in the next few hours because I still think CiCi is dangerous and can't be trusted. The last thing I want to do is give her a chance to turn the game around.

I have definitely been exploring all my options. I've talked over Final 3 scenarios with Cass and Jessica and now with Jess and Nate. I'm also trying to decide who to use to get there. It feels dirty to say use, but that's essentially what it is. I think either Rocky or Rebecca, whoever is the last one left, will probably be the best person to convince to help us get rid of Candice or Penner. We need to split them up soon because two votes are far more dangerous than one. I've also been talking about how to get rid of Cass with Jess and Nate. I think, at this point, if she makes the Final 3 with anyone she'll win. She looks like the power player in our alliance and, if I want to win the jury over, I have to do something about that.

In terms of my allies betraying me, I don't want to be naive and say no, but I think most of them are being candid with me because they have no reason not to. I'm still not a hundred percent sure where Nate stands, but I think he knows it's to his advantage to play with Jess and I. He could partner with CiCi because she's super unlikeable and so, when it comes time for the jury to vote, she'll likely get no votes, but it's hard to say. People might appreciate the miracle it probably took for her to get to the finale and give her the win. Either way, I'm hoping I can trust my allies, but I'm still going to go hard for the immunity idols. You can never be too safe.
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