Episode 08

5th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 6-2

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:05:57 pm

So with the game at full swing and the jury starting, have you been thinking of not just surviving but winning the game?

Have you begun building your resume for the jury?

Has anything that was said or done tonight made you question your loyalties and how in control you are of the game and your destiny in it?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Liliana » Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:30:53 pm

So with the game at full swing and the jury starting, have you been thinking of not just surviving but winning the game?

Not at all. If I can accomplish my short tern goals, getting out Cecilia and Jessica, then I'll start focusing on winning the game and all that shit. But if one of them doesn't go home next tribal, i don't know if I'll be able to even get to FTC.

Have you begun building your resume for the jury?

Well, Cici and Jess are mad at me and will probably never vote for me. Why? I have no clue. Like I voted against Jessicas ally once, and she goes on this total flame war against me and insults me in front of Cecilia and that group. Apparently, she's calling me, Flicka, and Rocky the "mean girls." Like seriously? How fucking juvenile. Rocky isn't even a girl! Nate and Stacy... I have no idea if they like me. Like, we talk but they don't reveal anything. It just seems like they're Jess's underlings. Everyone else would vote for me if I actually step up my game and play more, which I'm attempting.

Has anything that was said or done tonight made you question your loyalties and how in control you are of the game and your destiny in it?

Oh man, a whole lot of stuff. Tonight was the night when I realized, Jesus Christ I am not really playing this game. I need to step it up, start talking with everybody and start kicking some ass. First off, Steph with that whole shitload of information about Cici's plan? She is an amazing player to have gleaned all of that off of her. I sort of questioned myself, like, what do I know about other peoples plans?.. not much icon_weep but I'm going to try my hardest to do this game more intensely, if that's even the right word.

From this point forward, I'm going to be focusing on my alliances with Candice and Cass more than the Svinoy 2.0 one. I'm going to stick with them, not completely separate? But I mean, i really don't want to be in the endgame with them because... ew. No.

If Jess wins immunity AGAIN though, I honestly am going to cry. I just want to see her gone, now. I feel so bad that Stephannie will have to sit next to her on the jury bench if she is voted out though (miss you steph <\3 although damn you were a threat i should've voted for you)
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Liliana » Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:32:52 pm

Also, I just found out through Cecilia that Candice may still be working with her. That may be a bad sign...
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Liliana » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:02:00 pm

Ok I'll give you a big juicy confessional if you tell me if premerge inmunity necklaces can be used now.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:27:58 pm

Liliana wrote:Ok I'll give you a big juicy confessional if you tell me if premerge inmunity necklaces can be used now.

yes they are good through f6
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Liliana » Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:04:30 pm

I'm not sure, but I may not be voted out this week if Candice and Cassandra follow through with their word.

Cassandra wants to keep Jessica and Nate, because she has good ties to both of them and are confident she can get them to vote for Cecilia. Since pretty much everyone in this game trusts Cassandra, she is controlling the vote, and she used her ultimate g.oddess powers to save me and target Flicka. She even sent me a strawpoll she apparently put in a group chat with all 7 Steph voters last week and people were voting for Flicka to be voted off rather than me. I was just like "ummm ok cassandra." Seriously it kind of amused me. I'm scared of Cass, though. She is obviously an amazing player and I can't tell if she's going to vote for me or Flicka tonight.

I'm going to try and vote her off sometime at F7, when Cici and Jess are (HOPEFULLY) both gone.

Every time i come onto this site, I feel nauseous. It doesn't feel like there's butterflies in my stomach, more like sparrows tbh because I'm so scared about what's going to happen tonight.

I tried reconnecting with Penner since he's always off getting drunk and never has time for talking, but it didn't really work. Like if you want to join an ORG? Be committed to it. (Cough cough YAU MAN RITA OZZY AND WHOEVER ELSE QUIT) And Rocky is in the same boat. They're both basically nonplayers at this point because they don't have any idea whatsoever what's going on.

I also tried talking with Cecilia. NOPE. She's so cold to me and I have no idea why!! God if she wins immunity again i swear i am going to give up and cry for a few hours.
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