Episode 08

6th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 5-1

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:05:20 pm

So with the game at full swing and the jury starting, have you been thinking of not just surviving but winning the game?

Have you begun building your resume for the jury?

Has anything that was said or done tonight made you question your loyalties and how in control you are of the game and your destiny in it?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:49:07 am

The fact that jury started with Stephannie leaves me with a bit of anger. On the bright side, she's finally out and won't continue to control people or create intricate lies or excuses. She was a huge threat and I helped get rid of her. Bad news...one threat down and only so many left to go.

When it comes down to surviving/winning, I honestly think that if I make it to the end of this game I would be the winner. I don't need to prove I have played this game hard. I feel like my game has been the most transparent thus far. I've spilled all of my alliances to everyone, I've made clear who my targets are and whom I trust, and I take pride in winning everything I can. People know I have a record of being a threat and it's terrifying that at this point I'm not even attempting to hide it. I can only hope that someone will help me get to the end...or that I can do it all by myself.

My resume is pretty good right now.
1. I was the top ranking Mykines member in the beginning.
2. In every individual immunity challenge thus far, including the pre-tribal ones, I've won the necklace.
3. I convinced everyone that Svinoy 2.0 was a threat and created the foundation for Stephannie to go home, as well as Lil, Rocky, Flicka, and Rebecca.

Obviously I'm not the best player, and my social gameplay does lack at certain points, but overall I've been a strong player and I have no doubt I can make top 10. That being said, I won't deny that if I don't win immunity I could be the target/back-up. However I am considerably more loyal than Cecilia or Liliana and I feel that has to be worth something at this point.

Cassandra, Stacy, Nate, myself, Penner, Candice, and Cecilia all voted as we should've yesterday. Clearly we had a unified enemy. That's where I believe the alliance ends at the moment. I do not trust Penner/Candice fully at all. Cassandra/Stacy/Nate I do...to whatever point I can actually trust someone in this game. Cecilia is a wild card in terms of will she go insane today? Rocky, Rebecca, Liliana, and Flicka all voted Stacy. Shocker. I don't trust any of them to ever listen or work with me, but I'll talk and be friendly in hopes that they attempt to "use me" to keep myself and them going farther in this game.

As of right now I am not excessively worried about the vote tomorrow. It looks to be a Lil vs. everyone vote. However, I do expect her to try and get the second clue for the idol so she can surprise vote one of my allies. Once Lil is gone, the target does shift around to Cecilia and myself. I just need to ensure that Cassandra, Stacy, and Nate are all on my side. It's a shitty situation, but I think I can pull it off by winning every competition from now on. Unless it is one of those "answer a question and break 1 of 3 items" comps. I'd be fucked.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:53:38 pm

I haven't received many messages since this morning. I fear that the tides are changing. Tonight's immunity could not be MORE important. If I don't win it, I could be joining Steph sooner than planned.

It's not that I believe that Cass has teamed up with Lil...it's that Cass, Candice, Nate, and Cecilia have teamed with Lil. I'm not sure why, but it's completely possible and terrifying. I literally have no idea what to do or how to move forward. Guess I've got to initiate these messages and figure it out myself.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:30:44 pm

Jessica wrote:I haven't received many messages since this morning. I fear that the tides are changing. Tonight's immunity could not be MORE important. If I don't win it, I could be joining Steph sooner than planned.

It's not that I believe that Cass has teamed up with Lil...it's that Cass, Candice, Nate, and Cecilia have teamed with Lil. I'm not sure why, but it's completely possible and terrifying. I literally have no idea what to do or how to move forward. Guess I've got to initiate these messages and figure it out myself.

Have you kept your options open to everything? Spoken with the "other side" of the tribe?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:35:56 pm

I speak with Rocky, Flicka, and Rebecca on the reg. Obviously the convo's aren't too in detail since I have no reason to trust them. We are amicable and I know they're all nice people, but they obviously have a grudge.

I think stuff has just been slow. I just worry because at this moment I know Svinoy will probably target myself if I don't win immunity tonight. It's shitty, but it's life. If Liliana wins tonight, that would be the worst-case scenario. I do not talk to her anymore since there is nothing she has to say that could possibly affect my game.

I pray to the Stranded gods that I win again tonight and don't have to worry about leaving 11th. FINAL 10, PLEZ
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:53:13 pm

Not winning this immunity actually leaves me in the position to be eliminated.


And the fact that Cici won it? DAMMIT! I love the girl and I'm glad that she can't be taken out yet, but the fact that she's not a possibility means that the biggest target is probably me :(

I made it to the final 3 at least. Okay, my goal right now is to convince Flicka/Rocky to not vote me. Rebecca probably will. Liliana definitely will.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:56:32 pm

Jessica wrote:Not winning this immunity actually leaves me in the position to be eliminated.


And the fact that Cici won it? DAMMIT! I love the girl and I'm glad that she can't be taken out yet, but the fact that she's not a possibility means that the biggest target is probably me :(

I made it to the final 3 at least. Okay, my goal right now is to convince Flicka/Rocky to not vote me. Rebecca probably will. Liliana definitely will.

This challenge was potentially very telling to the pecking order. Is that information you plan on using to your advantage?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:01:45 pm

I wrote down everything that happened, and it sort of tells something. I mean, I took out Candice because I knew her number, not because I dislike her. I should probably clear that up with her so she isn't vengeful.

Stacy took out Rocky and Liliana: Makes sense since neither are really "aligned" with us. They are considered enemies and Stacy is a good girl with no real potential of blindsiding.

Flicka took Cassandra out: Makes sense again since the two probably aren't that close. Again the whole us vs. them is apparent.

Candice took Flicka out: Perfect. Us v. them, last one standing.

Cecilia took Stacy and Nate out: She had the answers and wanted to win.

Nate took me out: He knew my number, and it was the final 3.

Honestly, all I learned was that it's still strongly the seven versus the four. I don't doubt there will be some consideration of myself, but according to how the challenge played out there wasn't anything too obtrusive.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Jessica » Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:44:02 pm

With tribal approaching, I fear things could happen I never planned for. The vote tonight should be at least 7 for Flicka. If it's more, hooray! If it's less, dammit but can't expect less in a game like this.

Since I don't know whether I'll survive tonight, I will leave this as perhaps my final confessional. Ahem!

Candice: Beautiful, but Bad Candice is quiet and cunning. I don't trust her as much as she would hope. Her closeness with Cassandra and Penner signal a possible trio, but at the same time she can be too trusting. I would consider taking her to the end if I had a chance. I don't see her game as exceptional in any specific way. She's managed to get this far with alliances, but she isn't leading or making big moves. She could be considered a floater in the sense she floats on the coattails of stronger players. A bitter jury would vote her to win.

Cassandra: The King Cassandra is the biggest threat in this entire game. She is so goddamn social and friendly that everyone trusts her except Cecilia, who made good points about getting rid of her...which is strange because it's Cecilia! If I could get rid of anyone final 4, it would be Cassandra because she will most definitely win this game if she gets to the end. She may not be the most powerful in comps, but damn if she can't manage to somehow control every movement. She has me giving her info, she has Stacy, she has Candice. Girl is a smart cookie and I love her for it. Smart players will take her out in the final 7 at least.

Cecilia: The Clown Cecilia is a nutjob with lots of social game, but a lack of ability in how to use it. Too many times has she considered faulty options, switching targets, making "big" moves and create terrible alliances. She's acting like that idiot Joe from my season of Isolated...haha, what an idiot that guy way icon_whistling. But in all seriousness, she is a liability and threatens everyone she is close to. She believes herself a mastermind in this game in everything, and that sort of cockiness has landed her distrust between Nate, myself, and Stacy. Her time is most definitely limited and she's a major threat just by the virtue that she is active and social with EVERYONE. Taking her to the end would guarantee the other two would receive more votes. Everyone hates her...which is why keeping her isn't an awful idea besides her constant ridiculous scheming. Girl has more webs woven than 100 spiders, but it's like she's making all these plans in a toilet because they're all so shitty!

Flicka: The Fool Flicka is an idiot. Bottom line. She is very brash and lazy in terms of activity. She rarely replies to PM's, she lies constantly, and she makes very bad moves. Her first move of using the idol before the votes fucked her over. Had she used it after she could've eliminated myself or someone without making a split, but she chose to make things obvious. She lies about the vote last time when things were made ABUNDANTLY CLEAR! I don't consider a threat in the slightest because of her lack of abilities in goddamn anything! She only won the idol because she guessed like 300 words. Her leaving will barely affect anyone's game beyond Rocky or Liliana. Taking her to the end would be dumb since she would probably fuck something up along the way. Stupidity is dangerous.

Jessica: The Queen Jessica is...just kidding, I could probably write seventeen paragraphs all about how great/terrible I've played. Taking me to the end could be bad since I am a tough competitor, or good since people dislike me. I have made several mistakes in this game, and if I can make it to final 3 it will be a miracle. I have made many enemies, and many friends. This whole experience was wonderful and I hope to play again, maybe actually being more social rather than competitive. I have faith that I can survive simply on the virtue of my abilities, but I understand that I have to be realistic about how others think and how risky I am to keep as an ally.

Liliana: The Liliar Liliana is untrustworthy. Called it in the first round when she wanted an alliance right off the back. She makes plenty of deals but then cheats on them with no real problem. She is not careful with how she plays and also doesn't own up to being a backstabber. Very volatile and very willing to say one thing and do another. She could only win by the jury thinking of her as an underdog. I would never take her to the end for the fact that she will never vote how I would want. She has consistently made attempts to hurt my allies and my game. She could be dangerous if people didn't hate her and distrust her. At this point she is simply an irritation with very little life in the game, unless someone likes sleeping with a rabid badger.

Nate: The Great Nate is a social, honest guy. One of his biggest strengths is remaining generally competent and friendly to all. I don't think I've heard a single person remark that they are gunning for Nate, beyond today when we considered voting him to hurt Cici. He is floating under the radar for sure, but he's playing a smart game. He is very good in challenges, but quiet and calm enough to be seen as ally rather than threat. His ability lies in the fact that he never makes any opinions or statements known about other players. He's very vague with feelings and motives. He is another surefire win if he makes it to the end, which could surely happen if someone doesn't recognize his threat. He is incredibly strong and most likely will dominate the game the closer we get to the finals. If I could I would get him out before Cass, because at least for her I am sure she is on my side.

Penner: The Silent Drunk Penner is completely inconsequential. I think I've interacted with Penner the least out of anyone in this game besides the players who quit and that one guy in Hestur that isn't my cutie Mookie. He is barely playing, if at all. He shows very little ability in any game he is playing, probably because he feels so safe right now. No one considers him a huge threat beyond the fact that he was in Hestur with Cassandra and Candice, two much more competent players. He is a goat, and taking him to the end is a great way to keep yourself winning. I doubt he'll become better as time goes on, since he has continually been drunk during challenges/councils. He is lazy and a bad ally in the sense he is barely around. I would keep him if nothing else than the fact that he won't be around to scheme or plan my demise. He is probably the most forgettable member of the game left.

Rebecca: The Many-Faced Woman..but all the faces still suck Rebecca is untrustworthy, bottom line. Tonight might be her first tribal council she has actually attended. Her motives, her goals, her abilities are all pretty unclear since she has barely been around for any of it! Simply by the fact she switched to Svinoy as soon as we merged, and then has made claims to get rid of me whilst simultaneously messaging me like we're friends, she is someone I could not trust to be an ally. She is another goat: she barely plays, she's not too bright, and I wouldn't see her as winner material. Taking her is a risk since she is more socially adept (and less irritating) than Flicka or Lil, but she is also not incredibly trusted. Her making it this far is only because she never went to tribal once during the tribes. If she had, she would've been sent home!

Rocky: The Unmoving Rocky is stubborn. He has shown many times that his positions, no matter what he says, and pretty set in stone (pun intended). He says he'll vote Flicka tonight, but in all honesty he'll most likely vote whoever she wants him to. He is very good at playing someone else's game, and if someone suggest otherwise he won't change or concede. He is also, like a rock, not very bright. He announces his vote for Stacy, which blows Flicka's game up by proving that she is not only A. a liar, but B. a bad liar. Rocky is a nice guy, but he is not someone you could trust or depend on to help you figure a situation out. It's weird how alike he is to Flicka in a lot of ways...maybe that's why they're so close. Taking him to the end relies on the fact he remains a goat and a follower. He is a much lower risk since he is not as strategic and more fun to have along. At least you can trust he won't make too many big moves unless someone tells him to.

Stacy: The Knight Stacy is willing. She is a the most easily manipulated girl in this game. She's a lovely woman and I appreciate all the stuff we've done together, but I don't believe her to be anything but a follower. She is noble, she is powerful, she is social, but she is not a move-maker. She needs advice for every move and every decision. She is the perfect person to take to the end, simply by the fact that she will remain loyal and TAKE YOU to the end. She hasn't played a big enough game for the jury to consider her to win, and unless she begins to make moves independent of others influence, she will remain that knight in shining armor willing to follow orders. I love her to death and I'm sure she'll make it far, but I want to be the one with her when the finals come. Anyone getting rid of her is an idiot. She is the ideal Final 2 deal to have. Hopefully she can work on being more active though, so if I leave that doesn't end her game.

I love everyone in this game. These are simply all my thoughts until now. I'm sure, looking back, people might consider this mean or douchey. Fine. I'm entitled to feel this way, but it's based on game moves more than personality. I still think Flicka is an intelligent girl, just not in the game. I think Stacy is probably an amazing girl in real life, but here she is a wonderful knight. Everyone has their quirks and abilities. It just becomes move obvious during a game like this.
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