Episode 08

4th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 8-1

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:04:50 pm

So with the game at full swing and the jury starting, have you been thinking of not just surviving but winning the game?

Have you begun building your resume for the jury?

Has anything that was said or done tonight made you question your loyalties and how in control you are of the game and your destiny in it?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Cassandra » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:33:17 pm

Jeff, baby, you know the answers to all those questions. But if I have to...

I've been thinking about winning the game from day one (cliché, I know). Voting out Steph was the best option for me to go far. It essentially severed a lot of people's fallback option and made me someone they had to trust.

I've began building my resume for the jury at the first tribal. I've been using Candice and Jessica as vehicles to brag about my game when I vote them out. Since Jessica is the biggest threat, and I'm Candice's safety net, I don't see them using the information I tell them against me. I just see it as building trust even further. I think I had a pretty good relationship with Steph, considering she kept talking about how no one would PM her more than two lines of text. I've gone three tribals voting out who I want and getting zero votes against me. Let's hope I keep at it, because that's pretty big resume padding.

Jessica had already told me everything Steph was "calling her out" for. The only thing that made me question my loyalties was the fourth vote against Stacy. Lil was the backup vote, and I don't blame Stacy for switching her vote because if Steph's idol were real she'd have gone home. Whoever the second vote for Lil was is kind of stupid because Stacy would've gone home if Steph played the idol but, again, I don't blame them because it's still a vote with me. But the fourth vote against Stacy is concerning. Rebecca, Steph, and Lil voted for her, but so far no one is owning up to being the fourth person.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Cassandra » Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:49:40 am

Scratch that, Rocky and Flicka voted Stacy. Dumbasses.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Cassandra » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:38:34 pm

The plan right now is to get rid of Flicka. When I pointed out to Shitsy that Flicka might be a better option than Lil because 1) she got an idol so she has an actual resume, 2) she lied to us about who she voted for, and 3) she and Rocky were a pair, Shitsy flipped out and started targeting me and then started targeting Jessica and then moved it back to Lil which just made everyone want to vote Flicka more. Shitsy is not very good at this game. Quite the opposite, in fact; she is bad. Everyone wants to vote Flicka to weaken Shitsy without making it obvious that Shitsy is the target next round.

Luckily, since I found the idol and the necklace that I don't have belongs to someone on Mykines 2.0, Flicka can't do anything about it. So I told Lil and Rebecca to vote for her so that they don't feel betrayed after tribal. If they tell Flicka, doesn't matter. If they tell Shitsy, she won't believe them because I've been sending her fake quotes from Steph to drive a wedge between her and Svinoy 2.0.

Candice and I were thinking about targeting Nate because he's Shitsy's right-hand man, but it turns out even he recognizes her delusional nature. If we vote Nate out, then Shitsy knows she's a target and goes to work with Svinoy 2.0 and it's 5v5. If Svinoy 2.0 is smart, they then take that deal because if they manage to swing one more person or if it goes to rocks and one of us leaves then Svinoy 2.0 gains the majority up until final four. Meanwhile, if we vote Flicka out, then everyone left in the game is willing to blindside Shitsy, and she won't suspect a thing.
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