by Stephannie » Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:06:01 pm
I showed Candice and Penner the fake idol with a plan saying I'm voting for Stacy and implying that they should hop on board with that vote.
I think I won't have to show it at tribal now because the news will get around... and if it gets to Jessica (or Cassandra if she found the idol) then they may blurt out it's fake and then that plan is done.
So hopefully me showing them the idol gets things changing while I'm away at work.
What I'm hoping to happen is for Cecilia's group (or at least Cecilia) to vote Liliana, other people unfortunately voting me, hopefully Candice and Penner vote Stacy.
Then I'll see if we (me, Flicka, Liliana, Rocky, Rebecca) can put 5 votes on someone like Cecilia and Cecilia goes home.
Imagine if Canddice/Penner actually do vote Stacy and then it's 2 votes Stacy, 5 votes me, 5 votes Cecilia and Jessica/Nate send me home in the tie... so on second thought maybe it would be a good idea to actually vote Stacy if that's what Candice and Penner are doing?