Episode 07

5th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 6-2

Episode 07

Postby Jeff Varner » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:01:31 pm

Hey Liliana, congratulations on making the merge!

Tell me how you're feeling about making it this far, and what your plan is now that all of you are in one big tribe. How are you going to survive this next vote? How are you going to win the game?

In other words, size up your chances and size up your tribemates for us.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:02:22 pm


I'll talk to you after I talk to them!
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Vitinho » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:03:10 pm

fuck them, talk to us
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:39:17 pm

Shut up Vitinho i don't even like you

Anyway Anthony got slammed by the Svinoy 2.0 pain train and got sent to LOSERVILLE: population 6? Maybe? (I need better catchphrases)! Tbh that was a pretty easy vote, sorry not much drama i know you guys love that.

There is one thing though...

I'm SO MAD Jess got immunity. That bitch lied to me, tried to spread distrust around everyone, won competitions... ugh she's just like an annoying fly I want to swat. Flicka and Steph both individually told me that she wants me gone (not happening bitch icon_lol ) so after I use my extreme social skills and amazing charm to get everyone on my side, Jessica will be the first merge boot ;)
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Vitinho » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:56:21 pm

Liliana wrote:Shut up Vitinho i don't even like you

noone does
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:14:28 pm

Tell me how you're feeling about making it this far, and what your plan is now that all of you are in one big tribe. How are you going to survive this next vote? How are you going to win the game?

I've been going around telling everyone how sick and weakly I am and how I have no idea what's even happening in the game, just to make me the last person they want to vote out. My goal is to try and get everyone to think "Hmm... should I vote out X or Liliana?.. Well, Liliana doesn't seem like she's doing much, so I'll vote out X." I guess an under the radar game. Also, I've been telling people how MEAN Jess was to me icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry and how she targeted me and backstabbed me and I'm so so sad!! Why would she betray a person who just had two operations... lol. I'm just trying to get their sympathy and love, and make Jessica look like an evil criminal.

You wanna know something?


I'll type up some more later, I have to go now... icon_shifty
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:38:58 pm

Liliana wrote:Tell me how you're feeling about making it this far, and what your plan is now that all of you are in one big tribe. How are you going to survive this next vote? How are you going to win the game?

I've been going around telling everyone how sick and weakly I am and how I have no idea what's even happening in the game, just to make me the last person they want to vote out. My goal is to try and get everyone to think "Hmm... should I vote out X or Liliana?.. Well, Liliana doesn't seem like she's doing much, so I'll vote out X." I guess an under the radar game. Also, I've been telling people how MEAN Jess was to me icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry and how she targeted me and backstabbed me and I'm so so sad!! Why would she betray a person who just had two operations... lol. I'm just trying to get their sympathy and love, and make Jessica look like an evil criminal.

You wanna know something?


I'll type up some more later, I have to go now... icon_shifty

See, now you are interesting, You can be UTR and boring to the other people, but you have to at least be entertaining here :)
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:44:42 am

Ugghh I'm so depressed... I've heard from a bunch of people I might be going home, and Jess won immunity.

God. I wish Jessica would LOSE. IMMUNITY. FOR. ONCE. I'm so sick of her always winning! And now the obvious threat that I was planning on targeting for the pre jury merge boot is safe.

Of course.

She is just such a vile person. Jessica survived Svinoy 3.0, so now her goal is to murder all of us when we merge? Why can't she have any compassion? I really wanted to work with her, but her ally went against mine and now we're mortal enemies or something! It's so stupid!

Jessica is so annoying and she doesn't realize that her bitchy attitude and betrayal of one of her allies has lost her this game. Mark my words, I am going to spread as many bad things I can say about her to everyone in the game. I want them ALL to know how much of a jerk she is, and how if you align with her, she'll flip on you out of spite. Because Jessica, to put it simply, is a backstabbing, annoying, PEST who is making it look like her goal for this game is to become a professional GOAT.

Onto other people... I've proposed 2 person alliances with... Nate, Rebecca, and Cassanadra, all of whom accepted (Honestly i feel like Nate can be a big asset to me later, i can basically be his extra vote then maybe try and blindside him at some point). I also have a thing going on with Candice, which is nice. I guess she felt sorry for me (ok i can't believe this but could my surgery plan ACTUALLY WORK?) and told me that they're going to vote out Stephennie. As of now, I'm voting with them. I'm going to try and make it appear as if I am so stupid that I actually believe Nate is my biggest ally in the game, and I'm going along with whatever he says. icon_lol

Also, to try and save my ass, I've been as sugary sweet and kind as possible to everyone, and confiding in them that I want to separate from the other Svinoys, and how I want to play an "individual" game, and how they shouldn't vote me. So far I think it's working... but I'll have to wait until tribal.

Moving on... that immunity clue. That frickin immunity clue... along with ALL THE ONES BEFORE IT, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS. I should've tried for individual immunity, because I apparently am the worst person in the WORLD at solving these puzzles. The only thing it's worth to me now is possible sharing it with others so they can trust me. And I've been planning on doing that... maybe with Rebecca? Or Stacy? Not really sure...
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:15:24 pm

Who was on hestur?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Liliana » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:15:51 pm

Are you allowed to tell me
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