Episode 07

6th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 5-1

Episode 07

Postby Jeff Varner » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:01:07 pm

Hi deBen! Congratulations on making the merge!

Tell me how you're feeling about making it this far, and what your plan is now that all of you are in one big tribe. How are you going to survive this next vote? How are you going to win the game?

In other words, size up your chances and size up your tribemates for us.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:07:45 pm

Anthony got voted out, so I was worried that my game was all but over. This merge could give me new life. I'm a little stuck in terms of moves to make since I feel as though I am on the complete outs, but I can work it to my advantage somehow. Cecilia, Cassandra, Stacy, Nate are all people I hope I still have some trust with.

The only way I can survive this next vote is make friends, reveal the Svinoy secrets in hopes of Mykines ones. And of course, the most vital of all, win the challenges. I need the immunity no matter what. Play hard all day. I refuse to let a single necklace fall from my beautiful hands.

In terms of allies and enemies...Liliana, Flicka, Rocky, Stephannie are all my targets. I need to get rid of them. I need to take them down for JP and for Anthony. They outplayed and outwitted me, but I shall not let it happen again. This game is just getting started and I will play the shit out of it until I am voted out unanimously or I win the goddamn game. THE MERGE IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:29:56 pm

I have allies. I will make new alliances. I will continue to dominate challenges. I will avenge JP and Anthony...and maybe Mookie too :). This game is far from over. Liliana, Rocky, Flicka are all targets. Stephannie is one as well. I will not be tricked a third time by them. By the next TC, I will take one of them out and begin my conquest to the end. Jury, here I come...or even better, first place. Ain't nothing gonna stop me now except betrayals, lies, and realistic expectations for how everyone will view me as a strong competitor and therefore a threat to take to the end.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Naonka » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:19:24 am

Good luck girl. <3
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:42:28 pm

So right now everything is calming down from last night's chaos. It's insane how many messages were being sent to every single person. So far I think I have a hierarchy in terms of other players, who I trust, who I dislike, etc.

Keep in mind that this is a very basic list without much information to go off of. Also I have a lot of bias in terms of ability, strategy, etc.

1. Cassandra - Right now she is telling me what seems to be everything. I have a good feeling about working with her since she wants me around and wants to take me far. Honestly I trust her the most out of everyone. I'm only hoping that people can't recognize the danger of having us two together and attempt to split us up. I also notice how social she is with other players, however this is more of a positive than negative at the moment. Let's just hope her strategizing won't end up taking me down before I am ready.

2. Nate - He is rational and honest with me. I don't know where I stack with him and his whole crew, but I feel at a certain point closer to him than any other male or Mykines 2.0 member. At least he is active and not scummy. He isn't the most trustworthy person, as I fear he is too close with Cecilia, but I feel as though there could be a point where he'd be willing to join Cassandra and I as opposed to Cecilia. His skills are little mysterious, but I don't think he's actively attempting to hide anything.

3. Stacy - Quiet as ever, and yet I totally appreciate it. I know we're trustworthy allies and that she will join Cassandra and I over Cici. Her skills are pretty good, but unfortunately her lack of activity definitely leaves a lot to be wanted. I'm only hoping that she becomes more active as the games go on, otherwise she won't be nearly as useful or wanted by me.

4. Candice - Friendly, smart, and I think overly trusting. Her relationship with Cassandra and her want for cross-tribal alliances makes her a match made in heaven. I don't know what to expect in terms of strategy or skill, but I do know her relationships pretty well and I think that I can work with her moving forward. There's not too much given between us that dictates her trust of me, but I feel as though something mutual will spring up down the line.

5. Cecilia - She is active, super social, and trusts me. She is working very hard to make sure I can continue on in this game and I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, she is also too close with every single person and there's no way I can trust her to be loyal. She plays too hard, too noticeably. She seems to really want to keep Mykines 2.0 together while simultaneously keeping Mykines 3.0 together...as well as maybe Svinoy 1.0. The moment she is gone will be a sad moment, but definitely the best move to keep someone like me safe from betrayals and such.

6. Penner - I've been told he's a stand-up guy and that he is close with Cassandra and Candice, and that he would be a great alliance member. Unfortunately I haven't had too much time to get to know him, so he really is just neutral to me. I think the guy is fine, but his challenge skills are dubious and his social game doesn't seem excessively strong to me. I like the guy, but moving forward he's not someone I would consider invaluable or worthy. Maybe he could send more messages?

7. Rebecca - She seems awfully sweet and friendly. The biggest issue is her relationship with Svinoy 2.0 and with Stephannie. I like the girl and I think we'd be fine allies, but she is just too close to the people I despise to ever be considered someone I am willing to trust. After all, there's perfectly good reasons why Rebecca should flip sides onto Svinoy, if not for the fact that she is considerably the weakest member on Mykines 3.0 and not a huge player. Maybe that'll help her out farther down the line, but for right now I ain't getting too close to her.

8. Liliana - Liar and all-around snake. She's got a lot of power in terms of social game and ability. That being said she is also someone I cannot and will not trust. I called it from Day 2 when she wanted to make an immediate alliance with me. She is bad news and will be out sooner than later. I don't feel as though she has as much pull now that she is in the minority, but I worry she'll pull Rebecca over or cause another disruption and get rid of Cassandra or Stacy or someone I care about and I trust. She's taken out two of my allies so far. Let that be all she does.

9. Rocky - I don't really find his game very appealing, and his relationship with Flicka seems stupid. He's a nice guy that i enjoy talking to, but I do not respect his game and I do not want to work with him again. When he leaves I'll be happy that I no longer have to deal with him partnering with another enemy. He's not even that big of a threat, he's just a nuisance.

10. Flicka - Maybe she's very smart girl with tons of skills I've just never noticed because of her mastery of deception...or maybe she's an idiot. Either way, Flicka doesn't seem like she has many fans inside the game. I personally think her attitude and gameplay during TC #5 was proof enough she isn't skilled or knowledgeable about playing this game at all! I'm no expert either, but I know better than to play the idol BEFORE the votes are final, and that when 2 of my alliance mates are voting someone out I'm not going to try and switch the target. She's an idiot. She's made plenty of bad moves. Her game is done. If she wins it will be nothing short than an act of the devil.

11. Stephannie - Fuck her. I can't stand her. She has lied to me twice all ready and I will not ever again trust her. She will be gone. I will dance and cheer when her sorry ass is taken out. She shouldn't have fucked JP and Anthony and myself over. She had the ability to form an alliance that could've carried over for a while, but instead she stuck with the misfits and has landed herself a one-way ticket to elimination. I don't even care if I win as long as this bitch leaves first. I just do not understand her reasoning, her motives, or her goals. Goodbye Felicia <3

This is my current feelings. Tomorrow they'll probably have changed dramatically. For right now: Cassandra is bae, Cici is a threat, Steph is the worst, and Penner is unremarkable.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:41:30 pm

I'm on the outside looking in
This game I'm just trying to win
The target is unknown to me
Who will go? I'll have to wait and see

Cassandra says that I'm her bae
And Cici comes to help me stay
Nate is chill and acting cool
I just hope I'm not a fool

Penner is quiet, Candice is sweet
One wrong move could spell defeat
Steph and Lil are major threats
Trusting them twice I still regret

Tonight I must win immunity
To remain in this game for another week
One thing's for sure, I'm not done yet
Pieces are in place, the game is set.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:43:53 pm

Another immunity win for yours truly. Will I be using this necklace? Maybe. It's not a definite yes, but I have no reason to believe I'm safe.


Also Cass has a clue for the HII that she'll share with me. Lil also has one. It's a race to see who can claim it first. I cannot let that idol fall into the wrong hands. If Cass or someone in the Mykines alliance claims it, I'll feel much safer. If they don't, I will be using my necklace to ensure I won't be sent home in case of idol use.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:17:32 am

Cecilia has gone insane. She honestly tried to convince me to betray Cassandra and the Mykines alliance in hopes of saving Stephannie. Because, as everyone knows, Stephannie's word is worth it's weight in gold...and by gold I mean shit. Not only does Cici think she can control Steph to do whatever she wants, but she honestly expects me to work with Steph AND Rebecca.

I've been told multiple times that Steph and Rebecca both want me out. It's like Cici is trying to make me distrust her at this point. There is no way I consider her an ally anymore. She is a nuisance and after Steph is gone I will gladly get this crazy woman out! I do not need her ramblings and psycho analysis of every move in my messages. SHE HONESTLY THINKS CASSANDRA HAS MYSELF AND STACY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOTEM POLE!

Cecilia, your best move is to shut the fuck up, calm down, and accept that your ally, Stephannie, has ruined her game by messing with the wrong bitch. I have ruined her game and I will sure as hell ruin yours. I am not about to let you compromise both our games.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:57:27 am

Allow me to post all of Cecilia's ramblings about saving Steph

Cecilia wrote:Jess, you're not the only person that wants Steph out. But please I need you to trust me here. Steph will be down to our plan and she'll bring Rebecca as well and then we can get rid of them. I need Liliana and Flicka gone first so our plan can work please, I need you to spill the beans and talk as much crap as you can about them. You need to bring your lying game here :(

Please trust me, obviously I've had a decent relationship with Steph, and she feels pretty desperate. We need to save her for a couple of vote. We get control, we get the numbaHs. If we vote Steph out then believe me Cassandra and Penner will blindside both of us with the help of Rocky and Liliana, who are clueless as fuck.

PLEASE TRUST ME. We need Steph. She feels threatened. I promise you you'll have your revenge later on but please.

Cecilia wrote:
Jessica wrote:I don't understand how Stephannie will provide anything. What exactly is the plan here? How can we actually trust Stephannie? Every other time that she has been "in trouble" she's found a way to be safe and then betray me.

I can't blindly trust her, because she's there for you and not me. Explain the plan a little better and I will consider it. I will try to persuade people to vote Lil instead, but I need a solid reason for doing that beyond a doubt.

I really don't think she'd lie to me and less in the precarious position she's in. I know when she's telling the thruth and she tells me the thruth because I'm actually the person she's bonded the most since day 1. It's *almost* like you and me. She felt she'd be in trouble had she flipped to your side. I just want to believe she'd help us because she doesn't trust anyone more than me. And even if we don't use her and she ends up in outside of the plan, we can't get Cassandra get Lil and Rocky and blindside us. Because I know, I sense she wants us. She's going against the threats already so who's gonna be next? You and me. We can't let her.

The plan is getting to final 10. Mykines 4 plus Steph and Rebecca and we control the whole game. I know how to control Steph, believe me. It's such an easy plan and everyone will be down with it. Besides, if we won't make this plan work I assure you they won't boot the lone person from the Mean Girls. They'll make a move, either you, me or Steph will go home and if Steph is gone at that point, we're screwed, handing power to them. So that's why Steph can't go home now.

Believe it or no, Steph is our salvation right now, Jess.

Cecilia wrote:
Jessica wrote:Cici, I can't argue with you about the trust between the two of you. Maybe she is being 100% honest about needing help and wanting to work with you. However, the moment when you realize you are stuck is the moment you try anything you can to save yourself.

Steph is trying to find an edge to stay in the game. She isn't trustworthy to me and has done NOTHING to prove otherwise. She can make as many excuses as she wants, but right now I don't feel like she's worthy of being protected by myself or you.

So right now, if we were to get rid of Steph, Svinoy would be Rebecca, Lil, Rocky, and Flicka. The other seven of us would be fine. Lil is untrustworthy and will be alone. Rebecca has said as much that she wants to defect, so she isn't a threat. Rocky and Flicka are possible votes for Cassandra, Penner, and Candice, but also for us.

Steph is not an ally we can trust and she only provides a singular, completely untrustworthy vote. If we get rid of her we can always spin it that Cass made the plan and that you wanted her to stay. Show Flicka and Rocky that you want to make big moves and take out the other Mykines 3.0 members. We'll have 6 votes: Me, you, Stacy, Nate, Rocky, Flicka.

Keeping Steph will achieve nothing. Lil is a non-threat. Steph is a huge threat. We have to get rid of her now before she disrupts what we have as an alliance and forces your hand to do something bad for YOUR game. We're in a good position right now. Let's not ruin it by getting betrayed by someone who has shown their colors several times.

Jess, we're getting blindsided by Cassandra, Penner and Candice if we keep Liliana and Rocky. Hestur wants you out. Even if they don't do anything crazy they'll vote you out at final 10 or 9. That was the plan and I'm not lying in this. They consider you a huge threat. Candice has her eyes on you since back at Mykines 3.0 because everyone loved you in your old tribe. And as you're a challenge threat, they're gunning for you even more. Steph isn't gunning for you now, I will discipline her.

Please trust me in this. Steph will just be a dead number because she's getting voted out too if she doesn't vote our way. I swear we'll pull in Rocky or whoever is left from Svinoy 2.0 after that. But Steph can't go now or you and me are screwed by Hestur. Steph won't vote Hestur's way because she knows they want her out too. We'll use her. :(
I'm begging you. You're my closest person here and I want to go far with you and Nate and Stace. I don't want those three from Hestur to control everything, they're psychological bullies too. I don't want them to put a bitter end to this little journey.

She'll be a one vote ally. I'll scare her telling her it's her. She WILL believe me. Then she's out next vote or the one after that. Either way, it's four our benefit.

We're in an horrible position Jess. We're at the bottom. Or at least you and Stacy are 100%.

Steph and Rebecca are our only hope.

She's talking in such a hurried way. Like, gurl, slow down and explain slowly. Her feelings towards not just Stephannie, but also Rebecca, prove to me that she isn't as loyal towards myself and Nate. She has ruined her game by trying to save Steph's. Stephannie is going home. SHE IS GOING HOME!
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:00:32 pm

According to the 21 messages I received when I logged on today, Stephannie is the final target. And I all I have to say is...YES! YES! YES!

After losing my two allies it feels great to take out someone involved in their demises. Even better is the fact that she attempted to persuade me to vote with her. Like, really bish? She thinks I am going to work with her at this point? Hell no!

Once she is gone, however, the target will shift around and Cecilia and Liliana will both be huge targets...as well as myself. I am someone noticeable and active. I'm sure some realize I am a bit of a "sweet talker" and that I play hard with most of the challenges. While I hope that I'm not next to go, there is a definite possibility.

However, with Liliana, Cecilia, Flicka, Rocky, and Rebecca still left in the game there are a lot of chances for me to work my way into the hearts of Candice/Penner and possibly Nate to ensure my safety until the end. I'm still quite positive that Cassandra, Stacy and I are a threesome, but it can't be questioned the loyalty the Hestur tribe still has with each other.

My plan remains the same as last week: Win. Win. Win. I have very little choice as every loss leads to doubt and plotting.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jessica » Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:39:08 pm

Stephannie wrote:btw I hope I at least get to serve on the jury this was a WHIRLWIND and I had a lot of fun.
No hard feelings if it's me tonight

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