Everyone was tunnel-visioned on their "plan."
My theory from what I gathered (so don't yell at me if I'm wrong), everyone wanted to get rid of Cecilia, Jessica, Candice, and Cassandra. But if they targeted them too early, it would be handing a numbers advantage to me, you, Flicka, Rocky, Rebecca.
So they decided just to get rid of us and treat us like pawns in the game so that they could go after each other later on.
You, Flicka, Rocky, and Rebecca they
never viewed as people with a chance to win the game. They tossed you aside as someone
"not really playing" and someone they could just manipulate and get rid of later on (without realizing everyone has their individual vote and "pawns" are players too).
So when we got to the merge, pretty much all the "big players" were on one tribe and decided to band together to get rid of us so that they could start attacking each other safely... because we were viewed as
"less-than" in their eyes...
don't tell me that's not true with the condescending PM's Cecilia/Jessica/etc. would send to Liliana/Flicka, and the comments made about Rocky/Rebecca in jury house. (not trying to start drama because I still like you guys, it's just what I've observed)
so ya pretty much everyone had their
"long-term-plan" locked in their minds, and it didn't involve us.
It's really frustrating, but the consolation prize is that we get to see them all join the jury... i.e. things may have been different if they had actually taken a step back