Fallen Comrades


Ozzy and Rita - Quit - 19th Place
Ozzy was around for a little bit and like... I didn't really like him that much? I don't know I just got a bad vibe.

Adam - 18th Place
Robbed. All I have to say... really one of my favorite people to talk to early on.

Mookie - 17th Place
Never talked to you. Next.

Papa Smurf & Yau Man (Quit) - 15th Place
Papa Smurf quit? Anyway, he gave me the impression that he was going to last a while, but then didn't.
Yau Man... annoying to play with, but I wish him the best.

JP - 14th Place
Started out as someone I was pretty much indifferent towards, but my ally was obsessed with aligning with him. Then he turned into a stank bitter person trying to force votes at the 2nd swap and I saw a side of him I didn't like.

Anthony - 13th Place
Hated having to vote him out. One of my favorite people to chat with in this whole thing... I still feel bad about it, but I thought it was my best decision at the time... I guess it wasn't.
Blame Jessica and her bad gameplay.

Stephannie - 12th Place
hey girl

Flicka - 11th Place
Started off not liking her... because she sent bad PM's and had (in my opinion) bad taste in Survivor contestants (
But REALLY pulled through for me at the swap
Love you girl! Would have had my vote 100% if she made it to the end.
The most GENUINE person in this entire thing.

Cecilia - 10th Place
Ugh. I felt like I was being controlled by her the whole time and I couldn't stop name-dropping her in my pre-swap confessionals. Glad I got away from her to "play my own game," and I'm really annoyed that she dropped me like a hot potato at the merge.
I felt our connection was genuine, though, so I'm hoping she stays a friend.

Cassandra - 9th Place
She was... okay? in the game... and now she's being annoying and sanctimonious in the jury house and I am NOT here for it. I feel like she thinks she's better at the game than she is.
She was okay at lying though... too bad everyone caught on.

Liliana - 8th Place
I could never tell with Liliana... she was either really good at the game or really bad at the game. I always thought she was up to something sneaky and never fully trusted her.
Though I do appreciate her staying by my side at the merge and the 2nd swap, so
and hopefully we can stay friends.

Jessica - 7th Place
Enough has been said.
She thinks she is better&more influential than she is... she keeps making comments in Ponderosa about how she was "controlling the whole game" and I'm just like.... no she wasn't?
Oh ya... rude as well.
And frustrating to see her win all those challenges.
idk I just feel like she has a really big ego and it was frustrating to see it validated in her sticking around longer than she should have.
Willing to put that in the past... but certain things she says in Ponderosa still annoy me.

Nate - 6th Place
SLAYING Stacy and Jessica at that one tribal.
Other than that?

Rebecca - Quit - 5th Place
I don't care what anyone says I LOVE Rebecca and probably would have voted for her if she made it to the end... unless Penner was there with her.
I mean like... she was inactive but influential at the same time.
I said it before... constantly UTRM2, and I loved watching her slide along round after round.
people don't give her enough credit because they're too interested in "#BIGPLAYS" and "STRATEGYSTRATEGYSTRATEGY" but honestly out of the (many) "goats" I would say Rebecca played the best game.

Candice - 4th Place
I mean Cecilia told me to like Candice on Svinoy 1.0 so I was like.... "okay." and that was it.
Then we get to the merge and she's very robotic and false with me.
I guess she effectively lied to me about the vote when I showed her Flicka's idol, but I knew that was a long shot anyway.
I was TERRIFIED that she was going to win, because... honestly, I feel like Penner deserves it more. And everyone in the jury was obsessing over her and praising her, etc... so I was happy to see her leave in 4th place.
Still played a great game for what it's worth. One of the MVP's this season for sure.
Final 3


Ozzy and Rita - Quit - 19th Place
Ozzy was around for a little bit and like... I didn't really like him that much? I don't know I just got a bad vibe.

Adam - 18th Place
Robbed. All I have to say... really one of my favorite people to talk to early on.

Mookie - 17th Place
Never talked to you. Next.

Papa Smurf & Yau Man (Quit) - 15th Place
Papa Smurf quit? Anyway, he gave me the impression that he was going to last a while, but then didn't.
Yau Man... annoying to play with, but I wish him the best.

JP - 14th Place
Started out as someone I was pretty much indifferent towards, but my ally was obsessed with aligning with him. Then he turned into a stank bitter person trying to force votes at the 2nd swap and I saw a side of him I didn't like.

Anthony - 13th Place
Hated having to vote him out. One of my favorite people to chat with in this whole thing... I still feel bad about it, but I thought it was my best decision at the time... I guess it wasn't.
Blame Jessica and her bad gameplay.

Stephannie - 12th Place
hey girl

Flicka - 11th Place
Started off not liking her... because she sent bad PM's and had (in my opinion) bad taste in Survivor contestants (

But REALLY pulled through for me at the swap

The most GENUINE person in this entire thing.

Cecilia - 10th Place
Ugh. I felt like I was being controlled by her the whole time and I couldn't stop name-dropping her in my pre-swap confessionals. Glad I got away from her to "play my own game," and I'm really annoyed that she dropped me like a hot potato at the merge.
I felt our connection was genuine, though, so I'm hoping she stays a friend.

Cassandra - 9th Place
She was... okay? in the game... and now she's being annoying and sanctimonious in the jury house and I am NOT here for it. I feel like she thinks she's better at the game than she is.
She was okay at lying though... too bad everyone caught on.

Liliana - 8th Place
I could never tell with Liliana... she was either really good at the game or really bad at the game. I always thought she was up to something sneaky and never fully trusted her.
Though I do appreciate her staying by my side at the merge and the 2nd swap, so

Jessica - 7th Place
Enough has been said.
She thinks she is better&more influential than she is... she keeps making comments in Ponderosa about how she was "controlling the whole game" and I'm just like.... no she wasn't?
Oh ya... rude as well.
And frustrating to see her win all those challenges.
idk I just feel like she has a really big ego and it was frustrating to see it validated in her sticking around longer than she should have.
Willing to put that in the past... but certain things she says in Ponderosa still annoy me.

Nate - 6th Place
SLAYING Stacy and Jessica at that one tribal.
Other than that?

Rebecca - Quit - 5th Place
I don't care what anyone says I LOVE Rebecca and probably would have voted for her if she made it to the end... unless Penner was there with her.
I mean like... she was inactive but influential at the same time.
I said it before... constantly UTRM2, and I loved watching her slide along round after round.
people don't give her enough credit because they're too interested in "#BIGPLAYS" and "STRATEGYSTRATEGYSTRATEGY" but honestly out of the (many) "goats" I would say Rebecca played the best game.

Candice - 4th Place

I mean Cecilia told me to like Candice on Svinoy 1.0 so I was like.... "okay." and that was it.
Then we get to the merge and she's very robotic and false with me.
I guess she effectively lied to me about the vote when I showed her Flicka's idol, but I knew that was a long shot anyway.
I was TERRIFIED that she was going to win, because... honestly, I feel like Penner deserves it more. And everyone in the jury was obsessing over her and praising her, etc... so I was happy to see her leave in 4th place.
Still played a great game for what it's worth. One of the MVP's this season for sure.
Final 3

Stacy - Always felt like she had sort of a complex that made her think she was more important and more influential than she actually was. I mean... she was ranked #9 on Mykines 1.0 for a reason, and Jessica/Cecilia both saw her as a PRIME candidate to be their goat. I won't get over the fact that she barely PM'd me.
Worst goat... all the other goats I liked better and (in my opinion) played better games. Next.
Rocky - um... I don't know. I didn't see much of his game, and that started way back on Svinoy 2.0. Slow with PM's and didn't offer much in terms of strategy. Sounds like other players are saying the same thing.
He was at least lulzy and fun though... and we had a good connection when we talked about school and stuff.
Penner -

Sorry Cecilia, sorry Flicka. Penner was THE person I had the 100% BEST personal connection with. We talked about all kinds of personal things in addition to the game.
He quieted down around the merge, so I'm going to have to see what he says in his speech, but he was a joy to watch from Ponderosa. I hope he wins.