Episode 10

Episode 10

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:46:05 pm

With Cecilia blindsided it was the first blindside of the merge, do you feel that the game is different now?

With only 9 people remaining, it's an odd numbered vote, typically the perfect time for an alliance flip. Are you considering flipping on your current alliance, and if not, do you trust that your alliance won't flip on you first?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Stacy » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:52:50 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:With Cecilia blindsided it was the first blindside of the merge, do you feel that the game is different now?

With only 9 people remaining, it's an odd numbered vote, typically the perfect time for an alliance flip. Are you considering flipping on your current alliance, and if not, do you trust that your alliance won't flip on you first?

CiCi was blindsided, though I'm not really sure how. All the signs pointed to her going home. Everyone disliked her and didn't trust her and while that may seem like a reason to keep her, since the jury wouldn't be likely to vote for her and she could be booted at anytime, it just felt like she was creating unnecessary stress, paranoia and drama. That's not to say we should be paranoid. As you pointed out, Jeff, now would be a great time for our alliance of six to fracture and make a dramatic move for the finale. I've definitely been considering it. Nate, Jess and I have talked about ousting either Cass or Candice this week. Cass because she's likely to turn at some point and we want to strike first and Candice because she's dragged Penner along and everyone seems to like her. Both of them are threats to me making that Final 3, so if we can oust either one of them tomorrow, that might be what happens.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Stacy » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:25:37 am

Double dose of confessional time. So it seems like Cass is the vote. She expressed a desire to get rid of Jess and Candice over the next two weeks, so it was easy to convince them to vote against her. Nate was already on board since he outed Cass to me, so with Penner, that makes five votes against Cass and that's enough. However, I've taken it a little further. I let Rocky in on the plan to gain his trust. I've told him that I want to bring him, Rebecca and Lil back in the fold this week and next week. It's clear that Jess and Candice will want to turn on each other and I'm going to have to pick a side and stick with it. I'd rather have Rocky & Co. backing me up so if it goes sour, I have something to fall back on. There's the possibility that I'm spreading myself too thin and I'm going to get caught, but I've told Candice and Jess that I was filling Rocky in on the plan and keeping it open ended so he'd think he had a say in the side we pick, when really I'm going to do the picking. I think Candice and Jess are both gullible and desperate enough to believe me, so it comes down to who I think I can make the Top 3 with. But that's a conversation for the next confessional.
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