Episode 14

Re: Episode 14

Postby Rocky » Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:32:47 pm


Hey fellas, it's your boy ROCKSTAR, still awestruck that I could somehow manage to pull myself into the finish line. I'm not even going to lie, my knee's have skid marks from all the dick I've had to suck to get here, but all that effort wasn't for nothing as I've managed to muscle my way here. I'm giving my thanks to Poody. I thought it was hard for me to keep up with the game, but Poody had to keep up and host all of our shit this season, and I really appreciate all he's done. I can't imagine the time commitment he gives. Also a solid thanks to whomever helped him out with moderating, except for Vitinho. IT'S CALLED SOCCER!!!

Alright now let's bring the tears down a bit and talk about some hard hitting facts, and my stance in this game. I know how I was perceived in this game. Stupid, lolsy, maybe I was brutally honest? Regardless, I'd like to think I was underestimated. I was trying to portray myself as a stupid person, because I'm really not all that smart, so I tried to utilize my negative as my positive. I think that pursuing this joker reputation really helped me when I merged in the minority, as I believe it helped me stick around longer than my friends who were perceived as more threatening and smarter.

At merge, I recognized my lowly position in the overall game. I merged without numbers, and with a solid alliance that was aired out and stood out. The only logical thing I could do was... still play dumb. I typed in poorly phrased sentences and sometimes short responses for two main reasons, it made me look stupid and it was monumentally easier for me. I knew that I couldn't lead, so instead I lowered my threat level in hopes that it would pay off... which I think it did. As the merge drudged onwards and I lost allies, I attempted to sell myself out to new people (hence the skid marks). I began to integrate myself as much as I could, offering partnerships to quite a few people, promising my loyalty if they kept me around. As the game passed the half way point, I integrated myself with some real alliances that actually stuck with me through the game. I continued my attempt at highlighting my stupidity, even accidentally sending a group private message to Jessica... talking about voting out Jessica, at final 7. Even with the difficulty of losing half of my main allies before final 10, and my last main ally being someone who never logged on, I still managed to muscle my way here, avoiding the spotlight, and ideally gaining that title of sole survivor.

Now, why should I win over Penner or Stacy? What makes my game different, and more impressive, than theirs. For starters, I had to work harder for my place in this game. I feel that Stacy and Penner merged with a much easier journey than myself. Despite this difficult place I was put in, I still managed to achieve final four without recieving ANY votes until final four. I really believe this is because of the reputation I built, and the relationships that I tried to iron out as the merge continued.

Of course, I shat on my game the entirety of the final four tribal council with Candice. Sad part is, a lot of it holds true. Did I make moves? Aside from gunning for Jessica, and even THAT is a questionable example, I dont feel that the game was owned by me. However, I was unable to own this game. I wasn't put in that position. I knew that. So while Nate, Penner, Jessica, and Candice were hustling this game into shreds, I was trying to retain favorable graces. Why is this a better strategy than Penners, or Stacy's? I believe it's because of the difficulty I had at being able to accomplish it. ALL of my allies fell early on aside from Lil, who fell soon after Flicka and Stephannie did. My position in the game caused me unable to hustle, however I believe I played a winners game in a different aspect. My ability to survive in a merge FILLED with people who I had to form new relationships with is way more impressive than Penner or Stacy's games.

I adapted more. I survived harsher conditions. Did I run the game? No, but I believe I did enough to merit respect and gain the title of Sole Survivor. Thank you for reading, and good game everyone!
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Rocky » Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:21:30 pm

lol it took literally all my self restraint to say "SO what of what I said at last tribal council? I was fucking one of 3 people available to be voted out, who said that I was speaking with any merit?". Cass wanted a reaction methinks, or she wanted to hit me hard in my insecurities.

It's like... WHAT could I do lol. Penner was immune, he couldn't downtalk his own game. God forbid he does that lol.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Rocky » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:07:14 pm

lol Lil acts like she knows shit, it's funny. I legit think that rebecca was better informed.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Rocky » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:21:04 pm


it's been a long month. not gonna lie, i'm sad that i got this far and i dont think it's looking like it's in my favor. the game i was in when i won, i did it during the FTC. this time, i'm not as confident within myself and i think it's gonna show.

solid win penner, solid game poody, i wish i won and spent all that time this last month working towards a victory, but that's the gamble with these games. I'm still proud of a final 3 finish. the last 3 games i've been in, i made final 3, so I'm improving for SURE. way better than my Jessie days :P
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