Thanks, Rebecca!
-Tell me, how do you feel about Jessica and Nate winning immunity?
Two of the people on the other side that only consists of four people win immunity. Amazing
And can Jessica, like, stop challenging herself through this game? I thought she was supposed to be Jessica, not Janelle Pierzina
-Who do you plan on voting out?
Either Cecilia or Stacy. Preferably Stacy, so I can keep on trying to make Cecilia believe I am on her side
The blindside will be good
-Do you feel threatened on being voted out?
Like, not at all. I don't think anyone has mentioned me, unless there's been made an eleven person alliance to get me out, and they're all keeping quiet
Somehow I doubt it, though
Who is possibly getting the boot is one of my closest people, Steph
That better NOT happen, or I WILL cut a bitch (named Cecilia
P.s. your new avi looks hot, Rebecca