by Penner » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:58:05 pm
There's gonna be two or three votes right now where I fade right into the background. I'm sorry if I'm insanely boring the next few rounds, but it's part of my strategy. I need everyone to figure out who their enemies are and who the targets are. Cass / Jess / CiCi / Lil are all on everyone's minds right now. Once the numbers come down a little things are gonna flip all over them, hopefully leaving me, Candice and some random all together at the end. As part of "Hestur" I'm a bit of a target but I want people to need to wait a few more rounds before they target me. It's the only way I'll make it to the end. Right now... I'm still struggling to see a good path, NOBODY is trustworthy bar Candice.