Episode 07

Episode 07

Postby Jeff Varner » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:02:21 pm

Penner! Congrats on making the merge!

Tell me how you're feeling about making it this far, and what your plan is now that all of you are in one big tribe. How are you going to survive this next vote? How are you going to win the game?

In other words, size up your chances and size up your tribemates for us.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Penner » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:59:55 am

I'm pretty happy to have made it this far, but there's still a long way to go. The next vote is gonna be critical and I am having huge trouble trying to figure out wtf is happening. I've got really good relationships with Rebecca, Steph and CiCi while I'm comfortable enough with Nate too. Cass and Candice are obviously still my number 1 and I'd happily go all the way to FTC with them. Apparently Svinoy 3.0 was a hot mess and they're all gunning for each other, so I'm going to try and take a little bit of a back seat for the first vote at least. There are still loads of people who really only know me as the "leader" of Hestur which is not a good thing.

Jessica / Steph / Liliana all seem to hate each other so whatever alliance they're in will hopefully approach me looking for numbers. I want to position Hestur right in the middle of things.

Also, I have no idea how much of the drama is real or fake. It's very hard to tell if people are lying over text; most of the techniques I use in work aren't so effective here. I'm just gonna keep probing and prodding until I get enough information to put together.
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