by Nate » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:25:35 am
I’m also going to do power rankings, in order of current position in the game, because why not?
1. Candice. Candice has a lot of strong alliances that I feel like could do her well at the end of the game, she’s also not that big of a target and is sociable and smart enough to be able to try to make of something should she end up in the minority.
2. Jessica. I feel like Jessica is really strong in challenges and of the big three definitely benefits from the Cassandra/Cecilia blowup, whenever that happens. However, if she ever does end up in the minority she’ll be taken out pretty quickly. I don’t think she’ll get votes from much of the Svinoys though.
3. Rocky. He is by far the biggest jury threat. If he gets to the end he wins. Especially considering that I think he could potentially slip through the cracks when the Cecilia and Cassandra thing blows up. I also know that both Cecilia and Cassandra “love him” and I feel like both of them are going to work with him if Liliana gets voted out next. I don’t think he realizes that’s the best thing in his game though.
4. Nate. I’m not a target, but I feel like my fate is too intertwined with Cecilia in this game, which is something I don’t want to risk. I also don't feel comfortable of putting myself over the other three.
5. Cassandra. Same thing with Cecilia, of the big three characters/strategists of the season she has a pretty large target on her back.
6. Cecilia. Of the “big three people” she has the largest target on her back. If she makes it to the end she’ll win, but that’s a big if. Also, as I said before I am 99.99% sure that one of Cecilia and Cassandra would be taken out at 9.
7. Liliana. Pretty much dead in the water, if she survives this boot she might have a chance but she’s made enemies of two of the big three people of Cassandra, Jessica and Cecilia and will be targeted before either Rocky or Rebecca even if she survives this.
8. Rebecca. Not taken particularly seriously, I know this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but I do think that she has a low chance of winning. She’ll beat Stacy and Penner due to tribe affiliations though.
9. Stacy and Penner. Not nearly active enough, won’t win in a Final 3 and I don’t think people would show up if those two are the final two. In this case my vote would definitely go for Stacy, but idk if that’s a majority opinion.