Final Tribal Council Thread

5th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 6-2

Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:35:38 pm

Feel free to write your speech before Sunday, leave a prevote for the winner here.

I'll start by asking you a question before the final tribal: How are you feeling about the final 3 and are you excited to ask your questions? What should we expect from your questions and are you going to be evil, lighthearted, or sentimental/sad?
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Liliana » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:27:10 pm

How are you feeling about the final 3 and are you excited to ask your questions? What should we expect from your questions and are you going to be evil, lighthearted, or sentimental/sad?

God I'm pumped. I'm going to be mean because i am genuinely mad about the final 3. Typing up a first draft of a speech rn
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Liliana » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:47:00 pm

Let me start this speech with some good news, and some bad news.

Good news first: you 3 weren't the 3 people at the very bottom of my ranking when I first arrived at Ponderosa.

Bad news: only Jessica was beneath you.

Honestly, this is exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen. How fucking boring is a final tribal council with A) A person who was always getting drunk instead of attending challenges, B) A person who refused to do any sort of game talk with me and when I tried to force them to, would blatantly and obviously lie and was Jessicas cultist follower or C) A person who knows so little about the game they've only watched 3 seasons and wanted to tell a person I was planning to blindside (sorry flicka) that i was going to blindside them. This is a worst case scenario, and right about now i am wishing I hadn't voted out Anthony and instead volunteered to be voted out so I wouldn't have to vote for one of you 3 to win an imaginary million dollars.

I'll make this simpler for myself. One person who is not getting my vote? Rocky. Sorry but you're a goat, plain and simple. What I've deduced from my discussions with you are you are probably the worst player in this game and have no business stealing that seat from someone who deserved to sit there. Candice, Cass, hell even Jess! At least they all played the game.

So Penner, or Stacy? Penner was a person who missed tribal councils and challenges, and only talked to me in lies. Stacy wouldn't lie to me, because she never talked to me in the first place. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. Vote for the backstabber who doesn't deserve that seat (but deserves it a little more than rocky)? Or the girl that has been a pawn of Jessicas, Nates, and Cass, and refused to talk anything with me? None of you made any big moves, none of you attempted to venture outside of your comfort zone, and in the end, you both got here. Survivor is truly a flawed game.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Liliana » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:51:31 pm

Should i type my question here to? Here it is.

I want all of you to kiss my ass and praise my game in 50-60 words, just to see how much you actually knew what I was doing. And it'll be nice to feel a bit happier after this horrendous final three.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Liliana » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:52:18 pm

Liliana wrote:Should i type my question here to? Here it is.

I want all of you to kiss my ass and praise my game in 50-60 words, just to see how much you actually knew what I was doing. And it'll be nice to feel a bit happier after this horrendous final three.

Scratch that. My new question is "Give me a detailed answer on why you decided to vote me out. If you didn't vote for me, then why didn't you vote for me?"
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Liliana » Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:35:11 pm

Penner prevote, I'm having internet difficulties and am on data
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