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Episode 10

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:45:09 pm
by Jeff Probst
With Cecilia blindsided it was the first blindside of the merge, do you feel that the game is different now?

With only 9 people remaining, it's an odd numbered vote, typically the perfect time for an alliance flip. Are you considering flipping on your current alliance, and if not, do you trust that your alliance won't flip on you first?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:33:32 am
by Liliana
I'll type up a confessional when I get home, I'm on my phone. Sorry about not doing one yesterday but I was gone all day :P

Anyway, what should i do about æ symbol in words i think are the hidden immunity idol? Should i do ae or the actual symbol æ?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:00:26 am
by Vitinho

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:17:02 pm
by Liliana
With Cecilia blindsided it was the first blindside of the merge, do you feel that the game is different now?

It's definitely different, even if some people don't realize it. Rocky shared his immunity idol clues with 4 others yesterday: me, penner, candice, and rebecca. We figured, hey. We have 5 people who all trust each other, why don't we take power out of Jessica's hands and give it to us? Candice was initially conflicted i think because she messaged me saying like "omg i don't wanna flip on cass :(((" and if she doesn't vote with us tonight Lil is gonna have to stab a bitch. Anyway, our alliance is called 5 guys blindsides and fries which i made up shittily and no one objected so i guess that's what it is now. We're going to stick to our name and pull off the second blindside in a row, with Cass leaving because she's connected with like everybody.

Speaking of Cassandra she messaged me something like "okkk it's you or rocky tonight sooo imma vote for rocky and save you lolll" today after 5 guys was founded and the plan was set, and that was when i realized.. oh my god. I have... POWER? FOR ONCE IN THIS POSTMERGE I HAVE POWER! Unless she can pull off a stellar idol play it's going to be her going home tonight and as far as i know she doesn't expect a thing icon_lol

With only 9 people remaining, it's an odd numbered vote, typically the perfect time for an alliance flip. Are you considering flipping on your current alliance, and if not, do you trust that your alliance won't flip on you first?

Tbh I'm only in one big alliance, 5 guys. But i also have my alliance with Cass which I'm "flipping" on so... yea. I'm gonna flip tonight. Should be fun to watch the fallout after the vote, because Nate Stacy and Jessica are gonna realize something is up icon_wink i do have sneaking suspicions of a candice flip, but since they're splitting the vote kind of stupidly it should still be Cass leaving.

Ok i just need this space to say HOW HAPPY I AM THAT CECILIA IS GONE HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD JESUS AMEN (i am a bit surprised how it was unanimous though. I thought State (stacy and nate lol) were allied with her?) and as an added bonus I MIGHT NOT BE GOING HOME TONIGHT AHHHHHHH I have literally been scared every single day of post merge and I'm finally allowing myself to think i might actually not go home tonight... but knowing my luck i probably am.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:21:51 pm
by Liliana
Oh my god, Cass has the idol. I'm 100% positive the answer is modurmalid and she was the one who told me Hammershaimb, who the statue portrays.
