by Jessica » Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:04:58 pm
19th: Ozzy/Rita: I have literally never shared a word with either of you people. I'm sure you're both nice and would have been a pleasure to play with...but you are both honestly irrelevant to me and my game. Hopefully you can come back and play when life isn't getting in the way.
18th: Adam: I feel bad I never got to meet you, but I'm sure you were a nice guy. Best of luck in your life and hopefully we'll actually get to meet one day.
17th: Mookie: Babe, I have missed you since the very beginning. You were such a wonderful guy to talk to and I haven't forgotten about our hatemance one little bit. I know I'll never find something like that again and it saddens me. Although we spent such an unfortunately short time together, I will consider you one of my closest. I'm honestly crushed you were taken out so early because we never got to strategize, but I know you would've been a great betray. I'm kidding. Except I'm not. Love you. Kidding you suck. Jk. Except not.
15th: Papa Bear: I had high hopes for the Mykines alliance to rule Mykines 2.0...but then JP saved himself and ruined our plans. You were so loyal and such a wonderful guy...even if you were inactive. It sucks that your birthday ended up being the end of you, but you weren't around to tie up the votes and you screwed yourself! Even if I wanted to save you, the vote was 3 against you and 2 against Nate! I think the fact that you sent Stacy and I message saying "Fuck you both" really just nails home the idea probably weren't the best player and you can't blame us for everything. I love you and I wish you the best of luck in the future, you old fart!
15th: Yau Man: Dude, you were quite the reckless player. First you took the public idol, then you messaged with like a sentence or sometimes a few words, then you claim you're amazing at challenges and submit at the very end. You were an enigma of whether you were a strategic genius, or a complete fool. I loved dealing with your shenanigans and I hope you come back to play. I hate that you quit, but it was better than having to deal with your public idol bullshit. Best of wishes, have a good life!
14th: JP: You were my target turned ally. I had you pegged as the first evictee of Mykines 2.0, but then you surprised everyone with your necklace. I was honestly shocked and it was a turning point where I was worried you were going to come after me. Then Svinoy 3.0 happened and I was thrown through a loop: you trusted me! I began to realize I needed to trust you too if we were going to have any chance at staying alive in this new tribe of friends. You were loyal, funny, and a great guy. And thanks to my necklace you were sent home before you had a chance.
13th: Anthony: I had you pegged wrong. In Mykines 1.0 I was not sure about who you were loyal to and I did not have any reason to believe we were friends. The JP vote had made it clear who was on the outs with me. I trusted you and I knew I could. You were such a loyal guy I feel bad that you never got to the merge. I'm proud to have worked with you and dude, you have made this game such a great time for me. You were the truest ally I had at my hardest times, and my necklace is what sent you home instead of me. I wish we had made better decisions, but the game was set and the pieces fell into place. I miss you.
12th: Stephannie: You were by-and-large the best social player I encountered hands-down. You convinced me not only that you were the bottom of the Svinoy totem-pole, but that you were the target and HAD to save yourself. You convinced me TWICE you wanted to work with me, and then betrayed me. Such a social girl, you would've gotten Cici and all of Mykines 3.0 to work with you. I, however, learned my lesson and made it my mission to get rid of you. Now that the game is over I realize you are not a person to admonish, but a person to learn from. You have taught me skills that can be used in future ORGs. You were amazing to watch, especially in the council where the "ruined" my game. I loved playing with you and I'm proud to have been played by you.
11th: Flicka: You seemed like an idiot. Straight up, dumbest person ever. But then I started talking to you again after the whole Svinoy debacle where you played an idol. I realized you were a lovely girl who knew how to play this game. You were so wonderful and friendly, it made me reconsider all I had said and done. That being said, I'm not sorry for you leaving...just that you had to leave before Lil. I hope this isn't the last time we meet, and that maybe we can continue having conversations. I now there isn't too much to say since we didn't interact that much, but you will still hold a nice place in my heart.
10th: Cecilia: Gurl, you were legit insane to play with. Our Mykines 2.0 convos are memorable and I will always adore the Sandwich Justice Warriors! It sucks we didn't stay together, but it was obvious you wanted me out and you made several attempts to disclose that to others. You also befriended everyone and tried to bring Stephannie into the majority. There was no way I could trust you after everything that had happened and I sent you out faster than you could imagine. I did betray you and it was a smart move, in my opinion. But enough with the game talk, you were a great friend and had me laughing all the time. I loved getting messages from you and I'm glad we got to share our first ORG together. You are such a wonderful gal and I hope we see each other again. You have made this game so much more memorable.
9th: Cassandra: We said we were partners in crime. We talked about being a pair. The crazy thing is, after everything that is happened, I honestly don't know whether that was legit or not. You played such an amazing social game that you were everybody's best friend. You probably had final 3's with everyone remaining and that's intense! You were so charming and awesome, that it's not really a surprise you had such an amazing game going for you. Getting you out was such a big move and I still regret doing it. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and the fact we were both so active. I think we are a good pair of active, social people and if there is anyone I would actually consider the person to learn from: it would be you 100%. You played this game so fantastically that you winning would have been assured. I hope you return and I hope we get to work together again. I think you're such a fantastic player and I love how you were the last one brought into the season. CassXJess 5ever.
8th: Liliana: You were a tricky cookie since you made an alliance with me Day 2. You also were with BP, and then The Goddesses. I had my suspicions of you, and when we were brought back together in Svinoy 3.0 everything broke down. I wish we didn't have the break up and that we did reform Goddesses. Looking back, I treated you like dirt and kind of ignored you post-merge. I apologize and I hope that we do get to talk more in the future. You are such a sweet girl and you didn't deserve being ignored. I had you pegged as the mastermind, but I didn't even give you the chance to prove you weren't. You played a great game and I respect all you did. You never cracked under the pressure of leaving and you were fun to PM. I'm sorry for the mistreatment and I hope you don't hate me too much.
7th: Jessica: Fuck you.
6th: Nate: Bye Felicia! It sucks you were taken out so quickly after getting rid of me, but that happens. You were so chill and friendly that a lot of people trusted you. You played competitions so well you tied me in victories. I think that a lot of people overlook you as weak because of your ability to not make a scene, but I know you're one of the strongest. You are such an amazing player and you were a replacement! I'm proud to have worked with you and I'm sad we didn't make it to Final 3 like we planned. Looking back, you were the person I should've trusted more. Live and learn, I suppose. I also appreciate your humor because it is spot on. Keep being funny and best of luck in college!
5th: Rebecca: To me you seemed so inactive. Now, from what you've said, you have played an amazing social game. I've got to say that I am impressed. You managed to send messages constantly and be such a wonderful girl, and the fact that you had such a different time zone really sent your game out the door. It sucks you never had the best chance to play this game, but that's the kind of stuff life gives us. I know, had you had a time zone like some of us, you would've been here for everything and you would've been seen as the threat you were: not because of inactivity, but because of all your activity. I'm sorry for what I've said previously and I hope you get some rest from all the sleepless nights you've had here.
4th: Candice: Apparently you have played a vicious game of deceit and social interaction. You made people believe so many things and you've planned so many councils. I'm not too aware of it, but maybe that just shows your skills. I do, however, have to comment that you were the quickest person I've ever met to really make such an impression on me. We talked and I felt a real connection between our messages. i appreciated all we've said to each other and I was impressed by your ability to remain such a huge target and yet completely safe. I wanted to work with you and make the final tribal council insane, but you were smart enough to not take me to the end and have to work to win. You're well aware that you were the most likely to win had you made it to final 3, but ever though you didn't you have taught me so much. You are so adept at playing other people and making these connections; you could probably sell bacon to a Jewish man. I love your work and I hope I see more of it in the future!
Rocky: Bitch, you don't deserve to be anywhere near the finals. You suck and I hate you. That's a joke since I'm impressed you made it that far. You always seemed a little weak at socializing and a bit of a loner. I did enjoy our talks about Big Brother and I'm glad I got to be Vanessa for you. I know that you'll hear a lot about how you were dumb or seemed like a goat...because you were and are. I just want you to know that at the end of all of still have a foe like me waiting for you. or not because fuck you.
Penner: Timezones suck and I apologize for my behavior towards you post-merge. You tried your hardest and that's what counts. I don't know how skilled you were at the game, since most of time it just seemed like you followed the herd. I do think you have played a serious social game, since you made it here and got a lot of people to trust you (Nate and even myself!) You are a wonderful guy and I think we could've bene friend had we had more time to talk. unfortunately we only had the stressful merge to speak to each other, and we never got too much conversation in since the game was basically completely over. You are a great man and if you win it'll be well earned. You keep stereotype alive and I'm proud to have played with you.
Stacy: In Mykines 1.0 we had about four messages between us about Pokemon. I didn't like you. Mykines 2.0 we had our alliance with Papa and Cecilia. I liked you because you became active and proved you were a strong player. The merge happened and we became super close. We became each others closest ally. I was taken out and I thought you were next. You made it to the end. You are such an amazing girl and you have made me so happy to play this game. You have been a fantastic partner and I have been proud to work with you this entire way. Although a lot of people will credit me/blame me for making efforts to get Cass or Steph or Cici out, you have always been my #2 and helped me every step of the way. I know that you'll be great at whatever you do in the future. I love you and don't let anyone ever get you down! <3