by Jessica » Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:04:48 pm
The only thoughts I actually consider viable threats are the goat strategy and the idea of perceived "weak" players teaming up against perceived "strong" player.
Right now I am working with the Five Alive alliance of Stacy, Nate...why am I even explaining, it's pretty clear which other 4 people left I am still working with. I am also talking to Rocky, but his allegiance is wavering as ever. I also have a final 3 with Nate and Stacy, a final 2 with Candice, and a final 1 with myself.
I just need Rebecca out. Then I can get Penner out. Or maybe I can take Nate out. I don't know. Honestly, right now my #1 priority is making sure people are aware of how much the jury hates me and how I still trust everyone. There is no reason I should be targeted. I may be a threat, but everyone believes I'll take them to the end and that the jury won't vote for me. Maybe they won't. But if that's true, there's not much I can do at this point.
Just gotta keep everyone together. Just gotta stay united. Just gotta pray they're not cooking up a scheme. It could happen, but let's hope it doesn't. I know Jeff really hates how everything is going, too. He wants drama, excitement...and we're just giving predictability and friendship. Maybe he's annoyed with Rebecca staying so long. Maybe he wishes we weren't all so cocky about our plans. Whatever he dislikes, not much I can do since I have been working very hard to stay and keep things predictable. Sorry Jeffy.