by Jessica » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:03:25 pm
The endgame has arrived. Now is the time where I begin to set-up my board in hopes I come out on top. Everything I plan is warped by my sense of reality, so for all I know I have zero allies and will be up after Cici or Lil. However, that kind of thinking will get me literally nowhere.
I've been open to many options of how to go forward, but I realize that there aren't too many paths left. Mykines 2.0 is a bust with Cecilia, since she is target #1 at this point...besides the fact she also wanted me out. Currently Cass and Stacy are my F3, and they seem to be my best shot at making it to the end. That being said, I wouldn't want to take Cass to the actual final 3.
My plan:
Right now I am close with Cass, Stacy, Cecilia, Nate, and Rocky. The rest are Liliana, Penner, Candice, and Rebecca. The big threats are Candice and Liliana, since Penner and Rebecca are semi-inactive.
This next council will most likely send Cici home, which I'm fine with since she's insane and barely trustworthy even if we are close. From that point we take out Liliana (outsider), Rebecca (outsider), Candice (huge threat), Nate (huge threat), Penner (inactive), and Cassandra (biggest threat).
If I can get close with Rocky, he can be brought to the finals with myself and Stacy, basically assuring me the win. The biggest part to ensure my plan succeeds is removing Candice from the game. She is my only competition for Cass's loyalty, and once she is taken out, Cass is left to work with me. Nate is a huge threat as well, but he's always kind of been outside of the main and more of an extra vote. Hopefully getting rid of him will simply makes sense. Penner, Rebecca, and Liliana are all pretty easy boots. However, the hardest to mastermind and go through with is Cassandra. If I win immunity, she will be out. She will win this game if she makes it to the end. I might too, but she's played such a devious game it's hard to compete with. The thing is, I need her abilities to help me get farther.
I do not feel safe at this point. Liliana and Cecilia are the biggest targets, but once they're gone I am next. I have no doubt that Candice has feelings about getting rid of me at the same point. Hestur trio is a thing, even if it's not the most dangerous, it at least leaves Candice/Cassandra a dangerous duo. Rocky is still a mystery vote and could betray me at the tip of a hat. Nate is also unknown because he's very social and very quiet.
If I can make it a little farther, I think I can easily make my way to the finals. I just need Cassandra, Stacy, and Rocky to make sure I win. Maybe I can even substitute Nate for Rocky.