Episode 08

2nd Member of the Jury / Voted Out 9-1

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:05:09 pm

So with the game at full swing and the jury starting, have you been thinking of not just surviving but winning the game?

Have you begun building your resume for the jury?

Has anything that was said or done tonight made you question your loyalties and how in control you are of the game and your destiny in it?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Flicka » Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:52:26 am

Damn damn damn. Tribal council went pretty much as I thought it would. Stephannie, my closest ally in the game has been voted out and now it appears that it is 7 against 4 now. Fuck my mouth, tits and ass.

I'm SO happy to make it to the merge and the jury as that was one of my goals, however, it seems like the game is officially out of my hands. I feel like I've been pretty in control for most of the game, but now, with all of these people here on the same tribe, it is completely out of my hands. This sucks the big one. Myself, Rocky, Rebecca and Liliana essentially just have to sit back and hope that the seven of them take out one of the other 4 of us. I'm hoping that Liliana goes next if it's one of us because I like Rocky and Rebecca the most. I'm pretty sure at this point, all I can do is hope that they get rid of Liliana, Rocky & Rebecca before me because usually when there is one member in the minority alliance left is when things start to change and the majority tries to use that one person as a vote.

The fake idol plan seemed like a good plan and I still think it was because it was able to scare two people into switching their votes to Liliana instead of Steph, but it didn't work out. If only Rocky had voted for Stacy and ONE MORE PERSON got scared enough to switch their vote to Liliana! But even then, we would still be outnumbered 6 to 5.

I honestly think if I make it to the end of the game, I would have a good chance of getting a lot of jury votes. I have the other four people in my alliance that I'd like to think would vote for me just because they were aligned with me and I think I've earned the respect of a few other players that would get them to vote for me, so to be honest, I think I'm good in terms of getting enough votes to win. My problem now, is that I have to get to the end to get those votes. 8 more tribal councils I have to survive to get to the end and I think my odds are pretty crappy at this point.

I hate Jessica and Cecilia right now because they seem to be in control of the game and they're also the most arrogant ones as well. Oh how sweet it will be for one of them to get voted out. I guarantee you, there is no way in hell they're BOTH gonna get to the final 3. They know how big of threats each other are. I'm not going to be bitter if I end up on the jury, though. If Jessica or Cecilia make it to the end I'm pretty damn sure I will end up voting for one of them.

I am really not in a good spot though, right now. I'm really not. Why did I have to play my hidden immunity idol last week? WHY?! I could've saved it! Oh well. I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens. I have a habit of getting too into the game and then just not caring what happens because I refuse to give my enemies the satisfaction of groveling. I can't even remember who said it (maybe Cassandra or Candice?), but hopefully whoever said it, their plan to take me into the majority of the majority will play out and I'll make it to the top 6 at least. Still got a lot of game left to play before the end, though. Anything could happen. Let's see.
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