Final Words

3rd Member of the Jury / Voted Out 9-1

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:39:09 pm

You were AMAZING in this, one of the stars for sure and I so enjoyed having you and watching you scramble <333333 So much fun.

What all did you learn about yourself, the game, what you would do differently, if you would return if asked, regrets, personal achievements, enemies, friends, highs, lows, EVERYTHING!

Thanks for playing! Now the real fun begins on the jury.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Vitinho » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:41:10 pm

we'll miss you
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Re: Final Words

Postby Cecilia » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:44:12 pm


I FUCKING KNEW IT. (No I didn't)

You totally fucking rock. I'm sorry I played too hard and maybe hurt some people's feeling with my maybe too aggresive gameplay, but this was an awesome experience.

I sure should've based my game in trust but I was too worried about the threats and stuff. I'm sorry I have to go out now, I wanted to get to the end. But I completely understand why I'm going home.

(I fucking loved talking to some of you, it was a blast) AND you do a very awesome move here because I was ready to take fucking control after this round.

To Candice and Steph, aside everything, I enjoyed my ass off talking to you and that was genuine.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Cecilia » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:53:01 pm

I'm shaking. That was a 80% blindside there. These guys, they did everything to keep me away from scrambling, they did great. I was outplayed. I don't regret a single bit of my gameplay because the minute I stopped scrambling I got voted out. What an insane and fun experience, didn't expect it to be this fun. Gotta say Cassandra is gonna win this game, or Candice, or Penner, I'd vote for them for sure.

I learnt that I'm such an hypocrite and lying bitch at times, it happens to me in real life. I have this friend I can't stand, yet I talk to him all the time and sometimes laugh my ass off with him yet I don't like him. When he tells me to hang out... I ignore him, I'm hypocrite. I have lots of people in real life hating on me because I'm such a bitchy person and even though this is the internet, this game totally showed my evil side. I didn't care for Candice when I targeted her yet we were friends, for example. I ignored Steph when the vote was dead set when she asked me to confirm if it was her or not.

I'm the master of my demise, and I was many mistakes away from getting to the end possibly being the biggest goat of Stranded ever.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Cecilia » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:13:46 pm

I'm very sad to be out. I love Survivor, I love the format, but that doesn't mean I'm good at it! It's OK to play hard, I'd be more controlled next time and would definetely make bonds with the right people and not fucking target them, lol, ever.
I would've taken Jessica out in episode 4 for sure. She's a challenge GODDESS and obv a player. I made a mistake by playing safe there. OMG Poody told me to make moves first before getting bootted. I SHOULD'VE MADE MY MOVES BEFORE. I feel like I had potential.

I was so taking control, but wait? How was I gonna take control if even the people I was the closest with blindsided me, LOL. I was a hot mess. Yet I loved my gameplay. It was fun for the ages. This experience was amazeballs and can't wait to see how it unfolds.

I would comeback but I think I need a rest, this was (surprisingly) exhausting and definetely required time. I was lucky to have lots of free time this time.

Getting to know Candice and Steph was amazing. I'm sorry I won't be able to see Penner's puppies (hahaha).
Being called a girl was weird. I'm a dude. Anyway. I never liked Flicka, from the beginning, I think I said that in one of my confessionals. She's this kind of person you just can't text with. It's annoying. Uhm the fact that Rebecca and Liliana outplayed me is disappointing but people under the radar always last longer. I prefer to be out at 10 and play the game than making to the end as a goat. I wish my internet was faster, I was gonna post the maze five minutes before the deadline but my computer fucked me over. I also loved to develop my story. Don't think I did it through confessionals but by talking to the guys. I made an story arc on their heads and I feel I left a mark in the Faroe Islands.

This was extremely fun, hope you had as much fun as I did. And thanks SO MUCH for casting me guys and encouraging me! It meant a lot everytime you said I was great. YOU are great. This is the best ORG there is, I'm sure. Although it's my first. 21 days wow, I've been doing nothing and this was amazeballs to kill time. But after being voted out I have to remake my life and find a damn job. :(

I really hope this jury thing is fun btw.
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