Final Tribal Council Thread

9th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 3-1

Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:35:02 pm

Feel free to write your speech before Sunday, leave a prevote for the winner here.

I'll start by asking you a question before the final tribal: How are you feeling about the final 3 and are you excited to ask your questions? What should we expect from your questions and are you going to be evil, lighthearted, or sentimental/sad?
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:55:32 am

I want to tailor my questions individually to each player and phrase them based on an interesting fact about each players' personality. Like my question to Penner will be about him being Irish. My question to Stacy about her and the law. And for Rocky, it will be based off of him telling me a dream job for him would be some sort of coverty spy type thing and a Batman car, etc.

I'm totally fine with this final 3. I'd have loved to have made it with Penner because that would just have been a cool ending to our relationship but I have no hard feelings that he didn't feel the same way. What I put in the jury thread I meant. They all deserve some respect. They outlasted each of us and they did do things right to get where they are at. I'd never be bitter in my questions at all.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:56:01 am

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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:03:27 am

I'll combine my questions into one post before the deadline to have them submitted but I'm just going to put this one here while it is on my mind.

Penner. Hello, handsome. It's nice to see you again, looking all bright-eyed and bushy tailed and not the least bit hungover. It's a good look for you. But as you told me on more than one occasion, you're not just a pretty face. And you've told us tonight your accomplishments. All about the power of the Penner mind. What I want you to tell me is about your luck.

Come on, this should not suprise you. Aren't you blessed with the luck of the Irish, my friend, or is that just an ole wives tale about luck and how the Irish always seem to find it. Tonight, you need to tell me what was the point in the game where you got luckiest. I personally know without a doubt when that was for you. I want to know if you know.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:48:48 pm

Rocky, hey kiddo. Good to see you again tonight. I'm curious ... You told me that an ideal dream job for you would be some kind of undercover spy/superhero type job. You know. Batman with the cool-as-fuck car. I can just see you now. A PT Cruiser by day. The bat mobile by night. So tell me, what was at least one undercover mission you had this game? Name one time when you were playing a spy, reporting back to others what was really going on and then taking note so you'd look like a hero by game's end?
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:23:44 am

Stacy, girl, first I just want to say I'm so glad we connected late game. I really appreciated our talks and that you never slapped me for being too gamebotty icon_laughing . Now on to your question.

You have made it a career to go into health law. Just the thought of it gives me a headache (so don't do anthing where easy access to aspirins might be at risk icon_razz .) And in doing so, you are going to be exposed to many issues related to the ethical and social aspects shaping your field of study. So what I want you to do for me during the FTC is tell me one ethical issue that you thought you might have strayed into the gray, whether it be something like forwarding a PM, possibly doctoring a forwarded PM, outright lying to someone about your intentions, etc. One ethical issue where you were on the wrong side of what is ethically acceptable. And then tell me one strong social issue where you were really strong. It can be from S1.0, M2.0, M3.0 or the merge. I don't care. But one really strong social bond that you are proud of and that was "real" and not fake to get you further in this game.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:39:51 am

Final Questions for the Jurors!

Hey you 3! It's a pleasure to see you all again and I wish you the best of luck tonight. Nothing but good thoughts for all 3 of you. I did not want to be booted, but I think you all should have booted me so no hard feelings at all toward any of your going into tonight.

I'm not really interested in a generic answer on a generic question, so I've tailored each question how I think it best suits your personality. Hey, at least you don't have to worry that you might not answer the question better than your opponent. So, let's get on with it, shall we?


Hello, handsome. It's nice to see you again, looking all bright-eyed and bushy tailed and not the least bit hungover. It's a good look for you. icon_wub But as you told me on more than one occasion, you're not just a pretty face. And you've told us tonight about your accomplishments. All about the power of the Penner mind. What I want you to tell me about now is your luck.

Come on, this should not suprise you. Aren't you blessed with the luck of the Irish, my friend, or is that just an ole wives tale about luck and how the Irish always seem to find it. Tonight, you need to tell me what was the point in the game where you got luckiest. I personally know without a doubt when that was for you. I want to know if you know.


Hey kiddo. Good to see you again tonight. Don't discount your game because you think others will. You did a lot right to get here and I always appreciated how you kept up conversation with me even if we were never really in each other's plans.

So I'm curious ... You told me when we were just shooting the shit one day that an ideal dream job for you would be some kind of undercover spy/superhero type job. You know -- Batman with the cool-as-fuck car. I can just see you now -- A PT Cruiser by day, the bat mobile by night. So tell me, what was at least one undercover mission you had this game? Name one time when you were playing a spy, reporting back to others what was really going on and then taking note so you'd look like a hero by game's end?


Girl, first I just want to say I'm so glad we connected late game. I really appreciated our talks and that you never slapped me for being too gamebotty icon_laughing . Now on to your question.

You have made it a career to go into health law. Just the thought of it gives me a headache BTW (so don't do anthing where easy access to aspirins might be at risk icon_razz .) And in doing so, you are going to be exposed to many issues related to the ethical and social aspects shaping your field of study. So what I want you to do for me during the FTC is tell me one ethical issue that you thought you might have strayed into the gray, whether it be something like forwarding a PM, possibly doctoring a forwarded PM, outright lying to someone about your intentions, etc. One ethical issue where you were on the wrong side of what is ethically acceptable. And then tell me one effective social issue where you were really strong. It can be from S1.0, M2.0, M3.0 or the merge. I don't care. But one really strong social bond that you are proud of and that was "real" and not fake to get you further in this game.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Candice » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:28:47 pm

In case you wanted the vote here instead of the VOTE thread.

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