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Episode 11

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:40:09 pm
by Jeff Probst
Second Unanimous vote in a row. Second huge blindside in a row. Second giant player in a row to leave.

Are you concerned with your status in the game. Are you taking out the only other targets in the game aside from yourself? How is your résumé going into the final 8? WIth one more week of the game, are you prepared to play it all out? Time is running out to impress the jury.

Explain how you view your game and how you think the jury will have seen your game. How can you win and who are your biggest threats standing in your way?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:24:13 pm
by Candice
This is the first round where I'm trying to see a clear path to the end and I can't do it. icon_no At least not with tons of confidence.

Obviously I'm being courted by 2 sides of the game. I know I am. Everybody else in the game has to know it too. I mean look at my numbers last round. Everybody was fine with me being immune. Everybody is my friend. And that's where I wanted to get. I need to be needed. In fact, its' more about being needed than firming up relationships. You need me, you can't get rid of me, even if I'm perceived as a threat.

What I'm so worried about is that there is the thought that we could get rid of say Stacy/Jessica and then get rid of say Lil or Rocky and still be needed. But I don't think so. At some point, everybody else is going to have to separate me and Penner. I just hope it is really NOT this round and really NOT next round.

See one side will still think that me and Penner are with them after the vote on Sunday. I feel like we have to stick with that side for the next round as well. And then I need to pray I can convince somebody to do something that does not involve me or Penner getting voted out. OR if it is one of us that it is Penner.

And I think that means investing like mad in Nate. He knows he can't beat Jessica. He knows if the jury is loaded with S2.0 he can't sit with one of them. So he is, IMO, the most vulnerable and the one I need to invest in.

Unfortunately I also want to take out his side, yikes. Like I seriously want to vote out Stacy/Jessica. Then say to Nate, only way more tactfully than I"m saying it here, you really can't afford to vote out me or Penner because Dude that would leave you a sitting duck with Rebecca/Rocky/Lil. I would like to say to him you stick with me and let's get Rebecca (and I"ll play on her insecurities, don't you worry, because she has a lot) and then we take out ROcky and/or Lil. That brings us to F5. And I honestly think I could make all that I'm talking about happen. But at F5, I feel fucked here.

So then there is the idea I could vote out Rocky and then Lil and again say to Nate and Rebecca hey, Jessica is PERCEIVED as the biggest jury threat. She is. She is perceived as a much bigger jury threat than I am. So again I get to F5. I feel fucked here too.

So right now, I'm predicting that will be my placement.

But that does not mean I"m not fighting to get further. It just will involve a few difference scenarios. I could at F5 turn on Penner. I could explain how he was voted #1 in the game. That perception is so key and that he had about 3 bad days when he was sick but since then he's been integral in all game play. That I was a #5 not perceived as valuable, etc. I also think I could claim that the betrayal of CiCi much bigger betrayal by me than Penner. The betrayal of Cass, much bigger betrayal than by Penner. Etc. If I could pull that off, then I argue that Rebecca can't be the last S2.0 with a jury stacked with them.

Anyways, this probably doesn not answer the questions exactly but these are my game thoughts at the moment. I think I can get to F5, getting past that will take a lot of convincing IMO. But I think I could pull it off if I talk to everybody in just the right way these next two rounds.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:42:42 pm
by Candice
Not 5 minutes has passed and now I'm thinking I want to vote out Lil.

I am literally playing every scenario in my head and trying to predict how each other player in the game would react.

My mind is crazy, at the moment. I'd right it all down but I might sound like CiCi and that's just plain scary af.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:55:35 am
by Candice
Jessica and I made a F2. I don't think either of us like each other very much. But this is not about friendship. Even Penner told me that once Jessica goes, I'm done.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:09:02 am
by Candice
OK what about this. We're to the point where the non-threats are just a heartbeat away from having numbers.

What if I push for Lil then Rebecca. Non-threats.

Then that leaves Jessica still in the game which everybody would want out before me. That also leaves Rocky in the game who has a jury stacked in his favor. That's 2 people I could possibly argue have to go prior to me or spliting up me and Penner.

That possibly could get me to F4.

I don't know. It's where I'm leaning right now.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:27:35 pm
by Brenda Lowe
My first stop for a quick catch-up and I walk out of this thread with less idea of what is going on than I came in with icon_lol

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:47:22 pm
by Candice
I told you. I am CiCi levels of hotmess. It's scary and sort of embarrassing.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:17:27 pm
by Candice
Just to follow up on what I said above before I move on, I did do a ton to get the Rebecca ball rolling today. Penner is so anti this, though, and that is problematic.

But honestly, if I can get to F6 with both Jessica and Rocky still in the game, I think I have a much better shot at F4.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:35:38 pm
by Jeff Probst
Candice wrote:Just to follow up on what I said above before I move on, I did do a ton to get the Rebecca ball rolling today. Penner is so anti this, though, and that is problematic.

But honestly, if I can get to F6 with both Jessica and Rocky still in the game, I think I have a much better shot at F4.

Why do you think Penner is so anti a rebecca boot?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:35:38 am
by Candice
Every time I bring it up he totally ignores it and says she is our goat ace in the hole.