Final Words

9th Member of the Jury / Voted Out 3-1

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:09:24 pm

You were a fucking STAR and legendary. I'm so glad you decided to play and I'm honored to have you. I hope you've enjoyed your time and I made it worth your effort.

What all did you learn about yourself, the game, what you would do differently, if you would return if asked, regrets, personal achievements, enemies, friends, highs, lows, EVERYTHING!

Thanks for playing! Now good luck with the jury! <3
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Re: Final Words

Postby Candice » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:17:53 am

Thanks for having me!

I think I said in my app that I rarely play. Maybe 2 games a year. And I try to play for hosts I've never played for and I'm really glad to have finally experienced a Stranded game.

I love how it has a very old-school feel to it. The challenges were really throw backs and so much fun for me. I love the intensity of Tribals. How there is no pm'ing. The tough questions you ask, even if at times I thought they might be a bit too leading. You guys did a really good job of making everybody think and I thought your TCs were probably the most realistic to the TV show. Kudos on that. icon_wub

What did I learn about myself? That I CAN do a live game if I put my mind to it, I suppose. I've not played one in years. The last few I hated every single thing about them and really gave up on myself and thought I had just lost my edge. And honestly I don't think I have lost my edge. I think I do well in games that are cast properly and not cliquey where everybody will know everybody within 2 pms. But this showed me I can have fun in a live game.

I do not have any regrets this game. I don't leave feeling there are any personal enemies but I rarely feel that way with any game. I don't hold a game against someone, and when people do, I typically think get a fucking life. This is an online game where there is only one winner. Why in the world would you exert the energy to hold a grudge? That's pretty pathetic to me. And if you just mean does my character have enemies with other characters, no I don't think so at all. I liked everybody I encountered this season, some way more than others, but this was not a game with villians to rally against.

As for friends, there are some folks I can't wait to find their IDs, not that I expect to know anybody that much. But while I don't like to leave with negative feelings and they don't shape my overall opinions of posters after a game is over, my positive feelings typically do. I'll always have a good thought for the players behind Penner, Cass, Rebecca, Lil, CiCi, Stacy, Anthony. Actually others as well, but those in particular.

Would I play again? Probably ... unless it is back to back and would start right away. Then no. I can't do two live games that quickly simply because it gets on my family's nerves that I have to commit to being at a computer for at least 2 hours each night of the week.
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