I forgot how to format this stuff.
Thoughts on people so they can read it when they're done and enjoy the read
StephanieI like Stephanie she seems like a nice person and someone who would be nice to work with. I think other people are gonna see this and wanna work with her. There's more targets than her right now so she's a tight muh,fucka.
RebeccaIdk man she seems like stephanie. I'm a bad judge when it comes to these things but sometimes people blend into one for me and i'm not all there but c'mon. they seem similar in there confess. steph and becca is who i'm talking about. she seems aight as well. she's here to play it seems unless if i've missed soemthing. i get spooked writing these
PennerPenner is the fucking man, and i feel like he knows he's the fucking man. His confessionals are fun to read and you can see the character when he types. I mean it's the i'm drunk thing which is done to death, but he does it well. He won me over with posting ffppt or something like that 3 times. Penner is my favorite so far
PzzyI meant to type Ozzy there but i like the nickname "Pzzy" so there it is. Ozzy said he's "maniupulative" so y'know he's gonna be a star or a lil annoying. I don't want to make him seem like a douche though cause he seems excited to play and that's always a good thing. take it from me when you use caps to talk about how much you wanna play, you're being the realest. go young pada-san Pzzy and do well.