Pre-Season Cast Interviews

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Re: Pre-Season Cast Interviews

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:05:58 am

1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?

I can't predict when I'll be working, but most of the time it'll be the typical 8 hour shift.

Some days I work in the morning and other days I work at night, so it really depends.

But I will have at least 7 waking hours every day, which should be more than enough time to catch up on PMs and stuff I may have missed while on the job.

2. What is your main motivation for playing?

[edited for anonymity] I mean, loving ORG's aside... I would definitely say one of the main reasons for wanting to play is to finally get that sense of redemption.

3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?

I have played a total of 5 ORG's now.
[edited for anonymity]

4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?

(1) I'd say Shii Ann because she often finds herself in a "social pariah" status by just being herself and is also kind of over-the-top awkward in certain situations.

(2) Lisi's antics remind me a lot of myself as well. i.e. how she makes weird noises, is ruled by emotions with her "quit, unquit, requit, unquit again, rerequit" etc. (<333) And how she was super bitter in the end (a part of myself I'm trying to work on <3)

(3) Sugar because I'm often over-run by emotions and in ORGs in the past I've always just tried to "get the good people to the end" even if it harmed my game.

Honorable mention to Dawn given how horribly stressed and paranoid I can get over tiny things and how it can completely take over my mind and make me unable to function normally without getting the sleep needed to clear my mind.

5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?

(1) Ghandia! Does it even need explanation? <333 Really entertaining, great at confessionals, RIGHTEOUS confessionals and moments, funny scenes... ALSO ROBBED AND CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED. When is she going to return?

(2) Cindy! Also an underrated contestant. Mainly like her because she is so REAL and so GENUINE and it's great and it was refreshing to see how excited she was in Guatemala.,

(3) Alicia Rosa <333 (mostly ironic appreciation) SO over-the top <333 SO fake <333 SO try-hard <333 So much of a ridiculous trainwreck <333
Most people have her as their ~LEAST FAVORITE OF ALL TIME~ but idk I just appreciate her antics and the fact that it was probably all planned for her to be a "big character" makes her likeable to me... sorry! :P

6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?

Initially my emotions would probably get the best of me and I'd post some OTTN mean thing... and then regret it and feel like an idiot later, y'know?

But tbh I'd probably actually get mad, take a breath, and then try to make a post/comment/etc. that won't give away my emotional investment in the matter or my standing in the game.

7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?

I would just like to be portrayed as myself! (omg such a boring answer!)

I mean, of course it would be fun to be portrayed as some sort of ~OTTN trainwreck villain~ but I'm sure that's everyone's aspiration, eh?

8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?

Probably UTR if I don't make it too far into the game... but if I were to make it far into the game I just _KNOW_ that I would probably be an OTTM obnoxious character like a Caramoan Dawn mixed with Lisi or something.

I'd be worried to get too far carried away on a feud and then say negative things about other castaways that I'd regret later.

9. What personality types do you typically get along with?

Real life or in ORGs?
I'll just talk about ORGs here:

(1) It's hard to pinpoint, but there is a certain type of personality I just click with all the time in ORG's... idk... but there's always at least 1 of them in a game and we form a good bond that almost doesn't even need to be stated, like, we instantly know we'll do well together.

When they PM it's like they're talking to ME... whereas some people can send me a huge paragraph of a PM and not really say anything.

It's the people who I feel like are actually talking to me instead of just sending me a PM to "play the game"

(2) OTTN drama-starters who openly say they "hate almost everyone in the game." These people usually also fill (1). They can be really direct "sharp-shooters" when it comes to PM's and say exactly what's on their mind and I know I can trust them.

10. What personality types do you typically clash with?

I don't know if I can really pinpoint it in an ORG sense, so I'll do a more broad answer to this one:

(1) People who feel that there is some sort of problem with displaying or having emotions... i.e. people who think saying "Why are you getting so emotionally invested in this" in an argument is a valid thing to say.
Why shame someone for HAVING EMOTIONS? Why does it invalidate anything?

(2) People who are "too cool to care" about everything. People who you can TELL are actively trying to put off a "too cool to care" vibe and will never admit to caring about anything too much. i.e. caring deeply about appearing as though they don't care.

(3) People who think they're better than other people based on their experience, taste of music, education, status, etc. (I admit I've done this in the past (who hasn't, really?), but it's something I've actively tried to stop myself from doing and I like to think I don't do this anymore).

(4) over-the-top moralists who demonize others for every little thing yet don't accept their own flaws (i.e. Rafe from Guatemala and his actions with the Jamie boot, the Cindy boot, etc.)

okay there's more but I don't want to post a huge list when I had a smaller list for the first one and come across as some sort of vindictive person, lol.

11. What style of game play do you most respect?

tbh I most respect relationship-building over strategy.

If I were on the jury, I'd be more likely to vote for the person who had deeper bonds than the person who made more #bigmoves

12. What is your strategy going into the game?

My strategy is to make good bonds with my tribemates and hope that everyone trusts me or at least ranks me in the top 3 if they were to do a tribe ranking.

Try to keep myself safe and possibly agree to alliances if offered.

Try my best to keep everyone happy for as long as possible so that I can "play both sides" without getting caught.

If I have to choose a side, I go with me "get the good guys to the end" thing I mentioned earlier.

Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.

I'm not sure what else to say!
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Jeff Probst
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