Day 22 - Immunity Challenge #10 - The Rich Get Richer
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:58:29 pm
Immunity Challenge #9 - The Rich Get Richer
Overview:You are not allowed to discuss any aspect of this challenge or hint at them with your tribemates under penalty of DQ. At the beginning of the challenge, you will each receive 10 Guilders. You must give these Guilders to other castaways. You can distribute the Guilders however you’d like. You cannot give them to yourself. You will do this anonymously by private messaging me your distribution.
The person(s) who receives the fewest amount of Guilders each round is safe. The next fewest amount of coins is eliminated from the challenge. If it is a tie, all of the members with the next fewest amount are eliminated.
We will do this until there is one person left standing.
• You are not allowed to give Guilders to yourself.
• You must private message me your distributions.
• You are not allowed to discuss any aspect of this challenge with anyone.