Day 11 - Immunity Challenge #5
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:28:22 pm
Immunity Challenge #5 - Prisoner's Dilemma
Overview: From this point forward, there is to be no discussion about this dilemma from anyone to anyone. This is a completely individual decision and must remain such. Penalties will be severe.
This is one of my favorite challenges that I created all the way back in Season 3, Stranded in Peru. You may have seen it in other series or in other incarnations but now you get to participate in it in the series which it originated.
Up for grabs is an Individual Immunity Necklace. There will be no challenge after this for a second individual Immunity Necklace.
In order to claim it all you have to do is be the first person to post "Greedy". However, in doing so, you will send your tribe to Tribal Council and the other tribe will remain Immune.
If on the other hand, no one in the game takes Individual Immunity after 15 minutes, both tribes will go to Tribal Council.
If you already have an Individual Immunity Necklace, you ARE eligible to grab this one in this special occasion.
This is an individual Decision and will begin on my go at 9:30:00 and time will end at 9:45:00
• No discussion with anyone in the game. This is an individual decision.
• No taksies backsies.