Episode 06

Episode 06

Postby John Cochran » Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:55:46 pm

icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos

What a ride that was.

What did you think about all of the immunities at tribal? Any of them expected?

How did JP leaving impact your game?

What's the gameplan if you end up making it back here tomorrow?
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:42:55 pm

What I loved about that tirbal was that I was feeling worried about me taking the immunity necklace for myself... but it looks like EVERYONE had their secrets dragged out tonight, and there wasn't anyone who came out of it without scratches.

i.e. whereas I could have been the target of public scrutiny, EVERYONE ELSE WAS! icon_mml
Thank you, Flicka! icon_wub

I'll get to the questions and stuff tomorrow, I have to get ready for bed now... worked late shift today and I work the morning shift tomorrow. icon_sick
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:53:22 pm

okay so there's 4 people online yet nobody has PM'd me all day because...?
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:49:13 pm

so it seems like the plan is going to be just us sticking together as a group of 4 and picking off one of Jessica or Anthony... which is just making me feel uneasy.
It feels too laid-out and simple for everything to go according to plan... and I haven't heard from very many people at all today, so I'm a little worried that there's something brewing behind the scenes.

Jessica is feeding me a plea that she's a "big player" and she feels like "she deserves to make it to the merge" and I see where she's coming from with her argument.
Because I feel like it's the same argument I'd use to ask her to keep me in the game.

From my perspective Jessica has been a "front runner" in this game since the beginning, and based on what she told me she doesn't want all that to result in a pre-jury finish.
It feels like a genuine pitch to me, and I'd feel bad getting rid of her...

But at the same time there might not be another choice. Rocky seems set on voting her, and if we have a solid 4 I don't want to rock the boat and mess things up by trying to change the boot target.
After all, Liliana and Rocky aren't people I really have the same level of trust with as Flicka... to be honest it's really just been stated that "we're in an alliance now" and that was it.

So my hope is that Jessica/Anthony aren't pulling something behind the scenes to get rid of me... which is why I'm trying to get on Jessica's good side as much as possible to make her think that her best chance at surviving is going along with me.

Not sure, though, how much she would buy it, because I already lied to her once...

Anyways, on my end it's been a quiet day here. Finished work in the afternoon and I have tomorrow off! icon_mml
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:20:48 pm

Jessica just sent me a PM saying that I am: "Super loyal" which... girl, I just lied to you last round!
So either she's kissing my ass to keep herself alive in the game because she views me as someone with a lot of power... or she's working on a way to get rid of me.

also I'm still worried that Liliana might flip over given the right persuasion from Jessica... but I also feel semi-confident that Rocky and Flicka will stick by me and in that scenario it would be 3 votes vs 3 votes.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:05:44 pm

1 in 4 shot at immunity... let's see how this goes icon_no
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:48:25 pm

So Jessica managed to count to nearly 150 while the rest of us didn't even get over 100...

if she lies to me about that immunity necklace....
but either way I have some butt-kissing to do.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:50:05 pm

that's her 2nd individual win... yet she publicly loses (throws?) EVERY. SINGLE. tribal challenge.
Bitch fucking please.

Her ass needs to go ASAP... but I guess it won't be this round.
If she comes after me now that she has immunity, HELL WILL BE TO PAY.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Vitinho » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:51:21 pm

how do you throw a battleships challenge?
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:54:23 pm

Vitinho wrote:how do you throw a battleships challenge?

to be fair she did hit one of our own ships.

and she gave a clue away to everyone causing her tribe to lose in the word scramble challenge.
and she waited like 2 minutes after Cecilia started counting in the counting challenge.

I may sound like a conspiracy theorist but things start to add up.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:33:50 pm

So Jessica and Anthony are asking me to vote Liliana.
Apparently they approached Flicka as well.

So since they've approached 2 of us, I feel like they are telling me their true plan?
I know Liliana needs to be informed so that she doesn't find out from a different source... but I just can't figure out a good way to tell her without it scaring her to think she's going to go home.

The last thing I need right now is for her to start scrambling to save herself. I don't have immunity for this round, and I do NOT want to fall victim to a mad scramble.

As things stand right now, it looks like Svinoy 2.0 is just going to stick together and vote Anthony (or Jessica if Jessica doesn't play her idol).

But the option to boot Liliana is always a possibility...

I just don't want to get outed as "Playing both sides" (even though I'm staying loyal to Svinoy 2.0. I'm just lying to Jessica/Anthony...) but ya, if the whole thing comes up about "Stephannie is playing both sides!!" then I might be in trouble.

One comforting thing is that Liliana is the only Svinoy 2.0 person I'd expect to flip and vote for me, and even if she does it would still be 3v3, and I like to think that my close bond with Cecilia in the first round will compel her to save me there.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:40:41 pm

Ugh.. I feel like I have to tell Liliana that her name is coming up, but people can get crazy when they're in danger.

In order for this round to go smoothly, the "status quo" from my perspective needs to be maintained: Jessica and Anthony vote Liliana while the 4 Svinoy 2.0 members vote Anthony...

I really like Anthony, but I don't want to risk plotting against Liliana and it backfiring resulting in me on the chopping block... and CERTAINLY not the round before the merge/jury.

So ya... I'm afraid of telling Liliana because she might then scramble. And if news gets back to Anthony/Jessica that I leaked info to Liliana, then it could be me they want to go after instead... and they only need to sway 2 people to do it.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:13:26 pm

I really like talking with Anthony, and from what he's sending me he really trusts me... so it is going to HURT if I have to vote him out.

Like... part of me hopes that I'll just go ahead with that Liliana vote instead, y'know? But that'll be crossing three tribemates, and they could easily pull a public: "Why don't we all just vote Stephannie" at tribal and get rid of me.

So it looks like Anthony is who I'm going to have to vote for... Like I feel like Jessica probably won't care either way because she's immune, she just won't trust me in the end...

But from what I can see before leaving the boards for the night, Jessica and Anthony want me and a 4th person to vote Liliana, and Svinoy 2.0 is going to vote whichever out of Jessica/Anthony isn't immune.

So I'm theoretically in a position where I could force a tie and have Cecilia decide who goes home... but doing that may shatter the alliance I have with Flicka: the person I feel like I can trust the most right now.
Though at the same time Flicka is unpredictable...

BUT also at the same time, if Cecilia sends Anthony home, then I have 3 people who used to be my allies wanting me out, and I'll be entering the merge as public enemy number 1...

So I feel like, even though it'll hurt to do so, I'm going to have to stick with Svinoy 2.0 and vote out Anthony.

Though like... unless my 5 tribemates have all organized a consensus "let's get rid of Stephannie" scheme, then I'm not one of the potential boots for this elimination, thankfully.

THOUGH neither were JP and Rocky: last tribal it was Jessica or Flicka to go... so you can never feel too safe.

So my plan for tomorrow is to keep being gung-ho about the "Let's vote Liliana" thing with Jessica and Anthony so that they don't try to switch-up the plan. I'm fine with Liliana being the vote-getter. icon_lol

And then try to keep our Svinoy 2.0 4some together and voting as a block for Anthony. Then it's 4 votes Anthony, 2 votes Liliana, and 0 votes me.

The only thing that scares me is that Jessica shouldn't trust me after I lied about the Flicka vote... so I'm worried she's pulling some sort of elaborate behind-the-scenes thing to get rid of me.
But if she believed me when I told her I would "keep her to the merge so that she can be on the jury for the hard work she put into the game" then she would (hopefully) honor that and not go out of her way to target me.

I think I'm going to do one more round of PM's and then go to bed tonight. Hopefully all is well tomorrow.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:40:26 pm

So it feels like a quiet day before tribal, which doesn't necessarily bode well... just the looming feeling that there's a plot to get rid of me.

So I'm hoping that Flicka/Rocky/Liliana stick to the plan I proposed of "let's tell us everything they say" so that I'll catch wind if things change and they're planning to get rid of me instead.

Though I have strong trust that at least Rocky and Flicka won't flip so as I said worst case it's 3v3 vote.

But I'm still planning on doing the "Let Jessica and Anthony think I'm voting LIliana and then vote Anthony" plan... and unless people do a big scramble or something, then that's who they're voting for.

I'm just going to have huge anxiety all day because there is still one "pre-merge fodder" slot up for grabs and I'm not immune tonight... so even though things seem good on my end, I'm going to have that nagging voice in the back of my head expecting myself to be the one to go home.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:43:44 pm

According to Jessica and Anthony, Liliana approached them with a plan to get rid of Flicka. They told me she told them not to tell Rocky.

I feel like it's just Liliana blowing smoke and giving the two of them false hope that we aren't a solid 4-voting block.
If the plan is real, Liliana would need my vote to have it go through. So if Liliana PM's me and says: "We should vote out Flicka," then I'll let Flicka know and maybe we'll just vote out Liliana, y'know?

But at the same time it always feels safer in my head to just go with the Svinoy 2.0 voting block against Anthony (even though I love talking with Anthony)
Like what if Flicka thinks I'm just lying to trick her into voting Liliana, and then Flicka does one of her unpredictable things at tribal and goes: "Let's all just vote out Stephannie" and then I'm gone. icon_lol

Though I would hope Flicka knows I wouldn't lie to her at this point.

Anyway... like nobody is online today. Probably because Rocky/Flicka/Liliana feel safe? Which tells me that they're happy to just go along with the Svinoy 2.0 strong plan.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:53:54 pm

If Flicka has already told Liliana that Anthony/Jessica is saying she (liliana) is campagining against her (flicka), then why would Liliana still approach you to vote out Flicka?

In other words, if Flicka has already told Liliana what Anthony/Jessica have said, wouldn't she call off the campaign anyway if it was infact true? How then could you get to the bottom of it if Liliana will not approach you now?
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:26:20 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:If Flicka has already told Liliana that Anthony/Jessica is saying she (liliana) is campagining against her (flicka), then why would Liliana still approach you to vote out Flicka?

In other words, if Flicka has already told Liliana what Anthony/Jessica have said, wouldn't she call off the campaign anyway if it was infact true? How then could you get to the bottom of it if Liliana will not approach you now?

Ya I figure so... I didn't think Flicka was going to say that to her. But I guess now Flicka has put Liliana back on track? So Liliana wouldn't trust them anymore.
The one thing I'm worried about for that is what if now Liliana goes: "oh that won't work anymore. Why don't I go after Stephannie instead" and then it's my name on the chopping block icon_no

It would be nice for Rocky and Liliana to log in at some point today so that I can chat with them before the vote... but the fact that they haven't been on makes me thing that they're comfortable sticking with the Svinoy 2.0 4some.

But as I said, Liliana would need to approach me or Rocky if she wants to get rid of Flicka, and according to what Jessica said (which I'm not trusting, really...) Liliana said for Rocky not to be involved.
So if she was still campaigning to get rid of Flicka, she would have to approach me.

Now I'm worried that since it's been addressed by Flicka, hopefully Liliana doesn't go to Rocky and say: "Let's team up with Jessica and Anthony to get rid of Stephannie"
Though if that were to happen, I'd HOPE all the talk I had with Jessica of "Active players deserve to make the merge" would stop her from going through with it?

Also one thing that kind of scares me is Jessica keeps sending me reasons for why we need to get rid of Liliana ("she's untrustworthy," "she lied," etc.) and a lot of them can be applied to me, so I'm a little weary of what Jessica is saying.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:42:12 pm

And let me just say everything seems lined up for either Anthony or Liliana to be voted out this round.

But there is a huge voice in the back of my head filled with doubt saying that I've been "DESTINED" to be a pre-merge boot all along... like. So much so that even though everything is telling me it's likely Anthony going with Liliana as a 2nd possibility, I wouldn't feel shocked to be voted out this round.

And like I feel like things are in line right now for the vote: 4 of us vote Anthony, and Jessica/Anthony will vote Liliana.
But like I said... "making the merge" is just something I mentally/emotionally prepared myself not to achieve from the beginning, so as every second ticks down towards this tribal I'm feeling more and more anxious.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:46:06 pm

also if Rocky/Liliana don't log in tonight or something and pre-voted for the wrong person (or didn't prevote)... omg.
This is going to be a stressful 2 (almost 3!) hours
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:44:44 pm

1 hour 15 minutes... and I still haven't heard a single thing from Rocky or Liliana.
I'm hoping everything is still on track.
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