Episode 05

Episode 05

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:01:22 pm

Swap time, Spill
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Re: Episode 05

Postby Anthony » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:10:46 pm

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff....

I feel like every time I feel the slightest bit comfortable about where I position myself in this game a wrench is thrown in lol

And this time I get swapped into a tribe with ZERO of my former tribe members....AND tribal?

I'll start by saying I've got a lot of work to do, but I've wasted no time analyzing what the Stranded Gods have left me.

Jessica and Liliana are former Mykines, I'm on limited time but i plan on establishing connections ASAP. We were in a pseudo alliance called "Beautiful People" back day 1 so maybe we can work something with that.

My other consideration is Steph. She's safe because she took the idol but she potentially put herself in a vulnerable situation moving forward. I may be able to work that into an advantage. Reading into her post it seems like there was discourse with her former tribe. However, it might also be a bluff to fool those who just joined the tribe.

It's a lot to take in and not much time to work with... lets see what I can do.
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Re: Episode 05

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:38:12 pm

It's time to step up and prove yourself my boy <3
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Re: Episode 05

Postby Anthony » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:48:58 pm

I put in some work in Hestur, don't think I won't plant my seeds in Svinoy!

In the past 30 minutes it seems that the former alliance of Lil, Jess, and myself has been secured. We plan to vote either Flicka or JP. I'm working on something with Steph at the moment as well. Considering she felt betrayed by her tribe, I felt that she'd be a good ally to pick up now that I'm here.

In order to do so, I've given her my version of how things played out in Hestur. Hopefully I've earned some trust with her, but she might be a tough cookie to crack.If votes don't go as planned, then I must be wrong about some of this. If the votes go as planned, I'll have positioned myself pretty well here considering the circumstances.

Which means you'll have to do another tribe swap to throw me off again icon_blink
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Re: Episode 05

Postby Anthony » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:57:58 pm

As things stand going into tribal, I see a sort of fractured Svinoy 2.0 made up of Steph, Lil, Rocky, and Flicka. Jess and JP came from Mykines 2.0, and then there's myself. I'm in a position to basically dictate who goes at this point thanks to the relationships I've had in the past and the seeds I've been planting in the last 24 hours or so. However, rather than go after a target at random, the clearest move at this point would be to pick off one of the 3 people I had never spoken to before yesterday, Flicka.

Steph seems like a tough nut to crack. I want to keep people that I can have a pulse on and I really can't tell with her. She may have to go after her immunity runs out tonight. Rocky and JP seem like people willing to work with me. However, my main allegiance at this point is still Jess and Lil. The fact that our alliance could potentially stay strong approaching a merge would greatly help our chances at bringing Cass and Stacy back in.

If I make it past tonight I'll have a lot at my disposal, hopefully things are as they seem....
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