Episode 01

Episode 01

Postby John Cochran » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:53:13 pm

Hey, I'm John Cochran, WINNER of Stranded in the Marquesas (All Stars).

Welcome to Stranded in the Faroe Islands!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, as well as our 10 other co-hosts as we pick your brain to see what's really going on in your head throughout the game. Feel free to ask any of us questions in here if you need to, we've all been through it before and are more than willing to help.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. We will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. The more you update your confessional, the better idea we have of whats going on in your head, and also the more fan favorite points you'll earn yourself come the end of the season icon_yes . You don't have to only update when you are prompted to, whenever you have an idea shoot it at us because we want to know everything.


How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you think your rep fits you? Do you think being this character will affect your gameplay at all?

What are your thoughts on the twist? Change your strategy at all going in to these first few days?

Best of luck out there.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:18:50 pm

omg yay game starting!
will answer these questions after reading tribe threads and seeing what people are doing.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:43:45 pm

Yasss, tribe leader already?! lol. Most active already!? Good start lady.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:48:28 pm

omg girl Flicka is screaming "NOOB! NOOB! NOOB!" to me (that comment coming from me of all people)... apparently she tried to send me a PM before the game started, and she's trying to start a 3-way alliance between me, her, and Nate because we were the first 3 to post icon_lol

She could be a good number on my side if she can manage to not be the first boot
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:29:04 pm

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?
Not super confident but I feel like I have a good shot at making it far.

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?
Flika... icon_lol
Candice... icon_sleeping
Cecilia... icon_confused
Nate... icon_uhoh
Everyone else...? Nowhere to be seen so far

Could definitely be a trainwreck... Candice seems like the most "strategic" so far based off things. Want her on my side so that she doesn't target me first so I'm being all nicey-nice in PM's and trying to tell her what she wants to hear.

What is your strategy and approach to the game?
I feel most comfortable playing both sides in these things, so I'll probably just be social with everyone and have people like me.
I feel like if I go into things with a set "game plan" I'll be setting myself up to go home.

How do you think your rep fits you? Do you think being this character will affect your gameplay at all?
I think it's a good fit... I mean I definitely feel like I can be " icon_chaos " with her and it would still fit.

Also I'm slightly worried because Stephannie was just played in CC allstars, right? So people might associate with her... of course I didn't really see much of her game so idk what their impression would be if anyone is from that... Is it a good thing? A bad thing? idk

What are your thoughts on the twist? Change your strategy at all going in to these first few days?
I definitely contemplated taking for the sole purpose of not being the first boot... but decided against it. Don't want a target on my back before the first challenge even rolls around.

Also I tried to ream out Yau-Man because on my screen he messed up his image tags, but then after I made my post the page refreshed and it turned out that he in fact did post it correctly so now I'm the one looking dumb. icon_unsure

But all in all since the idol wasn't taken by anyone on my tribe I'm not too worried about it right now... we'll see if it turns Yau into an early boot.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:49:48 pm

well actually let me not get all stank too quickly.
Lots of them seem like new players unless they're lying and trying to look like noobs?

so I don't want to get on my high horse as someone who's played, what, 5 games before?
Everyone seems really excited and eager to get going, so I'm looking forward to this.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:55:30 pm

Okay, so Cecilia seems like she is going to be at the center of things socially... very good at PM's and she is 2nd to me in forum posts so far.

Definitely seems like an active player, and she's good in PM's.
I want her on my side, but I know that I'll probably never be able to trust her even if she says I'm her #1 ally... because I feel like she's the type to have everyone thinking they're her #1 ally.

Also Ozzy just asked me if I'd ever played an ORG before and I didn't really know how to respond... But does this mean there are some people who have played 0 ORG's before this one? Well that could play well for me because I won't be viewed as "the tribe noob" so if I can keep up socially, I should be fine...

Though at the same time what can help may also harm... so I shouldn't get too confident thinking that I'm to be in such a good position due to the tribe breakdown.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:45:30 pm

I'm sorry but could Flicka be any worse with PM's? icon_sleeping
Also Nate still hasn't replied to me despite being one of the first of our tribe to post on the public boards.
So much for that "first three to post" alliance Flicka wanted to start icon_lol

I really like Adam... and Cecilia said she liked him as well, and I like Cecilia.
She also said she liked Candice, but like... was that just because Candice sends long PM's? Personally I didn't get a super strong impression from Candice initially, so I dunno. We'll see.

Seems like Cecilia is trying to make an alliance out of the more active tribe members. I kind of like that because it'll obviously help me stay safe... but really like I said in the beginning Cecilia is probably someone I don't think I'll be able to fully trust, because she comes across as really social and active to me.

I still haven't heard from JP, Nate, Rebecca...
And Flicka is awful with PM's, and it really shows in Ozzy's PM's that he is in fact new to ORG's.

So that's a good 5 "non-threats" on our tribe right there.
If we can have Ceclilia, me, Candice, Adam... and then add in Jonathan because he's competent in PM's... just pull in one of the inactives and have a 6-4 majority.
I mean it does seem simple on paper but (a) I have no idea what Cecilia is really thinking and she seems to be building up to some sort of "ring leader" and (b) We shouldn't jump the gun. It's still only been 1 day so I don't really know how Rebecca/JP/Nate will actually be... who knows maybe they'll end up being good at PM's after all?

So ya I don't want to get too overconfident because I'll wind up going home. But I think I like the Cecilia/Adam/Candice/Me thing that Cecilia is trying to start up.

I think for me right now if that's what's happening, I need to keep the 'status quo' going. i.e. I need to stay active in PM's and I need to perform adequately at the challenges.

As far as first boot from our tribe goes... I mean as of right now signs are pointing to one of Flicka/JP/Nate/Rebecca... JP/Nate/Rebecca because I don't think they've PM'd anyone yet and Flicka because she comes across as SO nooby to me that I'm SURE other people have caught on.

That said, nobody has talked about boots at all with me yet. Except Flicka, who seemed to want to get rid of Rebecca.

I wouldn't mind to see any of the JP/Nate/Flicka/Rebecca people go... but preferably Flicka sticks around a little bit because she sent me a PM saying she would never vote me out, so if we do get a me/Cecilia/Candice/Adam majority, then even if everyone else decides to revolt against us I'll still have Flicka there convincing "the other side" not to vote for me.

but alol look at me already talking about two sides... the fact is there are 3 people I haven't heard a single thing from so I can't really talk about that yet.
I'll knock on some wood after saying this, but I really don't want anyone to try to make some sort of bullshit "big move" and keep all these inactives around over the people keeping up with PM's.
*knocks on wood*

Also Cecilia is catching up to me in forum posts icon_cry
Oh well. I guess in that case the post count won't put a target on my back.

Is that everything? Anyway I have to head off to work now.
Part of me hopes I still don't have any PM's from Nate/JP/Rebecca because if not then there really can be a 3-person buffer before any of our "big players" end up being targets... right?
Again, unless someone wants to "shake things up" and keep them around. *knocks on wood*
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Lisa Whelchel » Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:57:49 pm

Your updates are something special. So how do you feel about yourself in this tribe? Do you feel like you've integrated yourself well?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:41:08 pm

Well thank you! icon_yes

I think I'm integrating with my tribe well... I went off to work today and now I have 4 new PM's, and they're from people I already knew to be active (plus rebecca)

I'll see what Reb/Oz say in their PM's to me... that way I'll gauge whether the two of them will be "bottom feeders" in the tribe or not.

I'd like us to develop some sort of hierarchy with me/Cecilia at the top... like... I hope that's what's starting to happen.

I still haven't heard a single thing from Nate or JP... so idk.

But ya. Hopefully what I've been doing is going to integrate me well in the tribe.
I hope there isn't anyone who already has a negative impression of me... that I can't predict though.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:58:15 pm

Cecelia told me that she liked Rebecca and JP and then immediately in the next PM told me that both of them were lazy with PM's and hard to carry on a conversation with... so I'm just like what? She just said she liked them and then completely changed her opinion in the next PM.

And I just sent Rebecca a PM saying "I hear Cecilia likes you" so now I'm going to look like a dubmass spreading misinformation. icon_unsure

Also Flicka sent me another one-line response.... to be fair it was a one-line question from me, but she could have at least ATTEMPTED to elaborate... I mean she seems eager enough.

Glad to hear Cecilia say that she can't carry on a conversation with Flicka either, so at least it's not just me.

omg Jesus how many times have I said "Cecilia" in this update?
Is she the fucking ringleader of the tribe?

Or maybe it's just because nobody else has PM'd me more than 2 times icon_sleeping
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:48:32 am

Flicka is starting to annoy the FUCK out of me.

Me: "So what are you doing for the night?" trying to start SOME sort of conversation after multiple 1-liner responses from her.
Her: "Finishing my rewatch of San Juan Del Sur"
literally 1 line and I don't even know if it was a full sentence... I'd have to go back and check but probably not.

like... icon_sleeping
If she keeps this up nobody is going to want to keep her around.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephanie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:40:23 am

Steph's have a habit of winning and being awesome in this series. <3 GL!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:03:08 pm

Thanks for the support girl!! icon_wub
I don't want to jinx anything but I feel like I'm in a good spot right now... *knocks on wood*
looks like an alliance is forming between me, Penner, Cecilia, Candice, JP, Adam...

Cecilia said something like that but she had Flicka in the alliance instead of Penner, which... icon_sick

I mean it sounded like Cecilia likes Flicka so maybe we can secretly vote Flicka off last out of the "people-on-the-outs" just to have a bit of a "secret weapon" on our side but like... girl. Flicka is SO BAD at PM's.

And not only is Flicka bad at PM's....
She told me that there wasn't really anyone she disliked in SJDS icon_sick
And then updated me and said "oh wait, I didn't like Missy and Baylor actually" icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick

THAT TASTE icon_redface

If she outlasts me in this game... icon_no
*knocks on wood*
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:37:48 pm

omw hi! :<3 Good luck girl!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:49:28 pm

thanks icon_wub
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Lisa Whelchel » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:56:24 pm

Girl, we all know Missy and Baylor were like the fourth best pair in SJDS, to Jonclyn, NaNa and Jeremy and Val
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vitinho » Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:09:42 am

Rocker and his girl were the best
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:19:27 pm

Vitinho wrote:Rocker and his girl were the best

Julie <3333333
Quittergoddess <3333333
Saving the season <3333333

As far as game goes...
Cecilia wants a trio of me, her, and Candice with people like Flicka who are easy to manipulate on the outskirts of the alliance. She is also insistent on having JP with us which is slightly suspicious because he's been slow with PM's.

Penner and Candice apparently also talked about an alliance between her, him, me, Cecilia..... and Rebecca for some reason icon_confused Cecilia seems to really dislike Rebecca so that isn't going to happen... and she doesn't seem to like Penner either so now it feels like I'm kind of in the middle of two potential alliances... (at least from my perspective... I know it's dangerous to feel like you're in a good spot, but that's how it feels at the moment *knocks on wood*)
Good news: it's basically the same alliance just with a few different people meaning I'm not "playing both sides" or anything like that
Bad news: I'm worried astute players like Candice or Cecilia might figure out that I'm in the center of both proposed alliances and decide that I'm too threatening.

I also really like Penner, so I would like him in the alliance... but Cecilia seems like too much of a power-player to cross in the first round of the game. Maybe try to keep that relationship as more of a secret?

But ya my main worry is that the fact that Penner wants me in his alliance and then has Cecilia as more of an afterthought.... hopefully doesn't get back to Cecilia and tip her off that she isn't as much of the "top tog" she's building up to be.... ya. Makes me worry if it gets back to her she'll be like: "Stephannie is too powerful right now. She needs to go"

Anyway have to go,

This would be way more in-depth but I have to head into work.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:01:15 pm

I have a creeping feeling that everyone is online sending PM's but I'm just so tired and my brain isn't ready to do PM's atm...

hopefully I don't end up regretting the decision to hold off a couple hours on PM's later on.
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