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Episode 05

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:01:49 pm
by Jeff Probst
Swap time, Spill

Re: Episode 05

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:40:31 pm
by Liliana
No questions? Wtf Jeff now I have to actually think on my ownnnn

Re: Episode 05

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:46:13 pm
by Liliana
Well, JPs the only one that I haven't had in an alliance at some sort of time on Svinoy 3.0, so I feel pretty safe. I've sort of been gunning for him with my two main alliances of Flicka/Steph/Rocky and Jess/Anthony. If we can unite and get him out, that would be peachy! The Beautiful Alliance wanted Flicka off, but I'm trying to convince them otherwise.

Well, directly after swap the challenge came up. I was happy with my tribe and didn't feel like i needed immunity. I was considering it... but Steph got it before me, that bastard. Then she posted the whole thing about how she knew that I was targetting her? My stomach dropped and i was MAD. I wrote a sort of cheesy apology to her and she might have accepted? I'm not sure. But she is very cold... When i asked her who told her about the plan, she said Rebecca did. However, I'm not really sure... maybe Flicka told her and Steph wants to keep Flicka safe? I don't know. All i know is my only target at the moment is JP simply because i haven't talked with him

Re: Episode 05

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:06:37 pm
by Liliana
Arghh... Rocky wants to tell Flicka if we flip and vote her.

That's not what you do! It's supposed to be a blindside! What if she has an idol!!
