**What's This?!**

**What's This?!**

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:21:56 am

This is Tribal Council,

Here you will go to vote off members of your tribe. Tribal Councils begin, and you are given a deadline by which votes are due. You are encouraged to pre-vote in your voting threads found in your confessionals. Prevotes can not count against you. You should do this just incase you are unable to show up to Tribal Council, at laest you will have a vote in before hand. You are allowed to change prevotes and votes up until the voting deadline. After which all votes are final.

Private Messages are shut off at the beginning of Council, so make sure you know who you are voting for before you enter. Or else you might find yourself having to publicly announce who you are voting for to your alliance members if you haven't already decided with them ahead of time. icon_unsure

It's happened before and it's hella awkward and entertaining.
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Jeff Probst
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Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:34:56 pm

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