I really like talking with Anthony, and from what he's sending me he really trusts me... so it is going to HURT if I have to vote him out.
Like... part of me hopes that I'll just go ahead with that Liliana vote instead, y'know? But that'll be crossing three tribemates, and they could easily pull a public:
"Why don't we all just vote Stephannie" at tribal and get rid of me.
So it looks like Anthony is who I'm going to have to vote for... Like I feel like Jessica probably won't care either way because she's immune, she just won't trust me in the end...
But from what I can see before leaving the boards for the night, Jessica and Anthony want me and a 4th person to vote Liliana, and Svinoy 2.0 is going to vote whichever out of Jessica/Anthony isn't immune.
So I'm theoretically in a position where I could force a tie and have Cecilia decide who goes home... but doing that may shatter the alliance I have with Flicka: the person I feel like I can trust the most right now.
Though at the same time Flicka is unpredictable...
BUT also at the same time, if Cecilia sends Anthony home, then I have 3 people who used to be my allies wanting me out, and I'll be entering the merge as public enemy number 1...
So I feel like, even though it'll hurt to do so, I'm going to have to stick with Svinoy 2.0 and vote out Anthony.
Though like... unless my 5 tribemates have all organized a consensus
"let's get rid of Stephannie" scheme, then I'm not one of the potential boots for this elimination, thankfully.
THOUGH neither were JP and Rocky: last tribal it was Jessica or Flicka to go... so you can never feel too safe.
So my plan for tomorrow is to keep being gung-ho about the
"Let's vote Liliana" thing with Jessica and Anthony so that they don't try to switch-up the plan. I'm fine with Liliana being the vote-getter.
And then try to keep our Svinoy 2.0 4some together and voting as a block for Anthony. Then it's 4 votes Anthony, 2 votes Liliana, and 0 votes me.
The only thing that scares me is that Jessica
shouldn't trust me after I lied about the Flicka vote... so I'm worried she's pulling some sort of elaborate behind-the-scenes thing to get rid of me.
But if she believed me when I told her I would
"keep her to the merge so that she can be on the jury for the hard work she put into the game" then she would (hopefully) honor that and not go out of her way to target me.
I think I'm going to do one more round of PM's and then go to bed tonight. Hopefully all is well tomorrow.