Episode 04

Episode 04

Postby John Cochran » Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:55:44 pm

Congrats on F16!!

What do you think about Mookie being voted off on Hestur? Any guesses about what's going down over there?

How do you feel about the alliances on your original tribe seeing as they never had the opportunity to be tested at tribal? Anything change from what you thought after this round?

4 boots, no tribals, lucky you. What's the game plan if you guys end up there tonight?

Do you think that your tribe is operating under old or new tribal lines? What about the others?
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:56:59 pm

icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml

questions answered later when I wind down.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:48:51 pm

I have a nagging feeling that I'm falling behind with my relationships in this game... idk, I'm getting PM's from everyone but Yau Man, but I just keep having the feeling that I'm falling behind.

So apparently Liliana approached Rebecca and told her to split votes onto Rocky in case I pull out an idol.
And Rebecca forwarded that information to Rocky, and he freaked out.

So hopefully that'll chalk some points into the "We can work with Rocky down the road" bin.
One thing, though, is that apparently Rocky said I come off as "trying too hard" when talking with him in PM's... I actually thought we were having a natural conversation, but I guess I come across as "try-hard"ish. to him.

Hopefully it isn't scaring him off... not sure how to approach things with him now, because I felt like I was just being myself in PM's... and I don't want to put on any sort of front all of a sudden with him. But if I continue the same way will it push him off from working with us?

Also let me just say that I need to APOLOGIZE for trash-talking Flicka and Rebecca in my Round 1 and Round 2 confessionals... Flicka has really pulled through in her PM skills, and Rebecca has always been alright with PM's but is proving to be trustworthy from my perspective.

I think I'm lucky to have ended up on a tribe with them... who knows what bigger talkers like Candice or Penner would have done. Would they have sold me out?
Because Flicka and Rebecca seem to have my back and have been helping feed information back to me.

It would be great to make it to the merge together. I probably wouldn't ever consider voting either of them out until very late in the game.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:51:37 pm

also let it be stated that it's now not just me who has 100 posts more than Yau... it's the entire tribe, pretty much.
Hopefully people like Liliana and Rocky notice that distinction... it's really telling, imo.

I haven't exchanged a single PM with him in what seems like DAYS

also I can't figure out that idol clue... I feel like I should be spending all my waking hours trying to decipher it, but I really don't know... and I feel like the answer MUST be obvious by now with us having all 3 clues.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:08:29 pm

What do you think about Mookie being voted off on Hestur? Any guesses about what's going down over there?
I'm not super surprised... I figured if Candice and Penner rolled over to get rid of Adam, they must have had a plan in mind.

I think Candice and Penner probably teamed up with a Cassandra and Anthony... though my guess is that Penner, Candice, and Cassandra are a trio now and Anthony will be the next to go... just based on what I've heard. I'd expect them to get along better with someone more active, and Cassandra gives me the impression that she'd send more PM's than Anthony... just guesses, though.

And I'm not sure how good it is that Mookie went...
On one hand it proves to Yau, Rocky, and Lil that they don't have to vote along tribal lines.
But it may also show to Rebecca and Flicka that losing one Svinoy member won't necessarily spell the demise for everyone else... they might get the mindset where they go: "If we try to save Stephannie and she goes home, then the other 3 won't trust us and they'll just pick us off. Why don't we just strike a deal and take out Steph and then take out Rocky next?"
Which is the part where I have to trust them.
They've been great so far, so I hope we stick together as a trio going through this game.

How do you feel about the alliances on your original tribe seeing as they never had the opportunity to be tested at tribal? Anything change from what you thought after this round?
Well I was #1 allies with Cecilia in the beginning... but to be honest she seems like the type of player who makes friends really easily. What if someone better than me comes along and she decides she likes them more? idk, I said it in one of my very first confessional posts, but I don't think I'll ever be able to fully trust Cecilia.

But Candice and Penner were a tight alliance, and they've stuck together, so that's one bond that is still going strong from the looks of things.
I was kind of in an alliance with Flicka, and same with Rebecca on old Svinoy, but I feel like we've grown closer now... I'm hoping that we can work through this together as a 3-person group as I said.
But at the same time something that I forgot to touch on a bit was how I labelled Flicka as "lust." The definition said something about "easy to manipulate" and so I hope she doesn't feel that I think that way (though that is the impression she can give off icon_razz ).

Imagine if she's on a crusade right now to "Prove to Stephannie that I'm not gullible" and is playing me to prove a point? icon_lol
Not entirely likely, but everything is a possibility.

4 boots, no tribals, lucky you. What's the game plan if you guys end up there tonight?
The game plan, as far as we've planned so far, is to have Rebecca and Flicka get info from Rocky and get him to trust them... let Rocky think we're going to blindside Yau, and then throw 3 votes at Liliana instead.

Liliana and Yau think they have the numbers to get rid of me... so if Rocky isn't with Liliana and Yau, then we'll have 3 votes Liliana, 2 votes me, and 1 vote Yau Man... preferably Yau plays his idol on himself, wastes it, and Liliana goes home.

I used to believe Liliana, but was slightly skeptical, when she was saying that we were planning to blindside Yau, but Rebecca and Flicka both told me that she actually wants them to vote for me.
So unless Flicka and Rebecca are lying to me about Liliana telling them to write my name down, then Liliana has been leading me on a wild goose chase all along.

Like I said I think that Liliana's plan is to get rid of me and Yau's idol all in one round... of course I don't actually know, but that's what I think her plan is.

Do you think that your tribe is operating under old or new tribal lines? What about the others?
It still feels like old tribal lines unless Rocky decides to come over with us.
Other tribes? Looks like Hestur has developed new tribal lines. I'm not sure about Mykines, but I feel like the answer will be new because of Nate. But ultimately I'll find out on Sunday after their tribal council.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:19:50 am

I feel like after work today I'm just going to get home and sleep... super tired, and no events until Sunday, so I feel like I won't miss out on a bunch of goings-on if I take a nap.

Also would me napping instead of replying to the day's PM's also tackle the Rocky thing where he says our conversations are uncomfortable because I'm "trying too hard"? icon_lol
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:26:55 pm

looks like nobody has really been online today.
I may take somewhat of a day off from PM's as well.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:40:33 pm

ya nobody's been online all day...
make me feel a little anxious, but if nobody else has been online, I guess I haven't really missed anything?
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:24:20 pm

so Yau still only has 61 posts... and hasn't sent me a PM in days.

Hopefully this will make people take a second and think. If Liliana is still so dead-set in getting rid of me... maybe if it's brought up, she will stop and realize that Yau has been away from the boards since like... Wednesday night?

I don't know how his old tribemates will feel about him just skating through the game by missing challenges and ignoring PM's.... just because he has an idol.

That's one thing I've thought about though: what if Yau just isn't there for tribal? Can he pre-play his idol in his confessional? Because if he just doesn't show up then we can all just vote him out and there's the idol gone.

Though at the same time it's a big risk because imagine if he randomly shows up in time after everyone made their vote and plays it... then I'm going home.

As I said in the tribe forums, I'm heading to work this afternoon. Will hopefully be back in time to chat a bit with people before the challenge.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:36:55 pm

speaking of.... well look who's online now icon_no

there goes that plan
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:16:18 pm

scale from 1 to 10 of how mad I am that Yau hasn't replied to my 2-line PM all day despite being online?
scale from 10 to 10 of how mad I am that if things go his way, he'll vote me out and OUTLAST ME IN THIS GAME?

I don't even know... but it's frustrating. icon_mad
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:16:53 pm

that was a typo but it makes my post look more clever than it was icon_lol
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:45:46 pm

I also feel like if there's going to be a 2nd swap it would be right now with 1 person going to exile island and joining the losing team because there'll be 15 of us left and if it's a 20-person season usually jury starts at 12 or 11 and so the 1st swap spanned from 18-15 and the 2nd swap will span from 15-12?

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part icon_lol
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:49:54 pm

also the feeling of me having boring confessionals when I see a bunch of lurkers/hosts on the Svinoy forums but none of them reading my confessional icon_lol
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Vitinho » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:59:17 pm

i love your confessionals
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:02:52 pm

thank you, I was feeling insecure icon_wub
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:07:16 pm

lol I kept hitting refresh to see who was voted off, and must have hit "log out" by accident at some point and then the page said "There are no posts on this forum" and I started CHEERING about how it was a 2nd swap until I realized I just logged myself out icon_lol
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:15:45 pm

I feel like the Christina Cha of the game right now and I'm sure it's mean of me to cheer about a quit, but YES! I was scared about surviving that tribal if we had ever gone as Svinoy 2.0.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:41:50 pm

Time to play queen for the night and guarantee a numbers advantage.
Flicka's ass isn't going home.

And we'll just see who can join our numbers.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephannie » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:43:11 pm

also it feels like the perfect time for that OTTN call-out thread icon_yes
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