Episode 03

Episode 03

Postby Caryn » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:19:30 pm

Congratulations on making final 17 motherfucker! TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?!?!? Turn down for NOTHING! However, there is still plenty of game left to play, so you better bring your A-game and give it your all.

A few questions for you to answer:

1. What are your thoughts regarding Adam's boot from Hestur? What do you think might have gone down and how does it affect your game, if at all?

2. You've had some time to get to know your newer tribemates in the past day or so, are tribal lines still in effect or is that line beginning to blur a bit?

3. Have you thought about tribal lines on the other tribes? Who do you think would stay loyal to their original tribes and who do you think might join up with new friends?

4. If you could vote someone out from your tribe right now, who would it be and why?

5. Please give a full ranking of your tribe and don't hold back. Slice and dice these fools if you have to.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:54:42 pm

GIRL YES!!!!!!!! icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml

I was SO STRESSED because I work the night shift tomorrow and potentially was going to miss the TC but we pulled through on another challenge icon_mml

Now I can go to bed STRESS FREE and it gives me a few more days to try to figure out a plan to slither out of "obvious boot" position.

Will answer the questions in a little bit after everything settles down.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:28:27 am

1. What are your thoughts regarding Adam's boot from Hestur? What do you think might have gone down and how does it affect your game, if at all?
I wasn't surprised at all. If was to guess who I thought would have been voted off, even though a couple days ago I said someone from old Mykines, Adam was the obvious boot.
I know Candice and Penner were really close on Svinoy, and it was just me and Cecilia who wanted to bring Adam in with us. So I feel like Penner and Candice probably had no problem getting rid of him.

Of course I don't actually know that's how it went down, but it's my guess.... for all I know Mykines had to break a tie and Jessica sent Adam home.
Interested to see who is next eliminated.

If they did, was it beneficial for Candice and Penner to agree to vote off Adam? Or will one of those two be the next to go?

Also I feel like Adam going may be good for my game as of right now... I might be able to use it as leverage to convince Yau, Liliana, or Rocky to not target me: "See, our tribe is already behind in numbers so it won't be a bad thing to get rid of me"

(side note... I still feel like upon losing a challenge, I'm going to make that OTTN call-out thread).

2. You've had some time to get to know your newer tribemates in the past day or so, are tribal lines still in effect or is that line beginning to blur a bit?
Rocky and Liliana give the impression that tribal lines have been blurred... but I don't trust them.
According to Flicka it's not Yau man AND Liliana talking about getting rid of me... even though Lil has been going on and on about a plan to blindside Yau.
So ya, it definitely doesn't seem like tribal lines have blurred, and I'm STILL target #1 from the sounds of it.

I don't want to throw Rebecca or Flicka under the bus because they've been so helpful in defending me and sticking by my side... I was reluctant to wind up on a tribe with them in the beginning, but (at least from what I can see) they've really pulled through for me so far.
(now let's just hope they're not secretly plotting against me as I post this icon_lol )

3. Have you thought about tribal lines on the other tribes? Who do you think would stay loyal to their original tribes and who do you think might join up with new friends?
From the looks of things Hestur already fractured old Snivoy bonds... but also Penner and Candice are still together, so that bond is likely still intact.
Cecilia is with JP who she likes on Mykines, but I feel like she is also the type of player to form close bonds with anyone she can, so I wouldn't be surprised if her and someone like Jessica hit things off.
And Nate doesn't really count because he never really bonded with our tribe since he came in later.

4. If you could vote someone out from your tribe right now, who would it be and why?
He's arrogant, which makes me really angry... (arrogance without anything to back it up is one of my few pet peeves, fyi)... like it's just a huge slap in the face that he's already decided that he wants me gone, so he isn't even trying in PM's to me in the slightest.

Plus from what I've seen he's bad at challenges (if he even shows up).

AND HE HAS THE IDOL which complicates all plans we want to make.

I just want to get rid of him, but with his idol things are so much more complicated. The idol gives the old Mykines members a leg up on us 3 Svinoy girls.

5. Please give a full ranking of your tribe and don't hold back. Slice and dice these fools if you have to.
1. Rebecca. Thanks for having my back, AND FOR BEING GOOD AT CHALLENGES.

2. Flicka. Not as good at challenges, but has my back. From what I've seen is playing double agent to Yau to gather info... (hopefully not triple agent icon_lol )

3. Rocky. Enjoyable to talk to, decent at challenges... I just feel like I can't trust him and he's holding back. He won't talk game with me, and I feel like it's because he's just playing me and wants to get rid of me.

4. Liliana. Decent at challenges as well, got us the win in the challenge earlier tonight. We were getting along and she brought up a plan to blindside Yau, but Flicka just told me that Lil said she's voting me... which could have been a lie because Lil thinks Flicka could be working with Yau, but in that case we wouldn't even have the 4 votes to get rid of him, so it leads me to believe Lil actually does want me gone.

5. Yau Man. Does this one need explanation? It feels like he's putting minimal effort into the game, and he can get away with it due to his idol... which, kudos to him for taking. I can't be bitter about that. But still, he only has like 60 forum posts... 100 less than me... does that mean he's skimping on confessionals just like he's skimping on challenges and PM's? Even without the idol he's just the type of player I never get along with.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:30:51 am

Stephannie wrote: "See, our tribe is already behind in numbers so it won't be a bad thing to get rid of me"

that typo.... certainly not what I meant to say.

hopefully it isn't a sign icon_sick
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:50:43 am

Went to bed and only 1 PM in my inbox, and it's the group PM between me, Rebecca, and Flicka.
(side note: I feel like I should keep up individual PM's with those two girls, because they're probably doing individual PM's with each other?)

Wonder if Rocky and Liliana are going to same route as Yau now where they want me out and just don't care to PM me? Or maybe they just haven't been online... idk.
I feel like I should maybe send additional PM's to them.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:20:45 pm

Part of me hopes it's Candice or Penner getting voted out of Hestur, because then I might be able to play some sort of "Why are you threatened by me if my old tribe is all getting voted out?" sob story?

But at the same time, that may also convince Rebecca and Flicka to vote me out too... because they could use the same logic after I'm eliminated to try and keep themselves safe.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:29:41 pm

but in any event it seems like what all my plans are leading up to is an OTTN call-out thread icon_yes
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Stephannie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:52:08 pm

So it's been all but 100% confirmed Liliana has been lying about the Yau thing all along.
Now Rebecca is saying Lil approached her to get rid of me as well...

I mean, I feel like Lil didn't have to do that... if she was looking to get rid of me and tricking me with this fake Yau Man vote, then why would she risk telling BOTH Rebecca and Flicka about it? Does she not realize that they might come back and tell me?

The one thing that still gives me hope is that she didn't want to tell Rocky about the plan... maybe the two of them aren't very close and that's why she needs both Rebecca and Flicka to get rid of me?
So maybe that's our way out... get Rocky to agree to a plan with me, Rebecca and Flicka...

From how things stand right now I think we're going to ask Rocky to vote Yau, and then us three are going to vote Liliana. Yau will probably play the idol on himself, and then it's Liliana getting 3 votes against her while I get 2.

But if any of the three of them get the TC immunity idol... it could really complicate things. AND IMAGINE IF ONE OF THEM FOUND THE HIDDEN II? icon_sick
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