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Episode 04

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:54:51 pm
by John Cochran
Congrats on F16!!

What do you think about Mookie being voted off on Hestur? Any guesses about what's going down over there?

How do you feel about the alliances on your original tribe seeing as they never had the opportunity to be tested at tribal? Anything change from what you thought after this round?

4 boots, no tribals, lucky you. What's the game plan if you guys end up there tonight?

Do you think that your tribe is operating under old or new tribal lines? What about the others?

Re: Episode 04

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:17:26 pm
by Rebecca
NO idea
I was expxecting it to be someone from my tribe aka penner, so good for him on not sticking out when his tribemate was evicted.


"as they never had the opportunity to be tested at tribal?"... But... They did? Adam got evicted. I don't get the question, I think Image


Evict Liliana (with the vote of Rocky, who I just convinced by telling him Liliana wants to split the votes on him) and convince yau-man we're trying to get him out, which I would do by telling Rocky to go tell him that the three of us are voting for him



New tribe lines, definitely. Flicka was ranked lowest in my old Snivoy ranking. I think it's the same for the others Image