Episode 01

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Episode 01

Postby John Cochran » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:51:42 pm

Hey, I'm John Cochran, WINNER of Stranded in the Marquesas (All Stars).

Welcome to Stranded in the Faroe Islands!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, as well as our 10 other co-hosts as we pick your brain to see what's really going on in your head throughout the game. Feel free to ask any of us questions in here if you need to, we've all been through it before and are more than willing to help.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. We will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. The more you update your confessional, the better idea we have of whats going on in your head, and also the more fan favorite points you'll earn yourself come the end of the season icon_yes . You don't have to only update when you are prompted to, whenever you have an idea shoot it at us because we want to know everything.


How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you think your rep fits you? Do you think being this character will affect your gameplay at all?

What are your thoughts on the twist? Change your strategy at all going in to these first few days?

Best of luck out there.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:33:57 pm

WElcome to the game!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Nate » Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:14:53 pm

Hey guys,

Call me N8 the Gr8, I know I might be l8, M8s don't h8 because I just 8 and without you guys I would probably just be masturb8ing.

My strategy going in is to talk to everyone and immediately be open as a strategic option so somebody could pick me up to make a blindside turn 1 (there's always somebody who wants to do that for whatever reason) and I'll be the bottom of an alliance (even though tribal is going to be cancelled). It's not ideal but in this scenario and knowing that there's a swap coming up that's probably the only thing I could do.

I'm telling everybody I know nothing. It looks like Nate had a deal with both Stephannie and Flicka (Stephannie says at one point verbatum "it sucks that there are so many inactives"). I don't know the twist but I don't think it'll effect this negotiation.

My big mistake in my Australian season was that I didn't always talk to everyone. Even if I played the game identically and spoke to people who would comprise the early jury a lot more, I think I would have had a better chance to win.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Nate » Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:05:50 pm

I'm not sure if people are ignoring me because they are voted for me or if they're just not replying yet.

It seems like Cecilia/Ozzy/Flicka/Penner have checked the forum, the only response I have gotten was from Penna
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Nate » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:53:48 pm

Okay, people have been responding now.

> Cecilia has obviously outed herself as the leader but she refers to people blindly as "her peeps" so I have no idea who's in power

I've had a chance to speak to are:
> Penner -> Seems nice but pseudo-floaty. However, he did message me "how's your attempts of staying" after he. He could be one of the aforementioned "peeps" - but I can't imagine Penner being a major player.

> Cecilia -> Has mentioned that she's in a big alliance. Did the typical "I think I'm in charge" thing of saying her "group" wasn't sure yet in an attempt to get me to promise something, which is probably bullshit because not that many people came online during that time. I feel like she's certainly in the majority alliance, which I'll try to weasel myself into and hopefully end up in a better position post-Swap. She reminds me of a couple of people I played with before (not sure if I should give specific examples in confessionals) and hopefully I might be able to

> Rebecca -> Rebecca has only spoken to me in vague open strokes. She's the person I've spoken to the least and she doesn't want anything more strategic than "oh i love doing confessionals lol" -> which again, is probably bullshit judging on how quickly I'm catching up to her on post count. I think she's probably allied with Cecilia based on my convos with Flicka. I do find her constant emoji usage to be icon_redface though.

> Flicka -> Flicka in my opinion probably is the least likely to be sweetened Easter candy she seems to be out of it as well, she speaks in vague "good for the tribe" language, which will probably be "good" for me (even though I know we're swapping). She also mentioned that the two she would like out are Ozzy and Rebecca because they didn't take part in the last challenge -> which is weird because everybody has been unilaterally only mentioning Ozzy as the "other person we need to take out" which is strengthening the "Rebecca is a peep" theory

> Adam -> Adam seems cool. We've spoken in very basic strategy and it seems like he's trying to keep me in over Ozzy, which I'm pretty sure puts him into the very solid "Peep" camp.

> Stephannie -> I haven't spoken to her yet, but she's the only one to have a convo with Old Nate. She's leading on post count which I know means nothing because the first challenge could have been anything - but it's interesting.

> Ozzy -> probably the target. I know we're going to swap so I wouldn't be worried if I was him. He's been online in the bottom right corner but hasn't responded to any messages made by me though.

Nothing from JP or Candice. There is a constant mention of "people need to be online to change their votes" which I figure must be a reference to those two so I'd say at least one or both of them are "peeps".

But I'm assuming there are five peeps because without Nate 5 is needed for a majority. So far my theory is Cecillia+Adam+Rebecca+(Possibly Penner/JP/Candice/Stephannie). Ozzy and Flicka are out of it, which would mean one or two more people should be "out of it" as well.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Nate » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:13:07 pm

Stephannie replied with this: "hahahaa i was going to vote you out lol but now it's not you, Have you spoken to anyone?"
Yeah that kind of confirms that she's with the "peeps" I guess
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vitinho » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:14:30 pm

good luck bitch
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Nate » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:01:14 pm

I realized I'm Nate and should be saying "chop 'em up like poos" more often. Will attempt to do so. My goal is 100 by the end of this season, so if/when I get eliminated expect the tribal council to be spammed with that.
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